The following contains spoilers for Episode 11 of Tomodachi Game, "Do You Really Have Nothing You Care About?" now streaming on Crunchyroll.

The tenth episode rendered a whirlwind of emotions for the audience. Yuichi's thought-out plan was playing out well until it wasn't. Or so they thought.

The leader of Group K was revealed to have been Kei the entire time. Meanwhile, Maria appeared to have betrayed Yuichi by joining Group K unofficially. The third game ends after Group K locates Mikasa. Despite this, Yuichi's loss is uncertain, mainly because he is always ten steps ahead. So, what happened?

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The Winner of the Third Game


The eleventh episode opens with a scene between the groups. Manabu emerges suddenly and announces that the winner of the third game is Group C, startling everyone except Yuichi. Kei argues that Group K found the hider first and, as a result, should be the winner.

However, Manabu argues that finding the hider is not the only way to win the third game. Group K's fake group Captain, Juuzou, had pushed the give-up button before his team found Mikasa.

Before the End of the Game


Back when Group K was still searching for Mikasa while Yuichi was with a tied-up Hyakutaro, Yuichi informed his new teammate that he was going to win. Yuichi's claim and deranged grin stunned Hyakutaro, especially because Yuichi had been 'crying' on the ground just moments ago. Yuichi called Juuzou and instructed him to push the give-up button, clearly surprising him with the request. Naturally, like the loyal friend he is, Juuzou refused.

That is until Yuichi told him he was going to punch Hyakutaro until he pushed the button and surrendered. Juuzou believed he was bluffing until Yuichi put him on the phone. Despite Hyakutaro's attempts to reassure Juuzou that he was fine, Juuzou didn't believe him, but he told him to hold on just a bit longer because Group K was going to find Mikasa soon.

RELATED: Tomodachi Game: Episode 10 Review

Juuzou's resolve began to crumble when Yuichi threatened to break Hyakutaro's finger, which would ultimately impact his basketball performance. However, he remained strong and did not press the give-up button, leading Yuichi to break Hyakutaro's finger.

As Juuzou apologized, Yuichi threatened to break more of his friend's fingers until Juuzou pushed the button. Juuzou blew up on Yuichi, calling him 'scum,' before Yuichi told him he knew his debt was the reason Group K was playing the Tomodachi Game.

The Present


Kei seems a little surprised that Yuichi has figured out the owner of the debt. One of Yuichi's greatest strengths is analyzing people by studying their behavior and the things they say. Thus, it's no surprise that he discovered that Juuzou was the one behind the debt. Juuzou admits that his family business was in debt, and it was so bad that he would have to drop out of high school and work.

But Kei told him he would help him if he listened to his every word. Following this confession, Juuzou begins beating Yuichi until Hyakutaro intercepts. When Juuzou asks why he stopped him, considering Yuichi broke his finger, Juuzou realizes that he hadn't actually broken Hyakutaro's finger. Yuichi had broken his own finger. When Juuzou asks why Hyakutaro didn't tell him, Hyakutaro states that it was because Yuichi told him he would let Juuzou hit him as much as Yuichi hit him.

This is a rare moment that depicts Yuichi's humane side, considering most of what the audience has seen is a brilliant, albeit almost unhinged person. After Group K walks away, leaving Group C to talk, Yuichi finally tells Maria he knows she is with the Tomodachi Game management. He tells her to pass on the message to her superiors that he will "crush" all of them.

After the Tomodachi Game


After the third game, Manabu announces that the fourth game won't start immediately, so he will let Mikasa and Yuichi leave until then. This is as long as they keep the Tomodachi Game a secret and do not run away. Both Mikasa and Yuichi return to their school in search of Sawaragi to learn about the truth and whether she is at fault. However, instead of Sawaragi, they find Kokorogi in their class. She tells them that Sawaragi and Shibe have disappeared.

The Other Three


The viewers finally learn what happened with Sawaragi, Shibe, and Kokorogi when Yuichi and Mikasa were playing the third game. A week earlier, Manabu told the three that they were allowed to leave temporarily, as long as they didn't tell anyone about the game and did not run away. They agreed before Manabu notified them that their total debt was 10.8 million yen. After they were let out, they discovered that their classmates believed Sawaragi had stolen the school trip funds. This ultimately made them targets for immense bullying. Two days after Shibe offered to loan 2 million to the class, his father got arrested. As Yuichi and Mikasa listen to Kokorogi's recount of events, they assume Shibe had told his father about the Tomodachi Game.

When Yuichi and Mikasa rush to Shibe's house, they discover Shibe has been arrested. Following this encounter, they come across Kokorogi. This is where Yuichi decides to cut off their friendship for her safety, unbeknownst to Kokorogi. As the episode ends, Mikasa and Yuichi receive a phone call from an unknown caller about a 'special' Tomodachi Game, and they have Kokorogi.

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