
  • The Tomb Raider franchise faces an uncertain future with Embracer Group's mass cancellations and studio closures.
  • Embracer Group's aggressive approach to cutting costs by shutting down studios could impact the newly announced Tomb Raider game if its development struggles.
  • A longstanding and beloved IP like Tomb Raider will hopefully get the support it deserves from Embracer Group in the long-term.

Although it's a beloved franchise and a valuable IP, Tomb Raider could be in trouble, considering the unpredictable actions of Embracer Group. Embracer Group's mass production of games has made headlines in recent years, following a spending spree in the early 2020s, though the direction of the company is currently being called into question.

Embracer Group has acquired a number of Square Enix-owned brands and studios, including long-running legacy franchises like Deus Ex and Tomb Raider, in 2022. While all these acquisitions meant that the company was essentially sitting on a goldmine of gaming properties, it doesn't seem that the investments have paid off yet. If anything, Embracer Group might have bitten off more than it can chew, as it has canceled dozens of in-development games and shut down various studios, including Saints Row developer Volition. The company also laid off 8% of its cumulative workforce last year. Embracer Group CEO Lars Wingefors cited shareholder value as the impetus for these dramatic cuts.

5 Survival Mechanics That Should Be In The Next Tomb Raider Game

The Tomb Raider "Survivor Trilogy" dabbled with Survival game mechanics, but the next entry in the series should embrace Survival genre even further.

Embracer Group's Steamrolling Could Spell Bad News for Tomb Raider

Although Crystal Dynamics appears to be moving ahead with Tomb Raider, it's not clear what exactly the future holds for the franchise. The next chapter of the series has been tentatively titled Tomb Raider Next, and this title, along with Lara Croft's new character model, suggests that it could be something of a soft reboot, in spite of the success of last generation's Survivor trilogy. At the same time, Embracer Group's closure of Studio Onoma (the company behind the well-received mobile game Lara Croft Go) and the reported cancelation of an unannounced Deus Ex game suggest that anything is possible. Tomb Raider fans may want to be on the lookout.

Embracer Group Isn't Afraid to Cancel Games

Recent developments like Embracer's closure of the newly formed Campfire Cabal paint a picture of a company that won't hesitate to scrap any endeavors that threaten to be unprofitable. Volition is a good example of this; despite having a solid track record, the studio was closed by Embracer following the poorly received Saints Row reboot. This aggressive approach to slashing operation costs via closing subsidiary companies is not unheard of in the world of AAA gaming, though it is somewhat rare, especially when it comes to such valuable, recognizable IP.

Perhaps even more indicative of Embracer Group's corporate philosophy is that reported cancelation of a new Deus Ex game. While it may not be quite on the level of Tomb Raider when it comes to mainstream appeal, Deus Ex is still extremely popular, and a follow-up to 2016's Deus Ex: Mankind Divided would surely be a worthwhile pursuit. If Embracer Group did indeed pump the brakes on this project, it suggests that marketability and consumer demand aren't necessarily enough to save a game controlled by the conglomerate.

Why exactly an in-development Deus Ex game was canceled is unclear, and it's important to note that a number of factors, including issues with development or studio management, could have played a role in the decision.

Wingefors' comments about Embracer Group's priority being to "maximize shareholder value in any given situation" could be troubling, as they seem to indicate the company's focus on profit over product quality, studio integrity, and, arguably, long-term franchise health. Though Tomb Raider Next still appears to be in development, perceived threats to this "shareholder value", such as another failed Embracer Group business deal, could have a negative impact on the franchise as a whole. Hopefully, this won't go as far as an outright cancelation of the next Tomb Raider game, but a pivot in series identity, a decrease in scale and budget, or a reduction in the number of planned releases all seem conceivable and in line with Embracer Group's other business decisions.

Tomb Raider

Tomb Raider is one of the biggest names in action-adventure gaming. The series began in 1996 and has had three trilogies of games: the original trilogy, the legend trilogy, and the survivor trilogy, as well as a handful of other titles in-between.

The Tomb Raider series is led by protagonist Lara Croft, who is considered to be one of the most important female characters in gaming history.