When it was first released in 1996, the original Tomb Raider was a landmark entry in the early days of 3D gaming that also introduced the world to Lara Croft. Being one of the inspirations for the Uncharted games, Core Design's iconic title is still making waves to this day, especially since the series was rebooted in 2013. Though the installments have typically been three-dimensional, one fan has decided to remake the first entry as a 2D game.As spotted by GamesRadar, a user by the name of Delca has posted a brief clip of their project to Twitter, which shows the OG Tomb Raider from a different perspective. The video shows what is essentially the tutorial section of the upcoming 2D platforming remake. It's pretty impressive so far and even manages to retain the PS1-style visuals of the source material. Currently, there is no indication of when this reimagining, or perhaps a "demake" is more appropriate, will be coming out.RELATED: Big Tomb Raider Leak Gets More CredibilityIt's interesting that the original release is still being kept in the limelight after all these years, and this is not the only fan-made project that's made an appearance. Recently, someone decided to combine Super Mario 64 with Tomb Raider, in which the titular plumber is placed into Lara Croft's world. Given that these two games are contemporaries of another, having been released in the same year and both having had an impact on gaming in the 90s, it kind of makes sense that they've come together under the same roof.

The remake being done by Delca, who also creates their own Tomb Raider custom levels, is just one small drop in an ocean of fan projects that are taking some beloved games and reimagining what they would look like in different ways. This includes demaking a modern release to make it look more like something that came out decades ago. Then there's the other end of this, in which games that may have aged slightly are given a modern facelift, such as one fan remaking the original Resident Evil in Unreal Engine 5.

As for the first Tomb Raider game, its impact on the industry cannot be understated, especially considering it gave the gaming world one of the most important female protagonists, up there with the likes of Samus Aran and Jill Valentine. It will be interesting to see Delca's 2D remake of this cherished PlayStation release.

The original Tomb Raider was released in 1996 for the PlayStation and Sega Saturn.

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Source: GamesRadar