
  • The fourth episode of Tokyo Revengers: Tenjiku Arc reveals the real traitor within Toman's ranks, Yasuhiro Muto, who is a member of the S-62 Generation and a close ally of Izana.
  • Mucho's plan is to unite Kokonoi's talent for making money, Kisaki's intelligence, and Mikey's charisma to create the most powerful criminal syndicate in history.
  • Takemichi, with renewed purpose, vows to save Toman and refuses to let Tenjiku take any of his subordinates, accepting Inui's challenge to lead the Eleventh Generation Black Dragons as Toman's First Division Captain.

The following contains spoilers for Episode 4 of Tokyo Revengers: Tenjiku Arc, "Come Back To Life," now streaming on Disney+.

Successive cliffhangers have culminated in what could be the first real turning point for the conflict between the Tokyo Manji Gang and Tenjiku, in the fourth episode of Tokyo Revengers: Tenjiku Arc titled "Come Back To Life." Where the previous episode saw Takemichi captured by Yasuhiro Muto, the Fifth Division Captain of the Tokyo Manji Gang, this one delved into the S-62 Generation's connection to Tenjiku.

At the end of the first episode of Tokyo Revengers: Tenjiku Arc, Takemichi's childhood friend Kakucho — currently one of Tenjiku's Four Heavenly Kings — warned of a traitor within Toman's ranks. The suspense around this statement finally reached its boiling point in this episode, as important secrets about Tenjiku and Izana finally came to light. With this, Takemichi now finally knows who to put his faith in while carrying out his mission, finding a renewed sense of purpose from within the depths of despair.

RELATED: Tokyo Revengers: What Is Yokohama Tenjiku?

Unveiling The Real Traitor

Inui Kokonoi Takemichi Muto Tokyo Revengers Tenjiku

While Takemichi was stewing in utter confusion at seeing both Seishu Inui (Inupi) and Hajime Kokonoi (Koko) bound before him, Yasuhiro Muto — commonly known as Mucho — explained how his Division in the Tokyo Manji Gang was afforded special privileges. This was primarily due to Mucho's exceptional prowess in combat, which led to him being given the power weed out dissent in the group. He noted that Mikey had given him full authority to start internal disputes, and this was why both Mikey and Draken had arrived to save Takemichi from Kiyomasa and his betting ring.

Takemichi began to fear that he was the subject of Mucho's suspicions, to which Inui chimed in, stating that it might be a consequence of his own associations with Izana, back when he was a member of the Black Dragons. Inui then proceeded to reason that it was only natural for Mucho to suspect the three of them, as Takemichi was their commanding officer, who had brought him and Kokonoi into the Tokyo Manji Gang, after the downfall of the Tenth Generation Black Dragons in the Christmas Showdown Arc.

However, Inui then proceeded to reaffirm his loyalty to Toman, vouching for Takemichi in the process. In response, Mucho said that his role in the organization had nothing to do with the trio's current predicament. To Takemichi's horror, Inui shared that Mucho was actually a member of the S-62 Generation and a close ally of Izana, back when they were in reform school. Mucho validated this claim, stating that he had chosen his path on hearing that Izana was back, revealing himself to be one of Tenjiku's founding members, and the real traitor in their midst.

The Beginnings Of A Real Crime Syndicate

Izana Mucho Tokyo Revengers Tenjiku-1

Rendered completely speechless, Takemichi recalled that Mucho was the only one among Toman's Division Captains who had not been attacked as part of Tenjiku's assault, as he bore no injuries during the emergency meeting. As everything clicked, Takemichi realized what Kakucho's words had meant, and demanded to know what Mucho was after. Without betraying any sense of agitation, Mucho calmly expressed his regret for not having met Mikey earlier, and proceeded to state that he had now pledged his loyalty to Izana.

Completely clueless to the reason behind Mucho's abduction of them, Takemichi could muster no response when Mucho asked him why Taiju Shiba, leader of the Tenth Generation Black Dragons, had recruited Kokonoi. The reason, as per Mucho, was due to Kokonoi's talent for making money. This rang another bell in Takemichi's mind, as he remembered Taiju referring to Kokonoi as Toman's wallet in the future, realizing that he was destined to handle the gang's finances.

RELATED: Old Rivalries Resurface In Tokyo Revengers: Tenjiku Arc

Going further into Izana's plan, Mucho explained that Kokonoi was unlikely to abandon his close friend Inui, and they both presently worked under Takemichi, which is why he had gathered them all there. By uniting Kokonoi's talent as a treasurer, Kisaki's intelligence, and Mikey's charisma, Izana sought to create the most powerful criminal syndicate in history. Hearing this, Takemichi realized that this was his chance to save Toman, and he stood up, proclaiming that he would not back down until Mucho killed him, refusing to let Tenjiku take any of his subordinates.

Following In Shinichiro's Footsteps

Takemichi Inui Tokyo Revengers Tenjiku

Mucho assured Takemichi that he had no chance of prevailing to which the latter replied that winning was not his objective. This startled Inui, who was immediately reminded of Shinichiro Sano. As Mucho began to brutally punch Takemichi, Inui rushed to back him up, only to be knocked out himself. Seeing Mucho savagely beating his friends senseless, Kokonoi's resolve broke down, and he begged him to stop, declaring that he would do anything Tenjiku wanted him to.

Waking up in a pile of garbage, Takemichi recalled Inui's loyalty to him, as the latter regained consciousness. Carrying Inui on his back, Takemichi vowed to save him no matter what. This was met by a chuckle from Inui, who took Takemichi to the hideout he shared with Kokonoi. As the two began to patch up their injuries, Inui dramatically fell to his knees and implored Takemichi to lead the Eleventh Generation Black Dragons, pleading with him to save Koknoi.

After regaining his composure, Inui revealed that they were actually in the space that had previously been Shinichiro Sano's bike shop. Inui looked up to Shinichiro, and marveled at the respect he commanded from all delinquents, who had seen his shop as a safe haven. He had only joined the Black Dragons to follow in Shinichiro's footsteps, but had the misfortune of encountering the Eighth Generation led by Izana, which was a far more sinister and violent gang.

In his desperatation to reform the gang in Shinichiro's image after returning from juvenile detention, Inui later turned to Taiju Shiba, which proved to be another grave mistake. Seeing Inui's despair, Takemichi lamented his own failures, but his rejuvenated commitment on finding a new ally in Inui, led him to announce that would accept Inui's challenge to lead the Eleventh Generation Black Dragons as Toman's First Division Captain, and subsequently save Kokonoi in the process. Ending on a high, the fourth episode of Tokyo Revengers: Tenjiku Arc shed light on many of Season 3's pressing questions while illuminating a faint ray of hope to lead Takemichi towards the future that he envisions.

MORE: Fall 2023 Preview: Tokyo Revengers: Tenjiku Arc