Sometimes, it's nice to have an adventure where there is no major conflict that is hanging over the player. That is what makes Toem such a delightful exploration game. Players go on a journey through multiple areas and take photos of various landmarks and individuals.

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Along the way, it is encouraged to help the residents of these regions with specific camera-based quests. Doing so will earn entry to other areas on the journey to discover the most beautiful sight in the game. But while Toem is meant to be easy to learn, there are some ideas to keep in mind while playing.

8 Flip Rotation and Zoom On Controller

The Toem option screen, highlighting "On" for "Swap Look & Zoom Input"

If players are experiencing the game on console, or prefer to play the game on PC with a controller, it is worth considering some of the options that the game offers in terms of changing specific inputs. One notable option that may be worth looking into: Flipping Rotation and Zoom.

While out in the world, players would use the right stick to move the camera and the left to move the character. Once in photo mode, the left stick moves the camera around and the right stick zooms in. Because this could be confusing for some people, it is worth going to the menu and flipping these to make for a smoother gameplay experience.

7 Keep Track Of The Animals

A monkey hanging out on a fence in Toem

While traveling to the different towns, players will notice all the subjects that they can photograph. Pretty much all living beings and objects can be focused on and be the main subject of the photo. But while there are quests that say exactly what to photograph, there is a whole section of the album dedicated to animals.

Referred to as the compendium, players can look through the book and see both the name of an animal and the location it is listed in. All that needs to be done is to simply look for the animal in the area, take a photo, and it will be added in the special place in the compendium. Getting all the animals can garner multiple achievements.

6 Look Out For Cosmic Cubes

A photo taken in Toem that highlights a Cosmic Cube

Keeping an eye out for interesting details around the area is important for Toem as it may lead to secrets that are necessary to find to complete quests. One common object that will be found in multiple areas in the game is the Cosmic Cube.

These strange, sci-fi boxes are unique in that they trigger events that will lead to potential photo opportunities or give the player entry to a location that was previously hidden. They can be activated by simply snapping a photo of them. If successful, there should be a star above the option to save the photo and start the cutscene.

5 Wear Ghost Glasses At All Times

The main character of Toem wearing "Ghost Glasses"

When making a left at the hotel in Oaklaville and keep heading in that direction, the main character will run into an angry skeleton that gives them a pair of sunglasses. He claims he is fed up with dealing with the ghosts he sees using those glasses.

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Wearing these glasses is a very important aspect of the game as it opens the player up to quests by various ghosts across multiple areas in the game. By completing ghost quests, it leads to the ghosts being satisfied with the result and being able to pass on to the other side.

4 Use Tripod To Catch Shy Subjects

The main character of Toem standing in front of their tripod

While not available right from the start, players will eventually be given a tool that can be crucial for certain quests later on in Toem: a tripod. Just like a tripod in real life, this tool is used to prop the camera up on a stand, allowing the character to move away from their character and still be able to capture from their previous position.

This is especially helpful when trying to capture shy creatures, such as the monsters required to complete the "Monsters Spotted" questline. Moving away from the camera while it's on the tripod allows these creatures to show themselves without the character present. When looking for these opportunities, look for swirls that seem out of place and mysterious.

3 Filters Are Fun But Aren't Necessary

The Zoom filter and the Inverted filter used on a photo of a bird with a chef hat in Toem

Players will become familiar with two characters that will appear in each area offering the player challenges that will earn them stamps. There is a base of operations for these individuals, which is located in the first section of Stanhamn.

It is here where players can check their status with challenges and talk to an individual who will give the player access to filters. Taking a photo with a filter will earn one stamp, but beyond that, these filters are purely for fun and are not required for much else in the game. Still, there are some great effects that could be worth using for aesthetic purposes.

2 Use Camera For Both Photos And Spotting

A worm sticking its head out of a birdhouse in Toem

There are two crucial ways to solve quests in this game, and it is important to keep them in mind as it may become frustrating to think that a quest needs to be solved one way when it is the other way around. The two methods are taking photos and simply looking at subjects.

The easiest way to know the difference is to simply look at an object through the camera. If a pair of eyes appear and a circle begins to form, that means something will happen the moment the circle fills and that will likely progress the quest. When this doesn't happen, snap a photo instead.

1 Don't Worry About How The Photo Looks

The main bus attendant waving at the camera in Toem

Similar to how filters are nice but don't need to be included when completing quests, players generally will not have to worry about how their photos are coming out. Toem is not about making sure a photo is perfect. It simply wants the player to complete the task and not worry about much else.

The only major thing to keep in mind is how the subject fits into a photo and if the character is being focused on when it is taken. This is just to help the game identify what is in the photo so that way it can reward a stamp for a job well done. This game is about being chill and it welcomes everyone, regardless of photography skill.

Toem is available now on PlayStation 5, Nintendo Switch, and PC.

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