The impact of Nintendo's Legend of Zelda series is hard to overstate. From iconic mechanics and sound design to imaginative dungeons, the series' influence is palpable and references are frequent. The indie scene has thrived with Zelda-likes, from early examples like The Binding of Isaac featuring dungeon layouts akin to the NES original to Andrew Shouldice's recent success Tunic. Games like A Link to the Past, Link's Awakening, and Majora's Mask are cornerstones that Pocket Llama's Toasty: Ashes of Dusk pays homage to.

This action-adventure RPG is seeking funding through Kickstarter - though it hit the initial $25,000 USD goal under three hours after its campaign launched on March 29. Zelda games are not Toasty's only inspiration; its crowdfunding page also names Pokemon and Final Fantasy, among others. Yet director Justin "Dooper" East said the idea originated from its team wanting to "scratch that itch" with Zelda-like RPGs. Game ZXC spoke to East about Toasty's blend of influences contributing to a title fitting its team's personalities.

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How Toasty: Ashes of Dusk Stands Apart

pocket llamas justin dooper east april 2022 interview

Toasty: Ashes of Dusk is Pocket Llama's debut venture, starting with just two developers and fluctuating before landing on its current team of six: East, narrative director and concept artist Ivy Jade Weaver, art director Brian Farrar, composer Maya Oliveira, programmer Faulty Functions, and community manager Tanya "Tannyerz" Courtney. East said the group consists of friends, like him and Farrar who work on East's "low-poly Llama VTuber" night gig; or friends-of-friends, like Oliveira being brought in on a recommendation; but this is the first time they've done a bigger project. Pocket Llama's connection with publisher Top Hat Studios also came from mutual connections with East, who feels "they're a good bunch of dorks."

In establishing the concept for Toasty, East said the team had a ton of ideas but wanted to avoid feature creep. Creating a Zelda-like RPG with a marshmallow knight (spawned from East's inability to draw a head) became its core, but to stand out from similar indie ventures Pocket Llama is focusing on mechanics "that are often overlooked." For example, he points to the monkey trading quest in Link's Awakening that may not be key to the plot, but "makes the game that much more fun."

"What we want to do with Toasty is take what made those classic games memorable to us and create something unique."

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Toasty is a Sum of Many Parts

Despite trying to avoid feature creep, Toasty: Ashes of Dusk leverages its variety of inspirations to create something of a genre mashup. For example, there will be some puzzle-platforming elements via Marshmallow Abilities inspired by Mario & Luigi: Superstar Saga, with protagonist Marshall able to squish down and fit through tight spaces, or roll like a wheel. These abilities can also be utilized in its real-time combat.

Another selling point for the game is how it will shift into "different genre moments" fitting its "weird" vibe, many tied to boss battles. A Final Fantasy-style turn-based battle against The Judge will reward players with The Trash Masher item, which is a gavel that becomes a hammer in Marshall's much smaller grip - a play on the ball and chain from Twilight Princess, according to East. Even more content is promised through achieved stretch goals on Kickstarter, such as a "Toasty Dating Sim."

The game's mix of styles is built around a "classic" formula, in which players learn about their new abilities or items from encounters like bosses, then are encouraged to backtrack and explore areas they clocked earlier. Toasty's progression is linear, according to East, "but you never know." There may also be plans to hire more help for programming after the Kickstarter ends, that way the team can keep its "over-the-top" ambitions. Still, the director is most excited for people to see the story Pocket Llamas is telling, one that's inspired by games like Earthbound but has "become a part of us," conveying the humor of the "bunch of jokesters" pouring themselves into it.

"Game development is hard. But it’s not impossible! I made the original build of Toasty learning from YouTube and online courses. If you want to make a game, go out there and make that game. We all have a story to tell, and life is about finding what medium we will use to tell it."

Toasty: Ashes of Dusk is in development for PC, PS4, PS5, Switch, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S. Its Kickstarter lasts until April 28, 2022.

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Source: Kickstarter