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Season two, episode thirteen, "The Wise Man's Identity", finally reveals Fushi as a coming savior for Renril! Until then, the audience gets a quick look at Eko's development and how she is adapting to living at Renril. The episode begins with Eko being harassed by two boys while running by herself holding two pots. Fushi saves her in the form of a dog, and Eko happily holds out one of the pots that's full of food. Fushi happily tucks in but is quick to start gagging on the horrible food. Kahaku catches up and chastises Eko for leaving him behind, but Fushi chastises him right back for not properly taking care of Eko because Eko can't do anything on her own.

Messar shows off a map of the castle that he finally got from the princess, and he and the others focus on the nine waterways in and out of the castle. Eko is seen listening nearby, holding on to her little pot. Fushi is still building more houses, and Kahaku and Eko come and visit the group, asking them to come home for dinner. Fushi had already made a meal though because they couldn't afford to lose time by running back to their house. Kahaku expresses some concern for Fushi's health, specifically his lack of sleep, but Fushi says he just makes a new body when he needs to rest. Kahaku rounds on Bon and the others, accusing them of working Fushi too hard as he believes Fushi has a right to a human life as well. Bon says that this is something only Fushi can do. He also asks if Kahaku is still willing to do what only he could do. Fushi tells Kahaku he'll take the night off, much to the other man's happiness.

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Eko, Helping


Eko is the one who discovers the lie. Fushi left an empty body behind in his bed in order to sneak out and keep working; Eko figures it out when that body wasn't breathing. Meanwhile, Fushi seems to be getting tired, as when he's done rebuilding new infrastructure, he just collapses onto the ground.

While Kahaku is busy cooking and Fushi is busy making buildings, Eko runs around Renril. She gets to know some Renril citizens as she runs around the soldier training grounds, their armory, and starts helping move debris. She hears some other people comment on how cloudy the water from their well is and how it's getting to the point that they need to bring it up to the castle. Eko runs down into the underground waterways under the castle that Messar showed them where she sees a collapse. She quickly runs back out and gets the attention of a kind man she'd been working with.

Later, we see Eko running up to Fushi after he just built another building, and he turns into her brother in order to understand what she's trying to say. Using the abilities of her kind, Fushi sees that she and Kahaku had made all of Fushi's favorite foods for dinner. He quickly runs home with her only to find out that Eko lied, and there's just a nice soup for dinner. Kahaku mentions that since the water issue was cleaned, they're having this. Fushi mildly comments on it, and Kaku tells him that Eko found the problem with the waterways, and everyone in town is praising her.

Fushi settles down and eats his dinner, and Kahaku proudly tells him that Eko made it. Fushi concludes that the reason her food tasted so bad before was because of that bad water. This reminds Fushi of when he was younger and living with Gugu and the Booze Man, and he himself couldn't cook. It was even at this very same table. Fushi smiles, proud of himself and proud of Eko. Fushi thanks her and calls her amazing.

Fushi Building Houses

to your eternity - fushi building homes

Meanwhile, in other parts of Renril, as people move back into their newly rebuilt houses, they notice the membrane that Fushi leaves behind on their furniture and food. They confront Bon about it, and while he assures them that the membrane is nothing dangerous, the people are not assuaged. Bon and Kai are both aware that it's only a matter of time before people find out about Fushi.

As Fushi is making his way around town, he comments on how hyperactive his empathy is in this huge city. He's so aware of any element of happiness or pain. He can't help himself from bursting into someone's home and doctoring up the woman who just fell even if her confused daughter didn't know how to react. He's moving away debris, he's rescuing cats, he's helping out anyway he can, but Fushi is aware that he can't help everyone.

Messar is still playing that same game with the princess, and he asks for her to plan a festival for the soldiers in order for them to take a day off to rebuild the walls. She agrees, and everyone has a good time while Fushi creates gigantic guard walls. They have two months before the Nokkers attack. The next day, people wonder how the wall that was just torn down is standing back up again.

The soldier Kamu has convinced Fushi to spar with him for a martial arts competition as Nando. They spar, and it's fun and lighthearted until another soldier notices the tripping hazard that is the piece of rope Fushi is using to stay connected to the rest of Renril. Fushi abandons Nando's body to stop the soldier from cutting his lifeline, leaving Nando's body getting a cut on its' face. Fushi returns to Nando's body, and everyone is concerned for him because he randomly collapsed and is hurt. Fushi says he's fine, and everyone can see the cut on his face heal itself.

Fushi, Caught


Fushi refuses to be caught like he was with the Church of Bennett, but it's too late for secrecy. Some soldiers know of Fushi, and they are determined to discover the truth. A whole hoard of them storm towards Fushi's reconstruction, steamrolling Bon who tries to stop them. Fushi has just finished rebuilding more of the outer wall when the soldiers officially catch him, calling him the famous immortal demon.

Fushi doesn't care about his discovery, too focused on building the next part of the wall, regardless of him throwing up from the strain. Kamu tries to do damage control, pointing out that Fushi works for the princess, but things get pushy. Fushi then comes to address the crowd himself, and he dares them to sell him out to the church, promising that no prison or hot iron could hold him anymore. He proves his identity by shifting into different forms, leaving the crowd to continue working after healing Kamu's hurt arm.

The soldiers stand there for a moment before a few of them peep up with how the visages that Fushi wore had been helping them all with their injuries or homes. Kamu points out that they have always known there was something mysterious about this all in the first place.

The next day, when Fushi returns to work, he does it in his stand form of the Nameless Boy. He expects confrontation, but while people do eye him, no one does anything. He has permission by the people of Renril to help. Messar even tells him that in this town, Fushi is their savior.

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