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To Your Eternity season two, episode twelve, "Secret Behind the Veil", shows are heroes struggling to amass trust in the city of Renril. With the three warriors, Messar, Kai, and Hairo, all going their own way to build trust, Fushi is more interested in steamrolling his way through the people - literally.

The episode begins with a flashback; a young Messar and Princess Alme of Renril are currently playing that same game Kai taught Fushi in the prior episode. Messar asks why her face is covered, and Alme tells him it's to hide her face from people she doesn't trust. Alme asks Messar if he plays with her because he wants to marry her and become king, and sense he was losing so badly, she promised that if he ever beat her at this game, she'd grant one wish. Princess Alme's attendants appear and berate her for playing with a servant's son, and the flashback ends.

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Hairo & Tasette

to your eternity - hairo

In present day, Fushi is hosting Bon, Kahaku, Eko, Messar, Kai, and Hairo at the Booze Man's old home, explaining that he used to live here with some people. He names everyone but Gugu because a Nokker had stolen his memory away. Sense Fushi rebuilt the watermill, the people in the town are also coming to his door, asking him to rebuild their homes. Fushi agrees, much to Bon's surprise, but the ex-prince soon learns that Fushi is using a bit of rope to connect him to all the buildings he's rebuilding.

By making use of his new powers, Fushi is assimilation Renril as an extension of his own body like he did with the ship. Kai scheduling what houses need to be destroyed when even though they're going too slow to fully protect Renril before the Nokker deadline. Hairo is training with Renril's soldiers in order to build camaraderie, and Messar . . . is still losing at that game.

Fushi watches Hairo train with the soldiers once, feeling every scrap and punch through his empathy power, and getting frustrated over how useless swords are probably going to be against the Nokkers. Hairo dislocates his shoulder during a spar and makes a show of leaving over the seriousness of this injury. While in the privacy of his own home, he calmly sets everything to rights, and Fushi, having spied on him as a dog, comments on it.

Fushi asks Hairo to tell him a bit about himself, and Hairo begins his story with having his teeth pulled. He grew up in a Church of Bennett sanctuary, having been left there because he was supposedly possessed, although he didn't know that. He could only eat soft food, could only go outside every once in a while, and only spoke to once nun who was his adoptive mother, Tasette. Despite all that, Hairo had a happy childhood. He played hard and loved Tasette, and it was only when he saw a sleeping Bennett guard after a sermon that he thought of being a warrior in the first place.

Tasette supports this, and eventually gives him a set of false, wooden teeth that allows him to eat bread and expand his world a little. Not long after that, however, Tasette disappears, and a new adoptive mother appears. When Hairo demands to know what happened to her, the nun says she sinned and was suitably punished. She then gifts him with a new set of false teeth - real teeth - that came from Tasette herself. Hairo eventually grew up to be a swordsman who was there during the Nokker attack on the Church of Bennett. It was there that Bon found him and invited him to save Renril.

Hairo thinks of how showing weakness is sometimes the only thing you can do, whether its a good thing or not. He's weak, he's not strong, and he's pretty upfront about that. Fushi and Hairo are surprised when a Renril soldier, who came to check on Hairo after he seemed so hurt, commented that if you know someone is weak, then you can help them. Fushi tries to be comforting by saying if anything happens, he will protect Renril, and the same soldier, Kamu, rounds of Fushi in a fury because now he sounds patronizing. Kamu wants to learn how to protect the things he loves, not piggyback off of others.

Tasette's Last Gift


Messar is still trying to get the castle blueprints out of Princess Alme, but she has informed him that she still doesn't trust him with that yet, even if they did know each other as children. Messar is teasing and nonchalant, and Alme allows it. At dinner, Kai comments on how they're running behind schedule with tearing down houses, and if they had the princess' help, it could go faster. Fushi is still peeved by Messar only being focused on that stupid game, and Bon volunteers some information about him.

Bon thinks Messar might be royalty of some kind sense they met when they were young at an exclusive party his mother hosted. He's allowed certain privileges here in Renril. When they were children, Bon wanted Messar to marry Princess Alme, so Renril and Uralis could be allies. Fushi takes that information, and then goes to return to work, destroying and building houses. As the sun rises the next day, Fushi falls asleep for a moment.

Messar's Challenge

to your eternity - messar

At the palace, Messar challenges Princess Alme to the game he had been practicing, reminding her that she promised to grant him a wish if he wins. She agrees, and they play right then and there on the floor.

Fushi wakes up to the townspeople asking him to move, so they can clear some rubble. Fushi awakens to find that under the princess' decree, the townspeople are tearing their own houses down. The princess lost the game with Messar, and she reminds him that this is keeping a promise, not actually winning her trust, which takes time. He responds by blowing her veil out of her face, seeing her for the first time.

As the princess leaves in embarrassment, Messar tells Bon and Fushi that he is the bastard son of King of Renril, making Alme his half-sister. She doesn't know that, and he'd prefer to keep it that way; he's only here helping because he wants to protect her. As he leaves, Fushi asks if he loves Alme, and Messar tells him to give him a break. However, Fushi can feel though his empathy those feelings being present.

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