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To Your Eternity season two, episode eleven, "The Value of Flesh", picks up with our merry band of defenders preparing to enter the city of Renril in order to prepare for the Nokker attack in a years time. Fushi, Eko, and Kahaku are enjoying lunch and talking philosophy about Nokker communication. Apparently, according to Kahaku's arm, Nokkers communicate through images instead of words. There is an awkaward moment between Kahaku and Fushi, naturally, in which Kahaku thanks Fushi for going through so much to save him sense the Nokkers made their threat against Kahaku and the traitor in his arm. Fushi doesn't really connect the two and mildly corrects Kahaku that he's trying to save everyone, heedless to the sound of Kahaku's heartbreaking.

In Uralis, Bon's little brother addresses their troops, proposing a series of questions about their beliefs, loyalties, and whether you are willing to die in the upcoming battle. After Bon talks to his two ghostly companions, asking why they stayed instead of moving on. They give him a classic 'unfinished business' line but follow it up with how Bon is the reason they stay now. Bon worries over how this trickery on his behalf concerning Fushi's promised 'immortal warriors' would turn out when a solider approaches and addresses him by his true identity as prince. Bon recognizes this soldier as Kai Renald Rawle, and he is surprised that a man with an ill father would be willing to partake in what is probably going to be a suicide mission. Kai explains that his loyalty is to the crown and to Fushi, who's deeds he has witnessed, and his father had succumbed to his illness not to long ago.

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Bon's Selection

to your eternity - allies

They are joined by a former guard from the Church of Bennett named Hairo Rich, stepping in to defend Bon's identity as the executed prince by pointing out that Fushi can raise the dead. Many people are starting to doubt that Fushi is imprisoned any more anyway. Pocoa comes to rescue Bon, but her elder brother actually clarifies that he had been meaning to speak to these two.

He leaves Uralis with them, waving goodby to Iris and Chabo, showing that Kai and Hairo are two out of the three 'immortal' warriors he is bringing to Fushi. The last one is actually in Renril, a man named Messar, who they interrupt in the middle of a threesome.

Whenever Bon meets up with Fushi, Eko, and Kahaku, he defends his choice to Kahaku, stating that all three are worthy of trust. Bon then tells Fushi point-blank that he should look at these three as new vessels since he keeps losing his in combat. Fushi is affronted and the two instantly fight. Fushi has always felt guilty about using the people he cared about as weapons that he could lose, and Bon snaps back that if Fushi isn't willing to do everything to save everyone, that's the same as leaving them to die.

Bon and Fushi Fight


They're still fighting when introduced to Renril's princess. She is a little apprehensive about the lack of numbers but is willing to work with them. Fushi steamrolls over her in demands for a complete layout of her castle's interior, and while the princess allows such disrespect, she tells him that any trust he wishes to get must come from the people themselves. Her lack of cooperation infuriates him, and Fushi prepares to go out on his own to demand information out of the people. Kai stops him by convincing him to play a game that Messar was losing at a few seconds ago.

This game is similar to Goh, with capturing different white and black pieces. Kai comments astutely that if you're too aggressive in the beginning of the game, it becomes extremely easy to lose later. While playing, Fushi asks how Kai got his facial scar, and Kai gives a bit of his history to Fushi.

He grew up with his father and sick grandmother, and while young, his father would beat him quiet horribly. Kai would limply wait for something to put him out of his misery, and when Nokker's attacked and leveled his village, he thought he would get his wish. But, surprisingly, he and his entire family survived. Soon, and young Prince Bon swoops in and invites everyone to live in the Uralis capital, and Kai runs away to the army.

As time wears on, he has the privilege of feeling ridiculous about how he felt when he was young, and as his own father lay on his deathbed, Kai was able to let it all go. Fushi ponders this story when Bon walks up, causing him to leave. Eko then turns Fushi's attention towards a broken down building, that Fushi and Kai go to investigate.

Fushi's Immortal Warriors

fushi's immortal warriors

And old watermill had rotten foundations, and it had finally collapsed. Fushi confirms that he had folded this building into his senses, and he tells the family living there that as long as they put up a cover for them to work and if Fushi could have the space behind their mill. The townspeople all get together and cover the site, and, naturally, Fushi constructs it in one night.

When it is revealed to the public the next day everyone is in awe. The princess hears word of this and is pleasantly surprised by them already winning the people's trust. Behind the watermill, Fushi built a building no one but him would recognize: the store he, Gugu, and the old man all lived in together. The episode ends with him assuming the old man's form and sitting behind the counter, quietly indulging in the past.

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