Over the last few years, 8-bit side scrollers have been making a comeback. They are often more challenging than most modern games, but they are pretty simple to play. Additionally, not every game in this space plays the same, which allows them to be more unique. The classic beat-em-up genre is the most popular way for these side-scrollers to be played out. Games of this type have a ton of enemies on screen at once, forcing players to go through hordes by fighting their way through. One of the best characters to adopt this genre is games centered around the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.

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With TMNT: Shredder's Revenge out in the wild, players can enjoy a game that changed the beat-em-up genre for the better. Playing as one of the turtles is cool and fun, but playing with them with friends makes it better. This makes TMNT: Shredder's Revenge a co-op game, but unlike most modern co-op games, there are things players should know before jumping in.

5 Limited Lives

tmnt turtles about to fight shredder

This element is normal in most, if not all side scrollers. It forces players to improve themselves, because when they run out of lives, they have to restart the stage or game. TMNT: Shredder's Revenge gives each player 3 lives at the start. Since players will be going up against hordes of enemies, losing lives is possible.

The most important thing is to fight strategically, and that is by picking characters based on what players need. This gives players many ways to fight, and to be more creative with taking down enemies. When playing co-op, TMNT: Shredders Revenge becomes easy, since each player is doing something to help. If all players are present for most of the game, getting through it becomes enjoyable.

4 Most Characters Are Unlocked From The Start

tmnt the turtles lined up

This is great for players who just recently got into TMNT: Shredder's Revenge, because it allows the game to be the fullest possible experience at the get-go. Since most characters are unlocked right out of the gate, it's possible to spend more time playing and progressing rather than looking for the character to unlock. Plus, when playing with friends, each player will already have someone waiting for them, from the turtles to the supporting cast.

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While players get six characters at the start of TMNT: Shredder's Revenge, they have the ability to unlock a seventh, Casey Jones. This gives players a reason to look for secrets if they choose to. Having all the characters unlocked at the start allows players to experiment, making the game more fun to play. Since some characters are better than others, players can quickly figure out how and who they want to play with all characters available.

3 Six Players At A Time

tmnt the turtles and other characters ready to fight

TMNT: Shredder's Revenge features co-op for up to 6 players. This is unique, since most side-scrollers have 2 or 4 co-op. On paper, this many players might sound chaotic, but in practice, it's really fun. With each player doing something, the game becomes fluid and compelling to play. And since each character has their own strength and weakness, each stage will be different.

6 players does feel like a lot, but the stages and levels are large enough, and the action does not get overwhelming. In some cases, this may seem overbearing, but because each character is distinct enough in what they're doing, players won't get confused. The 6 player co-op makes TMNT: Shredder's Revenge more exciting because of the chaos. The best part is that it's controlled, so nothing will throw players out of the experience.

2 Crossplay Is Only Available On Certain Platforms

tmnt all playable characters jump out of tv station window

As more allow players to play with friends no matter the platform, it makes sense for TMNT: Shredder's Revenge to do this as well. Most games in the modern age allows players to play with other players and a wider scope of platforms; however, in the case of Shredder's Revenge, it's rather limited. Users of the Xbox family can play with users on PC, which is great because now players have a large base to play with.

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Unfortunately, this leaves PlayStation and Nintendo users out of the mix. Although this may change at a later date, it would be great to have all platforms unlocked, so TMNT: Shredder's Revenge can have a massive base at launch.

1 Local and Online Co-Op

tmnt leonardo and april oneil fighting enemies

This is a great addition to TMNT: Shredder's Revenge because it gives players more options on how to play with friends. Local co-op allows players to go through some of the best levels in the game, all while being in the same room. Plus, TMNT: Shredder's Revenge is balanced in its length, and so getting through the game with players all there is quite fun. Going online has pros too. Since the TMNT: Shredder's Revenge is all about having each character have their own presence, co-op design feels better that way.

While the game does offer a solo mode, players should opt for the multiplayer section, regardless of which way they choose to do it. All the best parts of TMNT: Shredder's Revenge happens when all players are engaging. It also makes the game less stressful on players, with so many enemies attacking at once. It always feels good knowing that friends are there for backup.

TMNT: Shredder's Revenge is available now on: Xbox Series X/S, Xbox One, PS5, PS4, Nintendo Switch, and PC.

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