
  • Titanfall 2's campaign was highly praised for its variation, offering unique gameplay experiences in each mission.
  • The mission involving time-travel is widely considered one of the best, showcasing the game's great core components and variety in design.
  • Titanfall 3 would have a tough time surpassing the excellence of Titanfall 2's campaign, as expectations are now very high.

Back in March 2014, almost a whole decade ago now, Respawn Entertainment released the first Titanfall to some very positive reviews. A unique blend of fast parkour, tight gunplay, and mech combat, Titanfall felt like a truly next-generation game at the time, though it definitely wasn't perfect, with many fans criticizing the game's lack of content, specifically its lack of any substantial single-player modes. Then Titanfall 2 came along, and those criticisms were soon dashed completely.

Delivering a surprisingly excellent campaign, along with another great multiplayer component, Titanfall 2 was a big critical hit, and it's only natural that fans want more. So, as Titanfall 2's 7th birthday approaches, fans are paying very close attention to Respawn's activities, and some even believe that the developer has something Titanfall-related ready to be announced, with Titanfall 2 recently receiving some big patches and playlist refreshes. But, in the unlikely event that Titanfall 3 does get announced, it's already got a tough road ahead of itself trying to outdo its predecessor's great campaign.

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Titanfall 3 Would Have a Tough Time Trying to Top Titanfall 2's Campaign

Titanfall 2 Single Player Campaign

When Titanfall 2 came out, its campaign quickly became the talk of the industry, and a big point of praise was its variation. Titanfall 2 hit store shelves just a year after Halo 5: Guardians, Call of Duty: Black Ops 3, and Star Wars Battlefront. While these games were of varying quality, one common point of criticism among them was their disappointing single-player modes. In comparison, Titanfall 2 felt like a breath of fresh air, with each mission offering some kind of unique gameplay.

Titanfall 2 sees players work their way through various environments, blasting enemies away with a variety of weapons, abilities, and of course, their trusty mech companion BT-7274. But the big hook of Titanfall 2's campaign is that each mission holds something different to experiment with or work around. For instance, one mission will see players make their way through a forest filled with enemy mechs, while another will see them parkouring through a factory that's in the process of building prefab houses, and another involves defending an outpost against waves of enemies. Whether it's a new obstacle, weapon, ability, or environment, every mission in Titanfall 2 feels distinct.

Of course, the most famous Titanfall 2 mission is also probably the best example of the game's variety, and all of its great components being joined in perfect harmony. For just one mission, players receive the ability to time-travel, and they're given free rein over when they swap between two time periods. Titanfall 2 then goes one step further and integrates this time-travel mechanic with the game's already great parkour mechanics, and it all combines to make what is widely considered to be one of the best missions of any single-player game ever made. It also helps that Titanfall 2 has a surprising amount of heart at its core, with the relationship between the player-character and BT being a consistent highlight throughout the game, and giving its final moments some real weight.

Almost seven years after its release, it's generally accepted that Titanfall 2 offers one of the best FPS campaigns in recent memory, and that's going to be an incredibly tough act for a potential Titanfall 3 to follow. One of the best aspects of Titanfall 2's campaign was just how much of a surprise it was. With no campaign at all in the first game, fans weren't expecting much from Titanfall 2 going in, and ended up being met with excellence. But now expectations are very high, and fans would expect Titanfall 3's own campaign to be phenomenal from the jump.

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