Both Titanfall and Titanfall 2 had a hand in revolutionizing the shooter genre, allowing players to do more and fight in more versatile ways. With the inclusion of platforming, Titanfall added a fresher element to the gameplay, and that was by making it vertical. Plus, adding in the massive titans make each match really fun to play and immersive overall. The sequel, Titanfall 2 pushed the envelope even further, and that was by having the titans be more versatile, and the pilots more adaptable, which is why players have been asking for a third entry.

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This growth came in many forms, with one being the weapons pilots used against both enemies and titans. With whatever loadout players pick, they'll have a fun time playing because the guns offer different things for different play styles. However, some weapons stand out the most, they make players fight aggressively, and help them get the flow of Titanfall better. These are the best weapons that do the job in Titanfall 2.

6 Archer Heavy Rocket

titanfall player using archer heavy rocket

The titans can become an issue especially if the entire enemy team is roaming around in their mech. When this happens, the enemy team can quickly double their points, making their ultimates charge quicker as well. But fortunately, Titanfall 2 has ways for players who aren't in titans to fight back. This is another thing that separatesTitanfall 2 from other shooters, is that even when the battlefield is littered with titans, players on foot can hold their own. Every titan in the game operates differently with some being stronger than others, thankfully there's an anti-titan weapon that renders most of that useless called the Archer Heavy Rocket.

First, it shoots out a rocket that does massive damage, and second, is that it stuns the titan, allowing the nearby teammate to do a follow-up attack. Plus, if players eject out of their titan, they can aim down shoot at the titan, come down themselves, and continue the attack. However, the main issue of this weapon is that it shoots out one rocket before players need to reload, so the trade-off for the high damage is one shot per reload. So it's best used at long range since the Archer Heavy Rocket can lock on to its enemy, and takes time reloading.

5 Hemlock

titanfal 2 player unlocking the hemlock

Players who have jumped into the world of Apex Legends will have a good idea of how the Hemlock works, being a burst fire with limited range will give players an interesting play style. The Hemlock is best used for close-quarter fights and running and gunning. The reason being is that its range is as mentioned before. While it's low, it makes up for that stat in damage. Since Titanfall 2 features a wide variety of modes, the Hemlock won't work as well on all of them.

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However, capture the flag, which is done very well in Titanfall 2, highlights the best aspects of the Hemlock and that is when players close in on their enemies, the accuracy increases. This becomes important during those moments, the more the player can land the shots, the faster the enemy goes down. That's thanks to its burst fire rate, the triple shots become a matter of life and death when the team needs to make a push.


titanfall 2 player looking at CAR

This SMG is probably the most versatile weapon in that class, with high damage output, a surprisingly good range for an SMG, and a consistent fire rate. The CAR has all the qualities of an assault rifle tucked into an SMG look, and that is what makes it a really easy-to-use weapon in its class. Not just easy to use, but also makes players more adaptable to any situation, and any game mode in Titanfall 2. It can allow players to be more aggressive with its run-and-gun play style, plus the CAR can also suppress enemy fire while moving since it's a quicker gun.

Plus, players can fight from a distance with the CAR as well, this is something that can't be done by most SMGs in the game, so when players have a fast gun that can fight at range, things can get more interesting. On top of that, Titanfall 2 has freerunning which makes them wall run sideways or up walls, the CAR is a great weapon to have when doing those. Because other pilots will be doing the same, this gun will make quick work of them.

3 Mastiff

titanfall 2 player using the mastiff

Since most of the guns in Titanfall 2 are in Apex Legends, players who are familiar with the latter will understand how the Mastiff performs. Both games show off how deadly the Mastiff can be, it has high damage, low accuracy, and medium fire rate. And for a shotgun, those are needed more. The reason why the Mastiff is high on the list is that it's a good middle ground for shotguns in both Titanfall 2 and Apex Legends. While it has low accuracy, players shouldn't be using it at long range.

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So all they'd need to do is put in one shot, and that will down the enemy immediately. If players want the good fire rate of the EVA-8 and the high damage of the Peacemaker but are easier to use, this weapon is good for them and will amplify their loadout. But, the issue with this shotgun, is players should be close to their enemy. While the Mastiff has better accuracy than its counterpart which is the Peacemaker, they'll still have a chance to miss their shot since the spread isn't wide. But, once players unlock this shotgun, they should try it out.

2 Flatline

titanfall 2 player looking at the flatline from the first perpsective Cropped

For assault rifles, the Flatline is pretty impressive, while it falls short in fire rate it makes up for that in several other areas. The Flatline acts the same way as it does in Apex Legends, in that it's an easy-to-use weapon, with low recoil, and very high damage. It's a great alternative for the R-201, because both of those guns share many of the same qualities, like damage, and recoil. The Flatline is also a great gun for returning fire, so when players are pinned down by enemies, they can use the devastating damage of the weapon to give them breathing room.

However, if they use the Flatline, players should fight from a distance, because it's a slower weapon. The shots players land will do a lot of damage, but it will take them a few seconds to make those shots consistent, and that's best done farther away. But apart from the fire rate, everything else about the Flatline makes it a worthy assault rifle, and players should utilize its benefits.

1 R-201

titanfall 2 player aiming down the sights of the r 201

Having a weapon that's a Jack-of-all-trades, makes gameplay immersive since players can use that weapon in many situations and get the same consistent outcome. This is very evident in the spinoff, Apex Legends, since the R-201s older brother, the R-301 shares a lot of the same qualities, which is why it's compatible with many load-outs in that game. The same is said in Titanfall 2, that is because the R-201 is a versatile and highly reliable assault rifle. The reason being is that it has high damage, a very good fire rate, recoil is almost non-existent and is great for pushing enemies back.

The R-201 and the Flatline become deadly when they're together. However, on its own, the R-201 is a threat and makes players fight aggressively as well. When they can be adaptable, players can get in the flow of combat for Titanfall 2, which makes them more creative with this weapon. Also, many assault weapons are slower and feel more sluggish when wall-running, in the R-201's case, this is the opposite, players can pull those complicated maneuvers with this gun.

Titanfall 2 is available now on Xbox Series X/S, Xbox One, PS5, PS4, and PC.

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