Online competitive team games, such as MOBAs like League of Legends or shooters such as Valorant, arguably offer the most tense and subsequently rewarding experiences in all of gaming. With ranked ladders to climb, tournaments to play in, and the chance to go pro awaiting the very best, those with ambition must accept there are always learning curves, and that a positive mentality is key.

Players who have reached their goals in one game are often able to apply the same learning techniques and approach new games with the same philosophy to achieve similar levels of success. These skills are helpful no matter what games players set their sights on.

5 Play To Improve, Not To Win

valorant 5-player team comp

Although the aim is to win and climb to higher ranks, for a long-term and serious approach to reaching the top, players must treat each and every game as a learning opportunity. Mindlessly winning or losing will result in players only going as far as their raw skill allows. Instead, they must reflect on what they did well and what they could have improved on, even in dominant wins.

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At the end of the day, most of these games (unless in a tournament mode) allow players to play as much as possible. Individual wins or losses don't matter as much over the course of a season. For the most dedicated players, analyzing games via replays is considered one of the most effective ways to improve.

4 Stay Up To Date With The Meta

fight in League of Legends

Many online competitive games are continuously updated with regular patches that address balance issues and provide new content to keep the game fresh. As even the smallest of changes can shift the meta in unpredictable ways, it is important to stay up to date.

Reading patch notes and understanding the changes is a great place to start, but often, educational material available from content creators with a high-level understanding of the game is best. Furthermore, for games with more variables (such as League of Legends, which features a massive playable roster) keeping an eye on champion win rates for example can be key.

3 Keep Teammates Happy

nighthaven fight

Whilst some games allow players to play all ranked modes with as many friends or premades as they like, other games are more strict in their most elite queues. Playing with randoms package of competitive team games. Though these teammates likely want to win too, unfortunately, not everyone can handle the heat of a particularly tough game or things not going their way.

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Some of these players are lost causes and cannot be mollified, but most who are prone to the occasional swings of tilt can be kept happy. It goes without saying that toxicity or biting back is never the solution, but more practical steps are also possible. For example, buying an ally a gun in Valorant or helping a jungler clear a camp in League of Legends can make that little bit of difference. Even just responding to a play with "wp" (well played) or dropping a friendly emote can help.

2 Stop Playing After Too Many Losses

Free Competitive Multiplayer Rocket League

Going into matches with a level head, devoid of tilt or baggage from previous games, is extremely important. Lingering thoughts of a bad or even toxic teammate who was the main cause of a loss will be of no use in a new game. The same can be said for that bad taste left in the mouth after a particularly close fight that just didn't go the player's way. In an ideal world and for some with an impressive mental fortitude it is possible to wipe the mind clean; learn, forget and move on.

For most players, though, it's not that easy. After multiple losses or even one infuriating defeat, it can be a good idea to stop playing and come back in a few hours, the next day, or even later. This way, upon returning, players have time for the sting to dull and can approach the next string of games with a fresh outlook. A good tactic can be to use the best of three rule. Players pretend to play a best-of-three series, and winning two games means they can keep playing, but going 1-2 or 0-2 means it's time to stop. For games like Rocket League where matches are shorter, this can of course be adapted to a best-of-five or more.

1 Lose Gracefully And Learn To Get Carried


Learning to lose gracefully and letting the team carry when necessary is one of the most important skills in competitive team games, and is key at all skill levels even for pros. Though players should go into most games with the intention of being the difference maker and carrying, this is just not feasible for every single match. Sometimes, it is up to allies to carry, and anything that can be done to help them, should be done.

The most important thing to do is limit losses, play safe, and try not to be the reason the team gets further behind. More proactive ways of helping a team carry include allocating resources to players already ahead, or to those who are clearly playing well at the time. Using supportive abilities on a carry or even just following the calls of a player who clearly knows what they are doing, can also be great ways to achieve victory.

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