It's hard not to enjoy getting lost in the world of Tinykin. The indie 3D platformer does a wonderful job of immersing players in the adventure of Milo, an alien who is looking into the origin of humans and has landed in a house where everything is huge.

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Tinykin revolves around exploring the various rooms in the house that have been made into small societies by the various insects players will meet along the way. Because there is so much to find, there is a good chance that those who play the game will miss some of the hidden secrets that are sprinkled along the way.

7 Blooming The Flowers

A screenshot of Tinykin sunflowers that have bloomed

Foliana Heights is the name of the region located in the greenhouse area of the home, so there are plenty of plants to look at and even interact with while traversing the level. In the middle of the room is a large sunflower that has lots of branching-off leaves that players can use to climb and open new silk rails.

But what may not be completely obvious while on the plant is the yellow buds that are hanging off the plant. It turns out that players can throw Tinykin at these buds to make them bloom. Once they open up, players will get some extra pollen that could contribute to an extra hover bubble or 100 percent completion.

6 Inside The Piano

A screenshot of Tinykin's Milo standing in front of a piano

Most of the best secrets of the game will lead to artifacts that can later be delivered to the museum. Take a mission in the City of Sanctar, where an ant on a piano is looking for someone. Players will see that the piano is missing one of its keys. The restaurant in the cat tree will be using it as a table.

Upon bringing back the key and putting it in its place, a door on the side of the piano will open and will unlock an interior section of the piano. It is here where players can find the missing ant and also find a bunch of pollen that they may have missed out in the open.

5 The Secret Plant & Ceiling Lamp

A screenshot of Tinykin's Milo standing on a stair railing facing the front door

Transidor Crossing serves as both a pathway to get to other areas of Tinykin and as its own area of collectibles. However, most of the level will not be unlocked until players have made it through a majority of the game. Because it is so uniquely structured, it's easy to miss some layers.

On the first floor, players will see a cabinet that is covered with purple vines. Players will be able to get inside the cabinet and get the clump of pollen from the scary plant within it. On top of this, players will need to have enough bubbles to get to the top of the cabinet so that way Milo can jump from the cabinet to the ceiling lamp, where there is another clump of pollen.

4 Ghasper The Friendly Ghost

A screenshot of Tinykin's Milo in a mini graveyard

A secret that appears multiple times throughout the game but always in places many may not think to look is Ghasper, an ant who looks a little bit stiffer and spookier than their fellow ants. They will show up in every area of the game, excluding the main hub area where the spaceship is being built.

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There is an achievement associated with the weird ant. Talking to them each time will just get the response of "BOO!" However, if players talk to Ghasper in all the locations that they show up in, players will get a new batch of dialogue from the character before they disappear permanently.

3 The Forbidden Tunnel

A screenshot of Tinykin's Milo facing the Forbidden Tunnel from a distance

The Land of Ambrose has a ton of depth to be only a kitchen with lots of food in it. This is because of the number of areas that are hidden behind cabinet doors on top of what needs to be explored that is out in the open. One difficult area to reach that may not seem obvious to people at first is the piping high above the stove area.

Players can reach this area by using the green Tinykin to get high enough to glide over to the ceiling fan and over to an isolated set of cabinets. From here, players can glide over to an opening in the pipes with enough bubbles. The pipes will have an entire section dedicated to surfing on the Soapboard across silk rope. Players will get rewarded with a ring needed for a side objective.

2 Using The Washing Machine

A screenshot of Tinykin of an open washing machine

Balnea takes place in both a water closet and regular bathroom, the two areas separated by a door that isn't initially open. In the regular bathroom area, players will see a washing machine on the ground that is unopened. It is not obvious at first, but that washing machine is functional.

Thing is, players need something to wash. Open the cabinet underneath the sinks next to the bathtub. In there, players will find a dirty teddy bear. Pick up the bear using the Tinykin and unlock the necessary pathways that will allow the teddy bear to get into the machine. Players will then be able to turn on the machine and watch it do its magic.

1 The Milo Show

A screenshot of Tinykin standing in front of a hole in wall in the arcade

One of the most interesting secrets in the game comes in the last level: Celerion. While doing some side missions, players may notice a clump of pollen behind a red plate high up in the room that can't be broken through. Players can access this area through the bottom, in the arcade.

After throwing a Tinykin at a playing card on the wall, a wall will fall over to reveal a behind section that reveals a slightly more sinister side to the environment. Without going too much into details, it appears that Milo may have been being watched the entire time.

Tinykin is available now on Windows, PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X/S, and Nintendo Switch.

MORE: The Best Things About Tinykin (& The Worst)