Tinykin is the latest indie sensation trying to find a name for itself among a crowd of ever-growing fall releases. It shares a lot with games like Pikmin at a glance but it is more than that. The Pikmin series was more like an RTS with closed-off levels, ending with a completion reward.

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Tinykin is divided into zones as well, but the world is more open. There are ways to go back and look for more secrets. The game shares a lot with collectible-infused platformers as well. It’s a hodgepodge of genres but is simple enough to pick up. Here are the best tips to get the adventure started off right.

7 Change The Jump Button

The controller menu in Tinykin

The default setting for the jump action in Tinykin is A. This may not feel natural to veteran players of platformers like this game. Go into the menu and swap the A button out for the B button instead. This is regarding the controller setup for the Nintendo Switch but it can easily be fixed on other consoles as well.

The platforming can already be tricky in the game and having the button prompt be off of the normal setup could cause confusion. That’s why this is a highly recommended tip to act upon before starting the game.

6 Look All Around

Exploring the world in Tinykin

Tinykin presents players with huge environments, filled with activities to do. It can be a lot to take in but there are some tips to make the most of exploring the game. First, players should know they can click on the right stick to activate the first-person mode.

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This will allow players to properly survey an area without getting the main character in the frame. In general, it’s a good idea to check your surroundings. For example, sometimes there are nodes on the ceiling that can be exploded which most players may not notice at first.

5 Stick To One Area Before Moving On

Using Tinykin in Tinykin

Tinykin is like an open-world game, but it is set in a series of large environments. It can be easy to get lost in all of the activities. Besides urging players to survey their surroundings, it is also encouraged that players create a game plan. Choose a location in the environment and start exploring from there. Do not move on, no matter what looks enticing, until that space has been thoroughly explored.

There might be barriers preventing 100% completions but players should at least try to finish an area to the best of their ability. This will make things less confusing when trying to backtrack and figure out what has and hasn’t been explored yet. Taking notes or creating a map could also be beneficial.

4 Use Tinykin To Retrieve Things

Using Tinykin in Tinykin

This may not click with players right away but Tinykin can be used to retrieve items. For example, aiming the starter Tinykin at a piece of pollen will collect it from the player. They act like a boomerang in an action-adventure experience like The Legend of Zelda.

Tinykin nodes can also be activated by tossing others at them. If an item looks out of reach, chances are the game is telling players they need to use these cute critters to reach them in more creative ways. The further one gets into the game, the more complex the Tinykin will become. Experimenting with them all fun.

3 What Does Pollen Do?

Talking to an NPC in Tinykin

There are tons of collectibles in Tinykin, similar to classic platformers of the 90s, but the most pronounced one is the aforementioned pollen. This item can be turned in to Sikaru who awaits players on each map or at the home base.

Sikaru will upgrade the Bubble Glider each time the player reaches a new threshold of collected pollen. Finishing a map may also prompt Sikaru to upgrade this glider. The stronger the bubbles become, the further one can travel. Do not skip out on collecting every piece of pollen out there.

2 How Checkpointing Works

Exploring the world in Tinykin

A good tip to emphasize for players in most games is to create manual saves as autosave data can sometimes be faulty. The autosave function in Tinykin is well-handheld making players don’t have to worry about manual saves. Whenever players see the save disc icon appear, the game is not only saving the experience but is checkpointing players as well.

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If players log out or log back in after this then they will see their character standing right where they left off. This is a good thing to know as it allows players the freedom to quit whenever without having to worry about starting over again. This has plagued platformers for quite some time, so it is good to see it fixed in the game.

1 There Are Ways To Die

Drowning in Tinykin

Tinykin is a relatively chill game that will cater to all groups. It’s a game wherein even those that don’t play games normally can jump in and have a good time as there is not much danger present. There are some things that can kill players though. Falling down from certain heights will cause instant death.

Falling into the water and staying in it for a short period of time will also cause instant death. Thankfully, the checkpoint system is good enough that even death shouldn’t be an issue. It’s still something players should be aware of.

Tinykin was released on August 30, 2022, and is available on PC, PS4, PS5, Switch, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X.

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