
  • Familiarity with Borderlands gameplay can be an advantage in Tiny Tina's Wonderlands, but players should expect unique mechanics and changes.
  • Multiclassing is a key feature in the game, offering players the ability to combine abilities from different classes for powerful combinations.
  • In combat, players should consider the stats and functionality of weapons, mix up their strategy, and make use of the game's variety of fighting options to keep battles interesting.

While Tiny Tina's Wonderlands isn't quite as complicated as Dungeons & Dragons, players can still follow some guidelines for a better chance at success. The fantasy-themed shooter is a take on Borderlands' gameplay with a new twist, and those changes helped the game form its own identity. Just like the series it originated from, Tiny Tina's Wonderlands immerses the player in intense firefights, and these can be unrelenting if a player goes in unprepared. The game may be chaotic, but the player has plenty of options at their disposal. The right tactics can greatly ease the player along their adventure.

Obviously, since Tiny Tina's Wonderlands is a Borderlands spin-off, players familiar with the latter will find that a fair amount of skills can be transferred over. Tiny Tina's Wonderlands still has its own set of unique traits, though, so players shouldn't expect a perfect replication of the main series' gameplay. The replacement of grenades with spells and the existence of an overworld are two of the most obvious examples, although not the only ones. With a blend of old and new mechanics, players have plenty to keep track of in Tiny Tina's Wonderlands, so taking some time to grasp the fundamentals is suggested.

How Tiny Tina's Wonderlands 2 Could Take Magic to the Next Level

Tiny Tina's Wonderlands was a novel, magical experience for the Borderlands franchise, and Gearbox could expand the dynamic in a sequel.

It Helps to Have Some Strategy in the Chaos of Tiny Tina's Wonderlands

Multi-Classing Opens Many Options in Tiny Tina's Wonderlands


The biggest change that players can see from Tiny Tina's Wonderlands' playavble classes is the ability to multiclass, granting abilities from both chosen classes. Tiny Tina's Wonderlands has seven classes to choose from:

  • Brr-Zerker
  • Clawbringer
  • Graveborn
  • Spellshot
  • Spore Warden
  • Stabbomancer
  • Blightcaller (DLC)

Combining two classes together can create a powerful, or at least entertaining combo. Taking both Clawbringer and Graveborn will let the player double up with pets, for example, while a Spore Warden/Blightcaller Combo will maximize their poison damage. Multiclassing also enhances replayability for the same reason. Tiny Tina's Wonderlands is the only Borderlands title with this feature, so it's well worth experimenting with.

All Of a Weapon's Stats are Important

Borderlands Gearbox

Like any Borderlands title, the thrill of finding amazing weapons in Tiny Tina's Wonderlands is a big selling point. Weapons have more value than their rarity or raw damage, though. The way they fit a build or player's personal preference can significantly impact their worth. For example, a Brr-Zerker has skills that augment frost damage, so weapons that deal frost damage are better suited to them than other classes. Likewise, if a weapon has good stats on paper, but the player finds it awkward to use, it may be best to leave it behind. The player's arsenal in Tiny Tina's Wonderlands is entirely up to their discretion.

Keep Wonderlands' Combat Interesting With a Variety of Weapons

Tiny Tina's Wonderlands Reveals Coiled Captors DLC Content

Tiny Tina's Wonderlands has combat just as wild as Borderlands' best boss battles, and players should respond in kind. While having one weapon that can tear through almost everything is fun, mixing things up can keep a fight exciting. Players can time their spells to devastate a horde of enemies, or shoot elemental barrels to use the environment against their foes. Players can fight from afar with pistols and rifles, then run into close range with a shotgun and melee weapon. Tiny Tina's Wonderlands gives the player many ways to fight, so mixing up the strategy helps keep each battle more interesting.

Players can get a lot out of Tiny Tina's Wonderlands, especially if they know the game's tricks. While Tiny Tina's Wonderlands broke some Borderlands traditions, the game still delivers the same brand of shooter action, just with a fantasy-flavored twist. Just like its parent series, players will have to learn quickly how to survive shootouts with swarms of enemies, as well as bosses with ludicrous attacks of their own. Tiny Tina's Wonderlands offers up a decent challenge, and it's a ride unlike the Borderlands games that came before it.

tiny tina's wonderlands
Tiny Tina's Wonderlands
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A Borderlands spin-off, Tiny Tina's Wonderlands blends first-person shooter gunplay with fantasy RPG mechanics. Tiny Tina's Wonderlands is an action-oriented role-playing game from the first-person perspective developed by Gearbox and published by 2K.

The game can be played in either a solo mode or with up to three other players in online or local split-screen multiplayer. Traversing across the world is done with an overworld, which has random encounters. The game is set after Tiny Tina's Assault on Dragon Keep within the tabletop RPG Bunkers & Badasses, where Tiny Tina acts as the dungeon master.