Alongside more enemy types and a fantasy setting that the Borderlands series has not explored in years, Tiny Tina’s Wonderlands is introducing some interesting new mechanics. While an intriguing multi-class system and teasers for some deep character customization are worthy of some hype, the game is also giving players some new ways to slay their foes. Alongside a brand-new weapon type, it will feature an interesting replacement for grenades.

Tiny Tina’s Wonderlands will let players wield melee weapons and spells alongside the usual lineup of guns. In the case of melee weapons, they should allow players to make more complex melee builds than what was able to be done in the past. As for the spells, they are a perfect fit for the game’s setting. While both could end up being welcome additions, Gearbox needs to make sure that these two big features are properly balanced. If not, they could bet too weak to matter or so strong that nothing else is worth using.

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Melee Weapons In Tiny Tina’s Wonderlands

tiny tina's wonderlands rpg

In the past, melee options in the Borderlands series have been incredibly limited. Players have their character’s default melee attack, and while that can range from punches to sword strikes, the base damage was always the same. Beyond that, extra melee attacks were limited to bayonets on the end of guns. As such, the introduction of proper melee weapons in Tiny Tina’s Wonderlands could be a game changer. Being able to wield a Psycho’s buzzaxe as any character, alongside swords and axes, could be a ton of fun.

While the concept is interesting, Gearbox needs to make sure that the melee weapons are niche but effective. Players could create some incredible melee builds in Borderlands 2 and Borderlands 3, with Krieg and Amara specifically being used to make this happen. Guns like the Face Puncher helped with builds, and melee weapons could be the same. However, there have been times where these builds can be considered broken, meaning that Gearbox should ensure that the new additions are not too strong. On the other hand, players could be at a huge disadvantage in ranged fights, so the weapons do need to do significant damage when a strike is actually landed. Overall, melee weapons being viable will largely depend on the other new attack type in Tiny Tina's Wonderlands.

Spells In Tiny Tina’s Wonderlands

tiny tinas wonderlands rainbow

Spells in Tiny Tina’s Wonderlands are a big deal, and they could prove even harder to balance for Gearbox because of that. As the replacement for grenades, they are in an important position. Borderlands 3 fans will know that grenades went from being truly broken to utterly useless at different points in the game’s life cycle. Borderlands 3’s Porcelain Pipe Bomb was overpowered at launch, with it being the strongest item in the game for weeks. However, when Mayhem Mode was adjusted, none of the grenades were scaled properly, making them meaningless to players who enjoyed higher difficulty levels.

As such, Gearbox needs to make sure that Tiny Tina’s Wonderlandsfixes Borderlands 3’s mistakes when it comes to grenades. Spells cannot be completely useless, as they sound like they could be a defining feature of the game. At the same time, they cannot be so strong that they are all that is worth using. If ranged spells can decimate every foe, using the new melee weapons would be pointless. Likewise, sniper rifles would also be unnecessary, as a better ranged option would exist. Spells need to be perfectly balanced between useless and overpowered, standing alongside guns instead of above or below them.

Tiny Tina’s Wonderlands’ new additions are undoubtedly exciting, but they do force Gearbox to pay extra attention to balancing. Ranged spells and close-quarters melee weapons could not be more different, but both should be fun to use. Ensuring that both could work at range and up close may help, too, with some close-up spells mixed in alongside throwable melee weapons from Tediore. Still, the main thing will be making sure that they do not overshadow regular guns or completely underperform. If Gearbox can make melee weapons and spells fair but fun, Tiny Tina’s Wonderlands’ Dragon Keep inspirations might not be the most exciting thing about it.

Tiny Tina’s Wonderlands is set for release in 2022 on PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X.

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