Tiny Tina’s Wonderlands does a lot right, though it is not without its issues. Alongside an approach to DLC that has infuriated the game’s community, Tiny Tina’s Wonderlands has a fair bit of glitches for gamers to work around - including one that allows them to pick up level 127 weapons.

This is hardly the first time players received glitchy Tiny Tina’s Wonderlands loot, though. In the past, a player picked up a spell with no stats at all, with the item unable to be equipped. Modders also unlocked the primordial tier of loot that was not meant to be obtainable at launch, ensuring that a few lucky players got their hands on some extremely broken gear. As for Reddit user benivodi, there level 127 item will make a nice vault piece to show off from time to time, but will never be usable.

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Those that have played Tiny Tina’s Wonderlands will know that the default level cap is 40, allowing players to get a good chunk of upgrades from their two classes. While it is possible that this cap is raised in the future, like with the main Borderlands games, it will likely only go up a bit higher. The release of the seventh class could see the cap boosted to something like level 50, but that would likely be the extent of the increase unless Gearbox wanted to let players choose a third class via Tiny Tina’s Wonderlands’ Multi-Class system. Regardless, it is safe to assume that nothing close to level 127 will ever be seen.

The bugged weapon is one of Tiny Tina’s Wonderlands’ legendary melee weapons. The removal of the item’s prefix is a good indication that it is bugged, though some absurd stats still remain. The cryo sword does a hilarious 1,624,509 damage, ensuring that it would be a one-hit kill on just about any enemy. With a 125% critical hit chance, the weapon is guaranteed to do ridiculous damage, and its unique effect would see it launching rays of elemental damage when swung.

If this item ever became usable, the Redditor would be looking at a fully broken Enchantment, as a bonus 0% fire rate increase would be seen with every melee kill. While a new Enchantment can always be swapped in, it is hard to imagine it being any less glitchy than this one. Considering how much damage this Tiny Tina’s Wonderlands melee weapon does without enchantments, though, an extra ability would not be necessary.

As entertaining as it is to see an item drop with a 1298 gear score, a future Tiny Tina’s Wonderlands patch will likely prevent items like this from dropping. Still, it would be fun to see this level 127 sword in action.

Tiny Tina’s Wonderlands is available now on PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X.

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