Tiny Tina’s Wonderlands is still a few weeks away, but after a new trailer was released this week, players were finally able to get a look at the final two classes. The action role-playing first-person shooter is an offshoot of the Borderlands series and a follow-up to Borderlands 2: Tiny Tina's Assault on Dragon Keep, which saw players indulge in a little Dungeons & Dragons-like gameplay. Tiny Tina's Wonderlands will expand on this DLC, providing a full game experience based on fantasy tabletop mechanics. While this is a departure for the main Borderlands series, it will no doubt have the franchise's signature humor alongside the familiar art style and fast-paced action.

While four other classes have already been revealed, including Clawbringer and Spellshot, it wasn't until the most recent trailer that players were able to see what the final two playable classes were. Alongside the nature-based Spore Warden, gamers were given a glimpse of the dark and dangerous Graveborn class. While only an overview was provided with a little look at how the Graveborn character handles itself in combat, there are still plenty of details for players to look at to help them decide if this will be the class for them.

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Introducing Tiny Tina's Wonderlands' Graveborn Class


As its name would suggest, the Graveborn class is all about death, darkness, and gothic aesthetics. They are Death-touched acolytes who delight in the pain of others, using the demise of their enemies to grow their own powers. As a class, Graveborn is a high-risk high-reward character, with moves that focus on sacrificing their own health to deal damage to antagonists. With Tiny Tina's Wonderlands co-op modes, Graveborn could be an interesting addition to any party and provide something different from their companions. Their devastating use of Dark Magic in their attacks does mean they're a force to be reckoned with, but players will have to be careful with how they manage their health levels.

Two of Graveborn's abilities have been revealed so far, along with a glimpse at how these will look in gameplay. Reaper of Bones grants players bonus Lifesteal and magic damage for a short duration, but this comes at the cost of a constant health drain while they use the ability. Another move that was revealed, Dire Sacrifice, allows Graveborn players to deal damage to all nearby enemies, but they will need to sacrifice 20% of their current health to do so. These moves that trade damage for health could prove very useful, but gamers will need to be careful how they use them.

Graveborn are "Devotees of Death," and while most would fear it, they draw strength from death and "have even made it an ally." With strong necromancer vibes, Graveborn could be a perfect class for players who are usually drawn to that specific build or who play as necromancers in D&D campaigns. Graveborn also have a Demi-Lich companion, who is capable of casting spells in addition to the player's own powers. Using a combination of their demonic companion and their sacrificial Action Skills, Graveborn could prove to be a particularly annoying thorn in the side of their enemies. They're a "master of Kill Skills, Spells, and Dark Magic," and Kill Skills triggered can also summon hellish minions to do the Graveborn's bidding.

Other News From The Latest Wonderlands Reveal


Along with the reveal of the final two classes – Graveborn and Spore Warden – players were also given a better look at the Multiclass system. This gameplay mechanic will allow gamers to pick two classes to combine, which will not only give them a more flexible approach to combat and access to more abilities, but could also give them up to two companions to help take down enemies. Hopefully, Tiny Tina's Wonderlands will properly balance these classes, or it could risk players creating homogenized parties with only a few character builds achieving popularity. If used properly, the Multiclass system will let players create the "most badass fantasy hero imaginable" to become a "truly hybridized hero."

Players will initially start as one class, but as they progress through the game and level up their character, they will be able to use a Multiclass system similar to D&D via a new secondary class slot. This will allow players to create a multitude of combinations that best suit their playstyle and approach to combat. The choice of the two classes will have a huge impact on how gamers can take out enemies, so they should make the decision carefully.

Tiny Tina’s Wonderlands launches March 25, 2022, on PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.

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