Tiny Tina's Wonderlands is a first-person looter-shooter by Gearbox and 2K, a spinoff of the Borderlands series. Players take on the role of the Fatemaker, protagonist in an epic tabletop RPG hosted by Tiny Tina herself. Accompanied by Freke and Valentine, the player delves into Tiny Tina's fantasy world to face off against all manner of foes, aiming to defeat the Dragonlord once and for all.

In Tiny Tina's Wonderlands, players can choose from six different classes at the start of the game, each of which comes with its own skills, abilities, and playstyle. Of these, the Clawbringer serves as something of a paladin, wielding a mighty hammer alongside fire and lightning abilities. They are also accompanied by a wyvern companion, whose claws and flaming breath seek to tear down the Clawbringer's foes. For those entranced by this description, here's a guide to how to play this class to its greatest potential.


Tiny Tinas Wonderlands_Class Trailer Clawbringer

The Clawbringer is a harbinger of fire and lightning that is right at home in the heart of combat. They use their hammer skills to deal fire and lighting damage both at close range and at a distance, while their wyvern companion splits enemy attention and blankets them in flames. With abilities that improve the power of their wards and allow them to deal tons of additional fire and lightning damage, the Clawbringer is an expert at taking and dealing damage.

Action Skills

Tiny Tinas Wonderlands_Class Trailer Cleansing Flames

The Clawbringer, like all the classes in Tiny Tina's Wonderlands, has two action skills to choose between. The first of these, unlocked at level 2, is called "Cleansing Flames." Cleansing Flames allows the Clawbringer to summon their hammer and slam it into the ground, creating a fire nova that deals fire damage in an area around the player. Cleansing Flames is excellent both as a panic button when surrounded, and as a means of burning through fleshy enemies with ease.

RELATED: Tiny Tina's Wonderlands: Crossplay Explained

The Clawbringer's other action skill, unlocked at level 7, is called "Storm Dragon's Judgement." This skill allows the Clawbringer to summon their hammer and hurl it at enemies, wreathed in lightning. It deals lightning melee damage to everything it touches, and sticks in place where it lands, dealing electrical damage in an area around it for the duration of the skill. Pressing the skill button a second time allows the Clawbringer to call their hammer back to their hand, which reduces the cooldown of their action skill based on the remaining duration when it was called back. This skill makes for an excellent ranged option, especially when facing warded foes as they are especially vulnerable to electricity.


Tiny Tinas Wonderlands_Class Trailer Storm Dragons Judgement

Oath of Fire (Tier 1)

This skill causes the Clawbringer to deal extra fire element damage with their guns, while also causing their wyvern companion to deal additional fire element damage with its attacks. This skill is highly useful for getting extra damage out of any weapon and is especially effective against flesh (red health bars).

Oath of Thunder (Tier 1)

This skill is identical to the above, but with lightning element damage instead of fire. Much like Oath of Fire, this skill is an excellent way to get extra damage out of a weapon, especially when facing foes protected by wards (blue health bars.)

Radiance (Tier 1)

This skill increases the Clawbringer's maximum ward amount, thus increasing the amount of damage their wards can soak up before being exhausted completely. This is an excellent choice for tanky builds, and is a must for solo players wanting to challenge higher difficulties.

Dragon Aura (Tier 2)

This skill creates a permanent aura around the Clawbringer that increases the elemental damage dealt by the entire party. While especially useful for strengthening the party in online play, Dragon Aura is also useful in single player for boosting the power of the player and their wyvern companion.

Dedication (Tier 2)

This skill improves the cooldown time of the Clawbringer's action skills by an amount based on their remaining ward percentage. This pairs well with Radiance, allowing the player to tank more damage while also rewarding careful play with shorter cooldowns on action skills.

Rebuke (Tier 2)

This skill grants the Clawbringer improved damage reduction, while also dealing a portion of any damage dealt to their companions back to their enemies as lightning damage. This skill is fantastic when paired with Radiance, to make a character incredibly difficult to down.

Blasthamut's Favor (Tier 3)

This kill skill creates a homing fire orb whenever the player kills an enemy with gun damage or their wyvern companion kills an enemy with their breath attack. It also causes kills with melee weapons or the wyvern companion's claws to generate homing electrical orbs. Both types of orb seek out a new target and inflict elemental damage on them, making this skill an excellent means of maintaining pressure on enemies during battle and spreading damage around.

Tiny Tinas Wonderlands_Class Trailer Clawbringer and Spellshot

Firebolt (Tier 4)

This skill causes the wyvern companion to occasionally launch a fire bolt, which deals fire damage on impact and then inflicts fire damage over time in an area. It also increases the Clawbringer's gun damage, making this skill an excellent way to improve damage output, especially when dealing with flesh.

Friend to Flame (Tier 4)

This skill simply improves the damage dealt by the wyvern companion, making it a good choice in pet-focused builds to increase damage output.

Storm Breath (Tier 4)

This skill grants the wyvern companion a lightning breath attack that they can use to inflict electrical damage on enemies. This makes the wyvern companion more versatile and effective in combat, especially when dealing with warded foes.

Awe (Tier 5)

This skill grants the Clawbringer a bonus to critical damage after inflicting fire damage,and a bonus to critical chance after dealing lightning damage. Making good use of the awe buff alongside Cleansing Flames or Storm Dragon's Judgement can greatly enhance the Clawbringer's damage output.

Indomitable (Tier 5)

This skill allows the Clawbringer to survive an attack that would normally put them into "fight for your life" mode and fully recharge their ward, but has a long cooldown between uses. This skill is excellent for making this already tanky class even harder to kill.

Storm Smite (Tier 6)

The capstone skill of the Clawbringer is Storm Smite, which causes bolts of fire or lightning to drop from the skies above whenever the Clawbringer uses an action skill, allowing them to rain destruction on their foes in an area around them. Players seeking to maximize their elemental damage should definitely consider picking up this skill.

Tiny Tina's Wonderlands is available now for Playstation 4, Playstation 5, PC, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.

MORE: Tiny Tina's Wonderlands Complete Guide: Weapons, Spells, Items, Builds, Bosses, Lucky Dice, & Secrets