Tiny Tina’s Wonderlands features plenty of interesting redesigns for beloved characters. From a wooden aesthetic for Claptrap to fairy wings for Brick, there are several fun looks to appreciate, though it is clear that one Redditor was particularly fond of Tiny Tina’s appearance in Tiny Tina’s Wonderlands.

Given that the spin-off game is focused on Tina’s world and her many creations, it makes sense that she would have a memorable new outfit. With the game focusing on the younger version of Tiny Tina, the bunny mask worn by adult Tina in Borderlands 3 is nowhere to be seen. Further, instead of the bloody psycho mask from Borderlands 2, Tina dresses up for the occasion. When playing with Frette and Valentine, she wears a distinct outfit with a massive pink wizard hat.

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It was this Tiny Tina’s Wonderlands outfit that Reddit user TheAngryChickaD used for their tattoo, with the awesome design covering the entirety of their arm. In the art, Tina can be seen looking forward with her wizard hat on full display. The yellow star on top and the bunny ears can be made out clearly, as can the butt stallion art on her waist. Everything about the tattoo is well made, with the Redditor clearly getting a talented artist to make Tina a permanent part of their body.

As shared in a follow-up video from the Redditor, which can be seen in the comments, there are a few more details to appreciate once their arm is turned. Not only is the book Tina is holding a lot more visible, but so are the Lucky Dice that she is tossing in her hand. These details make the design even better, and with how large the tattoo is, TheAngryChickaD is putting their appreciation for Tiny Tina’s Wonderlands on full display at all times.

It will be interesting to see what Gearbox does with the character of Tiny Tina going forward. Many would surely love to see more of the younger version and her Bunkers and Badasses games, with a Tiny Tina’s Wonderlands 2 having serious potential. However, Borderlands 4 will likely be Gearbox’s next move after Tales from the Borderlands 2 releases, which means the older Tina will be seen again. Making Tina a Vault Hunter could be a ton of fun, though as long as she has a major role in the narrative going forward, TheAngryChickaD and other fans will likely be pleased.

Unsurprisingly, this post did well on Reddit, with over 1,300 upvotes and many positive comments able to be seen. While the fan base may be frustrated with Tiny Tina’s Wonderlands’ DLC, many do love the main game, something that is shown through this stunning tattoo.

Tiny Tina’s Wonderlands is available now on PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X.

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