Game ZXC


Game ZXC wants to hear your thoughts on what is happening in the gaming industry. Whether it's about current news, upcoming releases, or hypothetical scenarios, Threads is the place for you to make your voice heard.

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What Forgotten Cartoon Did You Grow Up Watching?

Does anybody remember Ned's Newt? It was genuinely funny and a guaranteed watch ay time it was on, but decades later it now appears to be completely memory-holed.

If You Were a Hogwarts Professor, What Would You Teach?

There are obviously a lot of "cool" answers here, like Defense Against the Dark Arts, but as a non-Harry Potter fan, I'm tempted to say something like Math or English, because hopefully these wizard kids are still learning how to read and do long division.

What is Your Favorite Class in Dragon's Dogma 2?

Dragon's Dogma 2 offers players a variety of classes to choose from. You have some of the basic starter classes like the Fighter and the Archer, and then the more advanced Vocations like the Magick Archer and the Mystic Spearhand. Personally, I think Mage and the Fighter were the best options for my playstyle during my adventure; however, each one has its own advantages and disadvantages.

Which Space Marine Primarch is Your Favorite?

I'm a fan of the Salamander's Vulkan, as well as the stealthy skillset of the Raven Lord, Corvus Corax.

What Are You Hoping To See in The Lord of the Rings: The Hunt for Gollum?

The film may fill in the gaps of the iconic Gollum by following his journey between The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings. What're you expecting to see in the upcoming film?

What Marvel Character Deserves Their Own Game?

While most have made appearances as minor characters in other games, there are plenty of heroes that would be great in their own game. Or, to flip the switch, a villain like Loki would make for a fascinating story, if done right.

What's Your Favorite Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Game?

How good was the 2022 TMNT installment, Shredder's Revenge? Although, there were some absolute gems going all the way back to the 90s.

Who is Your Go-To Killer in Dead By Daylight?

From Chucky to Freddy Krueger, there are a host of options for you to go about your most sinister deeds with. Who is your top pick?

What is Your Favorite MCU Movie and Why?

Guardians of the Galaxy was praised for its originality, and Infinity War was a terrific climatic finish built up by multiple terrific franchises.

Which Video Game Studio Do You Think Has the Best Games?

There are countless video game studios out there that have created some amazing games. However, some studios have created an entire lineup of solid video games, making them some of the best in the industry. Most players seem to say their favorite studio is the one that has the most games that they like, and I can agree with that. There are a lot of studios that would be on a list of the best.

Would You Play An MMORPG Pokemon Game?

Pokemon is one of Nintendo's biggest franchises, making it beloved by many. However, one controversial aspect of the game is that some fans can't agree on whether or not it is an RPG. Considering it is such a large franchise and has some great mechanics if they ever wanted to, Nintendo could create an online version of the game in the form of an MMORPG. I think that this could potentially be an amazing game, depending on how they went about creating it. Traveling an open world map that contained all Pokemon regions while challenging other players to Pokemon Battles and hunting for rare Pokemon is my childhood dream.

Which of the Main Characters From the Fallout Series Would Win in a Fight?

The Fallout franchise has seen different main protagonists throughout the years. From The Vault Dweller to The Sole Survivor, there have been seven different protagonists so far (including Tactics, New Vegas, and 76). Each of these protagonists has their own skill sets, abilities, and backgrounds, making each one unique. The characters all have their strengths and weaknesses that can help them in a fight. I think that Fallout 2's The Chosen One has an amazing chance due to their background. They were trained to be a powerful fighter and was able to take on the entirety of the Enclave.

Do You Prefer the Artstyle of Monster Hunter Stories or the Mainline Series Better?

Monster Hunter Stories and the mainline Monster Hunter franchise are different in a variety of ways. For starters, in the former, you will be a Monster Rider. In the latter, you are the titicular Monster Hunter. To help symbolize this difference, the artstyle of the two games are completing different. The Monster Hunter Stories games are more cartoon-like while the mainline games have a more realistic artstyle. I think they both do an excellent job for the specific storylines that they tell.

Which Devil Fruit Do You Think is Overrated?

The mystical fruits grant the user a range of different abilities, but some are definitely more valuable than others.

Do You Prefer To Read the Book or Watch the Movie First?

Reading the book will mean you're more informed on the finer details of a story, but it does take away some of the drama of an epic moment on the screen. It's a tough one, but, of course, movies will take us far less time to get through.

Which Video Game Duo Do You Think Is The Best?

Some of the biggest video game franchises have duos in them. Mario has Yoshi, Link has Navi, Joel has Ellie, Master Chief has Cortana, and the list goes on and on. The relationships between these duos are strong and create an amazing aspect for players to explore. Some of them are even the reason that their franchises took off. For me, one of the most iconic duos has to be Banjo & Kazooie. Rare did an excellent job at creating a duo that truly plays off one another.

What NPC Do You Wish Was Playable?

Among the colorful non-playable characters in our favorite games are some personalities that would be arguably better if you could control them. I would've loved to have tried out Halo 2's Tartarus with his huge hammer and jumping abilities.

Who Do You Think Is The Best Video Game Companion Ever?

Some of the best parts of video games have to do with the characters that you meet and turn into companions. No matter what you're doing, having someone beside you who is always encouraging you to do your best (or sometimes your worst) makes video games feel more real. For me, the most memorable companions are those that do encourage your character to be their best and stick to the right path.

Who Should Play Link in The Legend of Zelda Movie?

Whether he remains a silent protagonist or not, Link would be a huge role for a young Hollywood actor. Who would you like to see in the green hat and tunic? Would you rather see an established actor or someone who is lesser-known?

What Is Your Honest Opinion of Zack Snyder and His Movies?

There doesn't seem to be a director quite as divisive in Hollywood as Zack Snyder. This is a guy who definitely has his own point of view and style, but it doesn't always hit the mark. How do you feel about him and his work?

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