As players embark on a cosmic journey with Starfield on the horizon, it becomes paramount to draw wisdom from the gaming titan that is Skyrim. Bethesda's upcoming sci-fi RPG has the opportunity to inherit the legacy of Skyrim and its rich lore, immersive world, and captivating gameplay.

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With unforgettable side quests that left players breathless and memorable NPCs that etched themselves into players hearts, Skyrim set the gold standard for open-world RPGs. Now, it is soon time to traverse the cosmos and unravel the secrets of how Starfield can ascend to the same legendary status as its fantasy predecessor, and prepare for an odyssey like no other.

10 Side Quests

Screenshot from The Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim showing the Daedra character Sanguine in a well-lit cave.

Skyrim's reputation for unforgettable side quests is well-deserved, as they offer players thrilling adventures and surprising narratives. Take the infamous quest "A Night to Remember," reminiscent of The Hangover films, where players awaken after a wild night with Sanguine, the Daedric prince of Revelry and Debauchery.

Starfield must take notes from Skyrim's exceptional quest design, ensuring that its own side quests are equally enjoyable and captivating. By providing intriguing storylines and engaging gameplay, Starfield can offer players a plethora of entertaining extracurricular adventures in the vastness of space, leaving them eager to explore and uncover the secrets of its cosmic universe.

9 Memorable NPCs

the elder scrolls 5 skyrim lydia

Skyrim's NPCs are the beating heart of its immersive world, leaving a lasting impact long after the game's release. The likes of Lydia, Serana, and Paarthurnax have become gaming legends, their names whispered with reverence among players. Conversely, infamous characters like Nazeem have carved a special place in the annals of gaming history, inspiring mods dedicated to his demise.

For Starfield to achieve greatness, it must introduce a cast of unforgettable characters who will forge deep connections with players, leaving an indelible mark in the vast expanse of the sci-fi genre. By creating iconic figures in this new universe, Starfield can captivate players and solidify its place among gaming's greatest.

8 An Interesting Open World

Skyrim's open world is a true masterpiece, captivating players with its breathtaking diversity. From the snowy peaks of its northern mountains to the lush forests of the south, every inch of the landscape feels meticulously crafted and alive. Starfield must draw inspiration from this level of detail and immersion, fashioning an open world that sparks the imagination and compels exploration.

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Whether it's unearthing ancient alien ruins or soaring through awe-inspiring planetary vistas, Starfield's universe must come alive, beckoning players with the promise of endless wonders and captivating encounters. A vibrant and immersive world is the key to creating a truly unforgettable sci-fi experience.

7 Being a Life Simulator

Skyrim Playable Races Tavern Maid

Skyrim isn't just a grand epic of world-saving quests; it's a realm where players can find solace in the mundane, indulging in everyday activities that offer a much-needed break from the weight of the world. Whether it's embarking on a hunting expedition, casting a line into a serene fishing spot, or simply assuming the role of an ordinary citizen, the game provides a captivating escape from reality.

Starfield must capture and expand upon this essence, inviting players to immerse themselves in a vibrant and dynamic universe. After all, even space-faring adventurers deserve moments of respite, relaxing and unwinding in interstellar taverns, finding solace in the simple joys of life amidst the cosmic expanse.

6 Survival Mode

skyrim player dies after having soup in survival mode

A whole new level of challenge and immersion was introduced with Skyrim survival mode, introducing a whole new level of challenge and immersion. With hunger gnawing at their bellies and fatigue weighing heavy on their shoulders, players had to navigate the treacherous wilderness with caution. It added depth to the gameplay, forcing players to carefully consider their every move and decision.

Starfield has a golden opportunity to capitalize on this success by incorporating a similar survival mode. Imagine venturing into the uncharted depths of space, managing vital resources, and battling the unforgiving hazards of cosmic exploration. It would elevate the gameplay, testing players' resilience and resourcefulness while amplifying their sense of triumph in the face of adversity.

5 Factions

The Skyrim Thieves Guild

Skyrim's factions breathed life into the game's immersive storytelling, giving players a chance to join and progress within unique organizations. The Thieves Guild, Dark Brotherhood, and Companions offered compelling narratives, exclusive items, and meaningful connections with fellow faction members. Starfield can draw inspiration from Skyrim's faction system, allowing players to align themselves with diverse groups that shape the game's universe.

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Whether it's becoming a daring space pirate or an intergalactic scholar, factions can provide distinct gameplay experiences and a sense of purpose within the sprawling expanse of Starfield's cosmos. By incorporating compelling faction narratives, Bethesda can ensure that players feel engaged and invested in the unfolding events of their interstellar journey.

4 Crime

skyrim guard walking in mid air

Skyrim's crime and punishment system elevated the stakes of players' actions, infusing the game with excitement and consequences. From small-scale theft to audacious heists, players had to navigate the intricacies of the law and face the repercussions of their criminal endeavors.

Starfield should embrace a similarly robust justice system, offering players the opportunity to engage in illicit activities across planets and systems. Each jurisdiction within the game's universe can enforce its own set of laws, creating a dynamic and immersive experience. Whether you're smuggling contraband, engaging in high-stakes piracy, or orchestrating daring heists, the thrill of being a space outlaw should carry tangible consequences, deepening the gameplay and adding layers of excitement to the sci-fi adventure.

3 Unique Items

skyrim player traps follower in a room while trying to get dawnbreaker

Skyrim's collection of unique weapons and armor has become the stuff of gaming legend. Iconic items like Chillrend, Dawnbreaker, and the Ebony Blade have captivated players with their distinctive designs and formidable abilities. To achieve the same level of excitement and satisfaction, Starfield must present a diverse range of one-of-a-kind items that leave players in awe and envy.

From advanced alien weaponry to cutting-edge space suits infused with unique technology, these extraordinary artifacts will not only serve as symbols of accomplishment but also provide tangible rewards for the players' exploration and triumphs within the vast and immersive universe of Starfield.

2 Mods, Mods, Mods

The modding community has played a pivotal role in the enduring success of Skyrim, providing a vast array of content, improvements, and imaginative creations that have kept players engaged long after its initial release. With Starfield, Bethesda should wholeheartedly embrace and facilitate the modding scene from the outset, empowering players to shape and customize their interstellar journeys.

By encouraging the development of new planets, spacecraft designs, and alien species, Starfield will foster a dynamic and passionate community of creators. This collaboration between developers and modders will ensure that Starfield remains a game that constantly evolves, offering fresh experiences and adventures that stand the test of time. Prepare for a universe of endless possibilities.

1 Stealth Builds

Screenshot of a Skyrim archer crouching in tall grass

The infamous Stealth Archer build - the bane of players' attempts to deviate from the path. No matter how players initially envision their characters, many inevitably succumb to the allure of stealth archery, silently picking off enemies from the shadows. Starfield can acknowledge this fondly remembered quirk from Skyrim, but it should also strive for better balance and diversify playstyles.

Perhaps players can choose to be a cunning infiltrator, a technologically augmented hacker, or a master of alien psionics, ensuring that no one build dominates the game but still offering exciting stealth-oriented options. By expanding the possibilities and providing unique avenues for stealth gameplay, Starfield can captivate players with its versatility while paying homage to Skyrim's legendary Stealth Archer build.

Starfield releases on September 6th 2023 for Xbox One, Xbox Series S, Xbox Series X and PC.

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