With Starfield's release on the horizon, the eagerly awaited sci-fi RPG has a lot to live up to. However, by taking a page from the playbook of Fallout 4, another beloved Bethesda title, Starfield has the potential to create a truly remarkable gaming experience.

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Many innovative features were introduced in Fallout 4 that enthralled players, and if Starfield can successfully integrate these elements while adding its distinct flair, it has the chance to become an immersive masterpiece in its own right. It begs the question, what can Starfield learn from the success of Fallout 4?

10 Weapon & Armor Modification

One of the standout features that made Fallout 4 a hit was its weapon and armor modification system. The sheer thrill of taking ordinary weapons and transforming them into powerful tools of destruction was a source of endless enjoyment for players. Starfield should take this concept to new heights, offering an expansive range of cutting-edge weaponry and advanced armor for customization.

Whether it's equipping energy rifles with devastating modifications or crafting futuristic exosuits with enhanced capabilities, the possibilities should be as vast as the cosmos itself. Let players unleash their creativity and forge weapons that will make even the most formidable foes tremble in the depths of space.

9 Dialogue Options

Fallout 4's dialogue system faced its fair share of criticism due to its perceived limitations. However, it appears that Bethesda has taken note of the feedback and made improvements for Starfield. The glimpses of gameplay we've seen so far indicate a more refined and immersive dialogue system.

Starfield seems poised to offer players diverse dialogue options and meaningful choices, allowing them to shape their character's journey and influence the course of events in the game. By enhancing storytelling through interactive and dynamic conversations, Starfield has the potential to deliver a more engaging narrative experience that will captivate players in its vast and rich universe.

8 Karma

Vault boy's devil alter ego from Fallout

While the absence of a Karma system made sense within the post-apocalyptic world of Fallout 4, it did leave a void for fans who appreciated the moral compass it provided in previous games. In the case of Starfield, implementing a similar system could add depth and consequence to players' actions. By incorporating a reputation system influenced by their choices, Starfield can allow players to carve their path through the stars.

Whether they choose to be virtuous heroes or incomparably evil, their decisions would shape their standing in the universe, impacting how others perceive and interact with them. This moral flexibility would further enhance the immersive storytelling experience in Starfield.

7 Factions

Image from Fallout 4 showing a member of the Brotherhood of Steel holding a Gatling Laser.

While Fallout 4 introduced a mix of factions, their reception among players varied. While the Brotherhood of Steel's return delighted many fans, newcomers like the Institute, Minutemen, and Railroad fell short of the mark set by their predecessors. In the case of Starfield, it is essential to create factions that captivate a diverse audience, reminiscent of Skyrim's factions.

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Whether it's space-faring pirates or intergalactic diplomats, each faction should offer compelling narratives and meaningful incentives for players to align themselves. By crafting well-rounded factions with distinct identities and motivations, Starfield can ensure that players are truly invested in their chosen allegiances, enhancing the game's immersive storytelling and gameplay experience.

6 Environments

Image from Fallout 4 showing a desolate wasteland with an orange glow in the sky.

While Fallout'spost-apocalyptic wasteland holds a certain allure, the repetitive scenery can become monotonous after extensive exploration. Fallout 4 attempted to break this pattern by infusing its 1950s aesthetic into the game, injecting vibrant colors and a distinct style. Starfield can learn from this approach, particularly in its depiction of barren planets and the outer reaches of the universe.

By creating visually captivating landscapes on each planet, Starfield can ensure that players are constantly engaged and excited to explore. From lush alien jungles to sprawling desert wastelands, the variety of environments will breathe life into the vastness of space and make each planetary adventure a unique experience, while avoiding the issues of Fallout's apocalyptic scenery.

5 Game-Changing Mods

fallout 4 horse mod

The modding community has played a crucial role in the success and longevity of the Fallout series, and Starfield should take note. By embracing and supporting mods right from the start, Starfield can cultivate a passionate and creative modding community that will continuously breathe new life into the game.

The possibilities are boundless, with mods ranging from new planetary landscapes and exotic alien species to innovative gameplay mechanics and enhanced graphics. Allowing players to unleash their imagination and share their creations will elevate Starfield to new heights, providing endless possibilities and ensuring that the game remains exciting and fresh for years to come.

4 Replayability

Fallout 4 Lone Wanderer looking at Codsworth

Fallout 4 was renowned for its impressive replayability, and Starfield should strive to match that level of variety. The ability to embark on new playthroughs with different playstyles, character builds, and moral choices adds immense depth and excitement to the game. Starfield should offer a diverse range of planets to explore, each with its unique challenges and opportunities.

Players should have the freedom to align themselves with different factions, experiencing varying storylines and outcomes. By ensuring that each journey through the cosmos feels distinct and rewarding, Starfield will provide an immersive and endlessly engaging experience that keeps players coming back for more.

3 NPCs and Companions

nick valentine

Fallout 4 showcased the power of memorable NPCs and companions who breathed life into the post-apocalyptic world. The likes of Nick Valentine, Hancock, and Strong became beloved allies, offering companionship and enriching the player's journey through the wasteland. In Starfield, it is crucial to emulate this success by introducing a diverse and compelling cast of companions.

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Whether they are extraterrestrial beings, advanced AI constructs, or eccentric mercenaries, these companions should bring humor, drama, and camaraderie to the interstellar adventure. They should be more than just allies; they should add depth and emotional resonance to the cosmic odyssey.

2 Laser Weapons

Fallout 4 - Laser Musket

Fallout's laser weapons have been a staple of the series, but their impact has always fallen short of expectations. Even in the latest installments like Fallout 4 and Fallout 76, they failed to deliver the awe-inspiring power that advanced technology should possess. Starfield must learn from this and ensure that its high-tech weaponry feels truly formidable.

Whether it's a devastating plasma cannon obliterating foes or a precision laser rifle slicing through enemies with deadly accuracy, these futuristic weapons should inspire fear and leave players in awe of their destructive potential. Let the cosmic arsenal of Starfield redefine the meaning of firepower in the sci-fi realm.

1 Settlements

Massive Sanctuary Settlement

Love it or hate it, Fallout 4's settlement-building feature undeniably had a charm of its own. Starfield can build upon the foundations laid by its predecessor and take player creativity to new heights. Imagine constructing and customizing sprawling space stations, establishing outposts on uncharted planets, or creating bustling intergalactic cities.

The ability to shape the cosmos according to each players vision, whether it's a trade hub teeming with alien life or a space bar tucked away in the far reaches of space, would add a whole new dimension to the gameplay experience. With refinements and exciting new possibilities, settlement building in Starfield could become an extraordinary aspect of the game, fostering a sense of ownership and immersion in the vastness of the universe.

Starfield releases on September 6th, 2023 for Xbox One, Xbox Series X, Xbox Series S, and PC.

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