The Pokemon games revolve around capturing monsters and battling with them to receive experience and money to become a stronger trainer. Nothing around this really makes sense in comparison to the real world.

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But even in the world of Pokemon some things just don't make sense, the games have had a long history dating back to Red & Blue's initial release in 1996. Many things that have been implemented just don't follow up, with Pokemon not having the right types, ties to the real world and questions about what the people of Pokemon even eat. The latest entry in the franchise Pokemon Scarlet & Violet seemingly seems to have a lot of these same problems that have been ever present throughout the games.

10 Why Aren't These Pokemon Dragon Type?

Charizard In The Pokemon Anime

The age-old question among Pokemon fans is why aren't certain Pokemon certain types, with Charizard being the main example. Charizard just looks like a dragon, but it is Fire/Flying, which actually does make sense, but it is a crying shame that this dragon cannot fully become one.

The same can be said about Gyarados, this Water/Flying Pokemon's design is based on an ancient Chinese Dragon, which is more than enough to give it its Dragon typing. In this case, the Flying type makes no sense in comparison to Charizard, so it is an even stronger case to be a Dragon.

9 Real World Elements Exist?

Raichu Gen 1 Sprite Pokemon

Some of the old Pokedex entries throughout the games just make no sense, there are mentions of real places and animals on Earth. The early games did not have quite an idea of what the world of Pokemon was, and it appears it was set on Earth in the original games.

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Raichu's FireRed Pokedex entry states "Careless contact can cause even an Indian elephant to faint." Does this mean that Indian elephants exist within the Pokemon World? Another example would be Regice which Emerald's entry which mentions that its body is made from Antarctic ice. So does Antarctica exist? Is the Pokemon World Earth or its own planet entirely? Things just don't add up.

8 Why Is Every Door Open?

Houses In Celadon City

The Pokemon world seems to have a level of trust that the real-life world just does not, the trainer can walk into every house in the Pokemon world, seemingly without a problem.

Locks just don't exist and in a world where evil teams such as Team Rocket seek to steal Pokemon, players would think that the people of the Pokemon World would be more cautious and not let a ten-year-old child walk into their house freely and uninvited. Pokemon Scarlet & Violet has addressed this with houses not really being present, shops are more of a menu also so it seems the Pokemon World is becoming a little more protective in these trying times.

7 Fire Pokemon Can Be Frozen?

Infernape In Pokemon BrilliantDiamond & ShinningPearl

There are some Fire Pokemon in the games that have actual fire as part of their anatomy, the Charmander line, the Chimchar line and the Slugma line. All examples of Fire Pokemon that have flames and magma coursing through their veins.

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This raises a question as to why these Pokemon can be frozen by Ice-type moves in battle, fire cannot be frozen as it would simply melt the ice. There are cases of Pokemon moves not hitting certain types due to real-life ideas, Ground moves cannot hit Flying types because they are simply in the air, and it wouldn't hit, so why isn't that the case when it revolves around fire and ice types?

6 Earthquake Can Hit Certain Flying Pokemon?

Venomoth Flying In The Anime

As mentioned Flying Type Pokemon cannot be hit by Ground Type moves, which makes sense, but what doesn't is that there are Pokemon that can clearly fly and avoid these moves, but they cannot.

Venomoth is a Bug/Poison type Pokemon, it flies in the air but Earthquake and other ground moves will absolutely obliterate it. Certain flying Pokemon (without the typing) like Flygon and Hydreigon has the ability of Levitate which adds the flying type to it. Venomoth does not have access to this ability rendering it open to ground moves which it could perhaps easily avoid. ​​​​​​​

5 How Can Certain Pokemon Use These Moves?

Wooper Gen 2 Sprite

With over 900 Pokemon moves in the games, there are bound to be some that just don't make sense. Wooper, for example, has the ability to learn ice punch, a Pokemon that does not have any hands. So where is the punch even coming from?

Primeape, although its pre-evolved form of Mankey has a tail, the evolved form does not and Primeape can learn Iron Tail. Where is its tail? These things don't make sense and can be easily avoided by simply not allowing these Pokemon to learn a move that involves a part of the body that they do not have.​​​​​​​

4 How Can These Pokemon Be Ridden?

Dodrio's Pokedex Entry

Before the days of Pokemon Ride, HM's were used and moves given to a Pokemon which would mean Fly and Surf can be used outside of battle. But this had its problems, Dodrio a bird Pokemon that does not fly, based on an ostrich or an emu, can learn fly. In the earlier games, it's implied that a trainer flies on this Pokemon which would be very interesting to see.

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Taking to the seas another example is that smaller Pokemon, such as Squirtle can be surfed on by a trainer and the sizes just don't add up here. It makes complete sense that this was removed and the surfing element has been replaced by one Pokemon that has the size to do so such as a Sharpedo.​​​​​​​

3 Where Does Mom Sleep?

Player's House in HeartGold & SoulSilver

Most of the Pokemon houses appear to just have one room in them, the trainer's house has two, the living room and the player's bedroom. But this raises a very important question, where does Mom sleep? She doesn't have her room.

Perhaps the gamer just doesn't see the room, but the logistics of the house don't make much sense. In later games the houses of much more detailed, but still an absence of the Mom's room. The answer to this is to save money and time on resources that add nothing to the story of the games but for realism's sake, it would be nice to know she has a place to call her own.

2 Why Do Some Pokemon Wear Clothes?

Sawk & Throh In The Pokemon Anime

A real thinker when it comes to Pokemon is that some of them wear clothes, Sawk and Throh are prime examples of this as they wear karate outfits. Does this imply that these clothes are a part of their body and the karate outfits are an organic part of their makeup? If one of these fighting Pokemon hatches from an egg their outfits are already there, so this must be the case.

Also, this is the case when it comes to Pokemon that use weapons or tools, such as the Timburr line, is the log or girder part of their genetic makeup? It must be as if they hatch from an egg holding this item. It really doesn't make sense.

1 What Do People Eat?

Smoked Tail Curry In Pokemon Sword & Shield

Lastly, a big question that has been raised among Pokemon fans is what the people of the universe eat. In real life, a lot of people eat animals. Of course, animals don't exist in the Pokemon universe, so a dark question presents itself, do people eat Pokemon?

There has been one example of this being the case in the games Gold & Silver, Slowpoke have their tails removed in order to be sold as food. But this is seen as inhumane and the trainer must put a stop to it, so it begs the question of what people eat, do they live solely off berries or are there other sources of food that fans just don't know about?​​​​​​​

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