Since the debut of Astro Boy as the first shonen anime, the world has witnessed the release of numerous shonen anime franchises. But only a handful of them have achieved cult status, and among those, the "big three" of the 2000s and early 2010s, One Piece, Bleach, and Naruto, stand out as the leaders in terms of popularity and impact on the shonen genre.

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While it's impossible to objectively determine which of the "big three" is the best, Naruto fans present convincing arguments for why it deserves that title. The series follows Naruto Uzumaki, a teenage boy in a world of ninjas who aspires to become the Hokage of his village. With over 700 episodes, Naruto is considered a masterpiece and hailed by many as the greatest anime ever. Despite its lengthy run, the show never grows stale or repetitive. Here are some things Naruto does better than other action-shonen anime.

10 Unique World-Building

Sasuke, Sakura, and Naruto in Naruto

Naruto's world stands out as more realistic compared to other Shonen anime. Its setting combines ancient and modern elements, blending a historical aesthetic with advanced technology and creating a captivating contrast. The world of Naruto is inhabited by a society of ninjas, with nations divided based on elemental control.

A brilliant aspect of the Elemental Nations is the separation between villages and countries. This small yet significant detail allows the series to avoid the common pitfall faced by many action shonen anime—dealing with economics, civilian responses, and global governance. The isolation of the villages from their civilian counterparts ensures that the ninja storyline remains focused without compromising the integrity of the world.

9 Captivating Soundtrack


The soundtrack of an anime series is a vital element that can significantly influence the viewer's emotions and immersion in the story. The music in Naruto is one of the most distinct and captivating in the anime world.

The soundtrack significantly contributes to the series' uniqueness as it cleverly merges traditional Japanese sounds with modern rock to create memorable and exciting theme songs. One of the standout tracks is the iconic "Blue Bird," which is often regarded as one of the best in all anime. The series also features evocative and soothing music that adds to the overall emotional impact of the story.

8 Relevant Themes

Naruto Gaara Childhood

Naruto offers a thought-provoking narrative that explores peace, friendship, morality, and the ideal world. As a shonen anime, it provides valuable life lessons such as persistence, loyalty, and the significance of friendships that young children can easily comprehend and apply in their own lives.

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The show features a range of complex characters grappling with forgiveness, revenge, and the cycle of hatred, particularly in the Pain Story Arc. Naruto's character exemplifies forgiveness, inspiring audiences with his ability to overcome the hate and prejudice directed towards him. Also, his partnership with Nagato aims to end the cycle of revenge and encourage forgiveness and love regardless of national origins.

7 Remarkable Power System

Naruto Kurama Avatar

Naruto's power system is a major factor in the series' success. It revolves around ninja techniques and their use of Jutsu, divided into Ninjutsu, Genjutsu, and Taijutsu. Ninjutsu is known for its versatility; Genjutsu creates sensory illusions, and Taijutsu relies on martial arts techniques.

The series also introduces the concept of Jinchūriki, who are individuals with tailed beasts inside them that give them immense power and a tremendous amount of chakra. While the science of chakra is not fully explained, its implementation is mostly plausible.

6 Impressive Villains

Madara Uchiha

Naruto boasts an impressive roster of unforgettable villains with unique motivations, exciting powers, and great origin stories. The well-crafted antagonists, such as Uchiha Madara, Uchiha Obito, Pain, Zabuza, and Uchiha Itachi, have motivations beyond mere power and control. They all have deeper issues that viewers can empathize with and understand.

The Akatsuki, the group of villains in Naruto, poses a terrifying and exciting threat to the heroes, with deeper motivations than expected. They incite events that lead to a great war that permeates almost the entire series. Naruto's villains deliver fantastic dialogue and make compelling points. For instance, Pain's lecture about the cycle of hatred is one of the most memorable.

5 Emotionally Intense

Itachi bids goodbye to Sasuke

Naruto is a highly emotional anime that sets a mature tone from the start. The story of the Uchiha massacre shapes Sasuke's worldview, and Naruto begins the series as a lonely outcast seeking acceptance. Despite the constant rejection, Naruto remains determined to become the Hokage and make a name for himself as a legendary ninja.

Along the way, he forms meaningful friendships and achieves his goal, inspiring viewers to overcome their personal traumas. The series tackles serious themes and uses tragedy to drive the plot, making it a poignant and inspiring adventure.

4 Well Crafted Characters

Naruto: The Characters Who Are Irredeemable

Naruto's unique approach to character development sets it apart from other shonen anime. The series introduces its main characters from childhood, allowing viewers to get emotionally invested in them as they grow into adulthood. This vast cast of characters offers something for everyone and receives equal attention and development until the end. The side characters have compelling stories, making them as lovable as the main cast.

Each character is burdened with different tragedies that strengthen their bond with viewers. Naruto is the ideal protagonist, he is a well-written character with an inspirational and emotional story. His determination, loyalty, and humor make him one of the most beloved characters in the series, and his realistic and meaningful goal of becoming Hokage kept fans invested in his journey.

3 Thrilling Fight Scenes

Naruto vs Sasuke Fourth Great Ninja War

Naruto has the most enjoyable, creative, and unpredictable fight scenes among the Shonen big three. The martial arts-inspired battles of the ninja characters are based on deceptive and resourceful tactics. The genius Sasuke and tactical genius Shikamaru are just a few examples of characters that make the battle system exciting.

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These epic fights were found as early as the Chunin Exams arc and peaked during the Fourth Shinobi World War. Fans cheered for Naruto when he defeated the unbeatable Neji Hyuga in the Chunin Exam. The great battle against the Six Paths of Pain is also a standout.

2 Most Interesting Rivalry

Naruto and Sasuke in Naruto

The intense and emotionally charged rivalry between Naruto Uzumaki and his teammate Sasuke Uchiha is nothing short of legendary. Naruto and Sasuke share a complicated relationship characterized by their roles as both teammates and bitter foes. Their connection runs deep, and the rivalry between them continues to evolve, serving as the beating heart of the Naruto series.

Compared to other anime rivalries, Naruto's and Sasuke's bond is complex and multi-layered. It's a testament to the skillful writing and character development in the Naruto series that their rivalry remains one of the most memorable and impactful in all anime.

1 Exceptional Story

Naruto Uzumaki Sad Childhood

Naruto's plot is highly addictive and has captivated anime fans worldwide with its mysteries, questions, and potential conclusions. The franchise features captivating story arcs, such as the Chunin Exams Arc, Five Kage Summit Arc, Pain Invasion Arc, and the Fourth Great Ninja War, all showcasing Kishimoto's visionary writing.

Naruto Uzumaki's journey as an underdog hero, starting as an unwanted orphan and becoming Hokage, is highly relatable, making his achievements even more impressive. Overall, Kishimoto does an excellent job of keeping the audience hooked until the very end.

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