As Grand Theft Auto 5 edges closer towards its tenth anniversary, the expectations and possibilities amongst fans continue to grow in the lead-up to the eventual release of Grand Theft Auto 6. Rockstar's last entry to one of their franchises, Red Dead Redemption, included a level of gameplay and story seldom seen before, offering greater levels of realism and a grounded story.

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Considering the jump between the capabilities of 2013 and 2018, it was only reasonable for the game to contain such a massive advancement. With GTA 6 potentially being released at some point over the next few years, many fans continue to hold high expectations and are hoping for a similar leap in quality as the one witnessed between its predecessor and Red Dead Redemption 2.

7 Slow Pace

RDR2 walking

Those who played Red Dead Redemption 2 experienced multiple phases within the game that forced Arthur or John to walk at the same pace that an ally would move. This occurred when riding through towns on a horse, walking amid a mission, or even walking through the camp of Dutch van der Linde's Gang.

If Rockstar wishes to aim for a fast-paced, action-packed, and entertaining game, this is one of the most important factors which should be taken into account when forming GTA 6. Whilst this is an important feature to help flesh out characters and story plot lines, speeding scenes and navigation sequences up will help to alleviate the potential of players' dissatisfaction with the downtime.

6 Extreme Realism

RDR2 Weapon Cleaning

Rockstar was able to introduce a lot of realistic elements in RDR2 that players did not see in GTA 5, and this took the Red Dead Redemption entry to a new level. Despite this, fans will know that there are some tedious sections in terms of the way that realism and gameplay were meshed together.

This includes the need to clean weapons to maintain their effectiveness, the inability to call one's horse from greater distances, and the lack of an option to quickly loot enemies. To fit all players' wishes, it would be beneficial if Rockstar allowed them to toggle such features on or off, for those who favor them or not.

5 Long Prologue


One of the few criticisms RDR2 received was the length of the game's opening sequence, which involved the player going through multiple encounters before entering Act 1. Not only does the game take its time to unfold, but it also contains those same sequences which force the players to run, walk, or ride their horse at the same pace as their companion.

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Fans familiar with GTA 5's opening will hope for something similar in the next entry to the Grand Theft Auto series, potentially giving players a prologue to remember. A slow pace can be good for the sake of exposition, but may not be the best way to start out an action-oriented game.

4 Remove Power System


Both Red Dead Redemption games gave players an ability known as "dead eye" that allowed them to slow time down and aim to pick off their targets in quick succession, very similar to Michael De Santa's ability amongst the three playable characters in GTA 5. Depending on which character the player controlled, each of them would possess a unique ability as an assist to encounters with enemies.

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Whether it is an introduction to a difficulty system or an option to keep or remove these abilities, this would be an essential factor in the aspect of giving GTA 6 a grounded and more realistic feel without including an overwhelming level of realism featured in RDR2. Pretty graphics and realism are important, but soo too is fun.

3 Wanted System


The wanted system within RDR2 had some flaws regarding its law and wanted mechanics. When players commit acts far away from populated towns and there is an NPC witness, officers can spawn quite close to the player despite them being miles from civilization.

This brings the level of realism into the equation and the time in which the game is set in, but Rockstar has the opportunity to refine this sector of gameplay. Fans expect GTA 6 to be set within a modern time period, as rumors suggest the location to be a familiar one in Vice City. If so, this could mean a major shift in the way that police operate.

2 Response And Aim Controls Switch

RDR2 Interactions

With RDR2's features of interacting with NPCs in multiple scenarios in free roam and the main story, it also involves the same controls required for gun combat. The option for the player to aim their weapon is juxtaposed with the option to greet or antagonize an NPC.

For some players, this could sometimes result in the accident of holding NPCs at gunpoint or pushing one depending on how close they are. A rebuild of these controls could allow for more fluid interactions in GTA 6.

1 Increase Population

RDR2 Population

Whilst players free roam in the vast open world of RDR2, encounters with NPC and special types of interactions are present. This can occur randomly, whether it leaves the player as the subject of a robbery, or provides a ride home for one who has lost their horse. It is one of the features which gives the game a reason to be held up to the high praise it has.

Regardless, there are some circumstances in which fans will know that there is a need for a higher number of NPCs and this will certainly be possible for Rockstar to implement in future games. As GTA 6 has supposedly been in development since 2014, a year after GTA 5's release, fans will expect production to be at an incredibly high standard when the game is finally ready for release.

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