At its initial release, theHunter: Call of the Wild forced fans to rely on their own tracking skills. They were alone in the great outdoors. Success meant detecting signs, cornering their quarries, and aiming true. It could be difficult, particularly if players didn't have an eye for animal trails. Thankfully, the developers have now made the process easier with DLC.

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Meet the bloodhound. With its advanced nose, this dog specializes in hunting--ideal for tracking. Sure enough, Call of the Wild players will be glad to have it at their side. The pooch has a plethora of traits to ease the normal burdens of tracking. By investing in the right ones, players can become the best hunters around.

7 Sharp

A dog command in The Hunter: Call of the Wild

Rather than boost a single aspect, this trait helps dogs excel in a general sense. That may sound unappealing, but the difference is palpable. Here, being "sharp" means that dogs are far more willing to work.

The game illustrates that with increased Focus. This describes a dog's motivation and willingness to take commands. The higher it is, the more commands that players can give their pooch. Possessing such a trait lets them aid in hunting for longer periods before becoming fatigued. In the process, it paves the way for other traits and actions.

6 Loving

Loving in The Hunter: Call of the Wild

Like Sharp, this trait comes with general benefits. The name spells it out clearly. The Loving trait allows players to have a closer relationship with their dogs. That comes in the form of an increased bond.

Bonding deals with how much a dog enjoys its work. A high level in this area causes its focus to regenerate at a faster rate. It has a similar appeal as the Sharp trait in that it lays a valuable foundation for the rest of the game. They're actually effective companion traits, letting dogs absorb constant commands without ever wearing out.

5 Poop-Dar

Animal droppings in The Hunter: Call of the Wild

No one said hunting is glamorous. Much of it stems from smell, and few substances are as strong in that regard as fecal matter. The Hunter acknowledges that with Poop-Dar.

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This trait increases the likelihood of a dog detecting droppings while standing idle. As gross as that sounds, it can be an unexpected boon. Players might pick up a trail that they weren't even looking for. Granted, not every discovery is a winner, but having that extra avenue open boosts the chance of scoring a big game prize. Why shouldn't hunters use every tool at their disposal?

4 Nosier

A blood clue in The Hunter: Call of the Wild

When players find a target, there's no guarantee that they'll bring it down in one shot. They'll probably injure it and follow the resulting blood trail. That said, some wounds may not draw much blood, creating a faint trail that is harder to track. In turn, players miss out on a potentially valuable prize. This trait fixes that issue.

An upgraded version of the Nosy trait, Nosier enables the bloodhound to pick up a scent from small blood clues. Thus, players don't have to worry about fatally injuring an animal in order to chase it. As long as they hit it somewhere, they get a second chance. In fact, they get as many chances as necessary. Even a little nick makes it nigh impossible to escape. If hunters play the long game, their track record will skyrocket.

3 Shortcut

A bloodhound tracking in The Hunter: Call of the Wild

When tracking animals, the mass of clues can be overwhelming. It can be especially difficult to distinguish a fresh trail from an old one, so players must take up precious time to verify the difference. By the time they do, their quarry is long gone. That's where this trait comes in handy.

Shortcut means that dogs ignore older clues when tracking. The keener sense of small ensures that hunters can focus on the prey that's within reach. In turn, they have greater success rates. No more wild goose chases.

2 6th Sense

Deer in The Hunter: Call of the Wild

A bloodhound's senses are already admirable, but this trait adds another to its arsenal. The indeterminate 6th Sense lets them detect when animals are about to be spooked. Oftentimes, it occurs when predators are in the area.

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This extrasensory gift helps on two fronts. For one thing, it provides a greater perspective on whether the hunt will succeed. If players know the target is about to bolt, then they may not want to waste energy or resources in a desperate attack. On the other hand, the trait alerts them of potential danger. After all, a predator may choose a human being (or a dog) as its next prey. If forced into a fight, it's better not to be caught off-guard. That ties into another vital trait.

1 Brave

A bear in The Hunter: Call of the Wild

A dog's uses go beyond tracking. It can also be a source of protection and a powerful ally in a dangerous situation. In addition to sensing predators, a mutt may scare them off. The Brave trait gives dogs a chance to discourage any impending carnivores.

Having it equipped means that players will not only survive but bear fruit. Shooting an animal running toward the player can be as hard as running away. Not to mention, the price for missing is far more severe. With dogs as protection, fans may not have to risk life and limb in a fight. The mutt may even ward off the predator before it spooks the prey, letting hunters line up their shots in peace. Such an advantage lets dogs cement their place as Man's Best Friend.

theHunter: Call of the Wild is currently available on PC, PS4, and Xbox One.

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