The long-awaited second season of Netflix's The Witcher continued in the trend set by its first season. It managed to answer a lot of questions the fans had after watching season one but also created some brand new questions. As a result, the third season (which might arrive in 2023, judging by the previous schedule) will have a lot of work to do.

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While the second season was in many ways more understandable than its predecessor, it didn't close all the storylines so there are some questions the fans are going to need answers to in the third season of The Witcher.

7 Will The Wild Hunt Go After Ciri?


In the games and books, it takes longer for the Wild Hunt to pursue Ciri. And as it turns out, they have their own reasons for doing so that have something to do with Ciri's heritage. The second season only showed a few glimpses of the Wild Hunt but judging by the source material, it's not the last time the viewers will get to see them.

As Ciri's powers will develop, it's even more likely the Wild Hunt will go after her. Luckily for Ciri, she won't be alone and her friends and allies will take the Wild Hunt on if needed.

6 Are There Other Creatures From Different Worlds?

The Witcher myriapod

When Ciri toppled the monoliths, she brought monsters from different planes of existence, different worlds into her own. While Geralt and the other Witchers fought and managed to kill some of them (such as the myriapod), other monsters could very well show up in the third season as well.

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A part of its storyline could even focus on how to stop them from entering The Witcher's world but it remains to be seen whether the show will take this direction or not.

5 What's Up With Vilgefortz?

The Witcher - Vilgefortz Gwent Card Art Side By Side With A Frame Of Him In The Netflix Adaptation

Almost all The Witcher characters follow their own agendas but Vilgefortz is easily one of the most mysterious characters. In the first season, he killed some of his presumed allies and in the second season, he was attempting to gain even more influence and also started a romantic relationship with Tissaia.

So far it seems that Vilgefortz is primarily after power but what steps he will take to achieve it remains unclear. However, if the show follows the books closely in his case, then both Ciri and Yennefer should beware of the mage.

4 Will There Be New Witchers?

witcher netflix vesemir eskel lambert coen

One of the big revelations of the second season was that Ciri's blood is the component necessary for creating the mutagen that will, in return, create new witchers. Before that, it was no longer possible to create new Witchers. Now that Vesemir knows the recipe, he might very well decide to use more of Ciri's blood to enrich the Witcher ranks, especially after so many of them died in the last season, not just Eskel.

However, while Ciri might agree, it's unclear whether she'll be able to give her blood to Vesemir. Owning Ciri's blood also puts the Witchers in danger since it allows mages to locate Ciri and there are many people after her.

3 Will Emhyr Find His Daughter?

Duny in Netflix's Witcher Series Season 1

The biggest reveal of the second season is that the feared emperor of Nilfgaard is none other than Ciri's father Duny. It's clear that Emhyr's looking for his daughter but whether he will find her in the third season or not, remains to be seen. Either way, Ciri should stay away from him since Emhyr's intentions are far from pure.

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In the books, he plans to marry his own daughter at one point and had a child with her! The show could always change Emhyr's character for the better, but judging by his previous actions (such as the murder of Francesca's child), the show's Emhyr will be similarly villainous as his book predecessor.

2 Will Redania And The Elves Wage A War?

Elven sorceress Francesca Findabair

After the murder of her long-awaited child, Francesca decides to get revenge (or justice as she calls it) and uses magic to murder multiple children in Redania. It would be a miracle if her actions didn't have any consequences.

The most probable option is that it will lead to a war between Redania and the elves who are still somewhat supported by Nilfgaard. In the games, Redania and Niflgaard also fight each other, and in the show, Francesca's actions could very well be the cause of the conflict developing even more.

1 Will Geralt And Yennefer Rekindle Their Romance?

Geralt and Yennefer in The Witcher

Despite their strong connection in the books as well as the show, it seems like Yennefer's and Geralt's relationship hit a new rough patch, one that might be very difficult to overcome. Yennefer almost sold out Ciri to Voleth Meir in a desperate attempt to get back her magic power. As a result, Geralt made it clear that he no longer trusts Yennefer as he once used to.

Yennefer could potentially still turn things around by teaching Ciri how to control her power and by taking care of her but unlike in the books where she doesn't betray Ciri, her actions might negate any chance at a relationship with Geralt, at least in the visible future.

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