We love The Witcher games; after all, what's not to love? It's an excellent RPG filled with tons of amazing things to do with an incredible story to boot. So it's no wonder we'll want to plunge ourselves right back after the first playthrough, with the oh so popular New Game Plus mode. 'Cause it's just that good.

And while doing that, we might as well list ten things that'll be much easier in New Game Plus in case there are more unbelievers out there. These include leveling up fully, netting some trophies, and doing some incredible feat thought impossible otherwise. The Witcher games have a lot to offer players, so it'll be a disservice only playing it once. Here are 10 things that get easier in The Witcher's New Game Plus.

10  Fighting Enemies

Well, this is a no brainer. We've started the game again, but we haven't lost all our knowledge from the previous playthrough. We know what a lot of enemy's weaknesses are and how to kill them. We've also got confidence in knowing a petty drowner won't be the death of us this time.

But most important of all is that we still have all our loot. All that high-level equipment is sure to go through an enemy with ease. At this point, we'll be chasing down enemies to make ourselves even stronger. Nothing will be a threat to us (well most things as they'll still be some higher level enemies that'll still pose a threat). But this is good, as the challenge will be needed otherwise it'll be boring.

9 Leveling Up

Due to us being a little more overpowered this time, leveling up will be a cinch - especially if one knows what they want to level up and how to do it, Knowing the right Mutagens will be vital in making Geralt even stronger cause that's what it's all about in the long run the power trip.

The Witcher 3 provides the player with endgame Mutagens found in the Blood and Wine expansion, for example, a DLC specifically meant to be played after the main story. We'll be able to use a variety of new spells and potions as well. There's also no limit to the number of different builds one can make this time, which is another plus for New Game Plus.

8 Knowing Where To Go

The Witcher 3 crossroads

Now that we're fully established or at least more so than before, it'll be much easier traversing the world of The Witcher  because we've been here before, this is our country, and we know it like the palm of our hands.

RELATED: The Witcher 3: 10 Things That Are Way Harder On Death March

Mostly because we'll be going through these same areas again so it'll be much easier knowing where to go and what to do, weather in a quest or not. This is one of the best aspects of going through a second run on New Game Plus. You'll be able to go through the game faster and more efficiently.

7 Knowing What Choices To Make

Another great aspect of a New Game Plus playthrough is the opportunity to correct all you horrible and shameful mistakes in the previous playthrough. Successfully trying to romance both Yennefer and Triss is an example of such.

This time, however, things will be different. We know what not to do and what will benefit the story overall.. or perhaps we'll intentionally choose all the wrong choices for the sake of entertainment if the first playthrough was already quite fulfilling. After all, this is our story we can choose whatever we want!

6 Finding Loot

A New Game Plus playthrough will also allow us to seek out that long-forgotten loot, and with the story now behind us; it'll be much easier to find and procure lost treasures in the world, especially with more time we currently have in our hands.

Whether using a guide or simply just going it at our own pace, New Game Plus is undoubtedly the best chance to get all the items or spiffy new armor you can find and with The Witcher games having tons of loot variety we'll be chasing all of them for quite some time.

5 Understanding The Lore

It's not uncommon for new fans of The Witcher series joining with The Witcher 3 to not understand a lick of what's going on. The game doesn't help either, as if you don't have a Witcher 2 save data, you'll be prompted to manually input the choices you made in the previous game, which confused us even more.

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This time though, having finished the game the first time and having another go at it, we begin to notice all the intricate plot details linking to one another. And after knowing the main gist of the story from the first playthrough, understanding all the extra details will be much easier.

4 Exploration

Through Time And Space in The Witcher 3

Saying The Witcher 3 is a huge game would be an understatement and quite frankly an insult. The game's map rivals all other huge games this generation. It boasts two huge maps with several side quests, monster lairs, and other hidden areas to uncover and complete, and this is all just in the base game.

There are two other gigantic expansions to go through if you haven't already. And having completed the first playthrough, we definitely did not go through all of it, so a New Game Plus playthrough would be the best way to continue to explore in the Witcher's path.

3 Netting Some Specific Achievements

Repairing Items in The Witcher 3

For a lot of players clearing out achievements or trophies is the only reason to play on New Game Plus. This makes sense as a lot of achievements on The Witcher games requires more than one playthrough to net, especially with the typical Death March playthrough, or no-hit run achievements that are quite annoying, but a necessity to test the player's grit and skills.

Playing on New Game Plus is definitely the best way to go for these types of challenges, as not only will we be versed in the game, but our skills will be up for the test.

2 It'll Be Easier To Appreciate The Game

The Witcher 3 crossroads

Another advantage of New Game Plus is that it lets players appreciate the game more now that most of the content has already been seen. Most challenges have also been conquered so it'll be easier to understand the plot better, notice a few things here and there, a few nods to the older games and even appreciate the little things in the game such as Geralt's beard growing in real-time.

Truly, New Game Plus is for players who want to enjoy the game to the fullest but never had the chance to in the last playthrough.

1 Beating The Game Faster

Now that we've finished the main game and beaten most bosses, enemies, and monsters, it'll be much easier doing it a second time. But while doing so, why not go the extra mile and do it even faster? After all, speedruns are the craze these days so why not do one for the Witcher games?

Going through every single main quest while knowing what to do, how to do it, and the most efficient way to do it will undoubtedly be of great help. We'll also be able to use our newfound Witcher skills, gear and experience and put it to the test to see just how far we can go and how fast we can in doing so, just to add a bit more challenge and enjoyment to this next playthrough.

NEXT: 10 Open-World Games With The Deepest Lore, Ranked