With the burst of popularity starting to fade after the successful Witcher Netflix series, we want to do our part to keep people interested. Witchers are unique specimens, being the product of mutation science that allows them to down a wide variety of potions normal humans would find lethal. They can use simple magic, have their own ballet-esque sword style, and are seemingly innately shredded.

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So, it makes sense that they usually come out on top after fighting a slew of horrifying creatures. But, what are some monsters and cronies from other video games they could give a good beating to? And, what are some that could tear their special eyes out? Let's take a look and see.

10 Can Beat: The Blazing Bull From Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice


There's not many creatures Geralt could face in From Softwares newest title Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice, we're not even sure if he could beat a single boss. Why? Well, ones an immortal towering dragon, Ones a similarly immortal giant monkey, and the Demon of Hatred wouldn't even look his way. A Witcher is just a mutated man, he can do anything a normal person can do, just way better.

Sekiro, on the other hand, has shinobi tools, magic, mastery of the blade, oh and an immortal body in-canon. But, the Blazing Bull is probably doable for him, though maybe not Sakura Bull of The Palace in Fountainhead.

9 Die Against: Shoggoth From Call of Cthulu

When it comes to the Old Gods, there are few human or other that has any hope of fighting them. Cthulhu, Dagon, Azathoth, all of them are unimaginably horrifying and unspeakably powerful. So, it probably isn't even worth the time to say that Geralt couldn't hold a candle to any of them.

But, even worse than that, he probably couldn't beat their lesser minions as well. In Call of Cthulhu, one of the creatures the main character Jack can stumble upon during his time in Innsmouth is a Shoggoth. These jellyfish-like shapeshifters entered into a pact with the Deep Ones like Dagon and Cthulhu and are many times more powerful than any human weapon.

8 Can Beat: A Creeper From Minecraft

That's right, we're going to talk about Minecraft and The Witcher in the same paragraph, how freaking epic. But, no one can argue that Minecraft is one of the most popular games of the last decade or so, or that the Creeper from it has become an easily recognizable icon. These four-legged polygonal freaks are walking bombs that ruin any fun players are trying to have.

Frankly, they aren't much to fight, in-game, they take 3-4 slashes with a normal steel weapon to kill, so Geralt's silver sword would take even less. But, if The Witcher had any knowledge of how Creepers worked, he would simply cast Igni it from afar.

7 Die Against: The Orphan of Kos From Bloodborne

Orphan of Kos

While we're on the topic of Lovecraft and Deep Ones, the DLC for the From Software game Bloodborne also uses Innsmouth as inspiration for their setting. The Old Hunters DLC for this horrifying game takes place in a variety of locations but ends in a disgusting Fishing Hamlet.

Once hunters find their way to the coast, they'll stumble upon the corpse of a Great One named Kos (or Kosm), and that's where you'll meet its Orphan, one of From Software's best bosses. This thing may look human-like, but it absolutely isn't and we aren't even sure if the White Wolf of Rivia could take its first form let alone the second.

6 Can Beat: A Licker From Resident Evil: 2

Here's our first of two Resident Evil additions to this article, and this one is extra horrifying. There isn't much in Resident Evil 2 we'd consider a "creature", most of the enemies are humans that have now become the living dead. That said, there are a few, and the Lickers absolutely seem more like creatures than men.

While Geralt would have trouble keeping up with a Licker's speed, their sensitivity to sound and exposed brain make for two easily exploitable weak points that the resourceful mutated human would absolutely take advantage of.

5 Die Against: Urizen From Devil May Cry 5

Another human-like creature comes up next, this time in the shape of Urizen. Urizen is the primary antagonist of Devil May Cry 5 and a real powerhouse. Spoiler alert, Urizen is the pure-demon side of Vergil split from his human side, and it's apparent. Urizen is a gross mess of fleshy demon bits that can use laser beams, slow time, and a variety of other overpowered abilities.

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Ignoring the fact that he's like 13 feet tall, Geralt's sword wouldn't even do anything to him, it needs either Rebellion or Yamato to truly cause him damage. So, even if The Witcher could get close, he'd probably be crushed underfoot.

4 Can Beat: Many Of The Creatures From Borderlands 3

The Borderlands franchise is a perfect couch co-op series full of plenty of bloodthirsty killers, most of the time you get to play as a couple of them. There are Psycho's, Powerloaders, Corporate Mercenaries, and even Eridians. But, people sort of forget that the franchise has its fair share of interesting creatures as well! There are Varkids, Rakks, Skags, Spiderants, Threshers, and Bullymongs!

Honestly, those are just the ones we remember of the top of our heads. And, save for the boss versions, Geralt could probably take any of them. Now, could he take them in the swarms we usually kill them in as a Vault Hunter? Probably not. But lock the White Wolf in a room with a couple of Varkid or Skags and we think he could easily come out on top.

3 Die Against: A Chaser BT From Death Stranding

Death Stranding is a walking simulator through and through, we admit it. But, it's one of the most atmospheric and complex walking simulators ever created. Plus, it has a fair bit of combat in it as well, especially against the Catcher BT's that can cause Void-outs. Sam Bridges is only able to fight him thanks to his special blood and Repatriate status, but Geralt would be done in an instant.

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No potion, elixir, or deftly performed sword slash would harm the Beached Thing, and as soon as he touched its core it would be over. The Witcher world and the Death Stranding worlds are just too different for Geralt to even stand a chance of surviving in it.

2 Can Beat: A Mantiqueen From The Outer Worlds

Next, let's take a look at a space creature from the recently popular Obsidian Games title, The Outer Worlds. This game has an incredibly unique setting, one where a series of corporations have fully ripped control of a couple of planets away from the people and buried them under a life of servitude and brand loyalty. Frankly, it's horrifying, almost as horrifying as some of the monsters players will find on their journey.

But the Manitqueen takes the cake. This creature is a mix of Mantis, Reptile, Bee, and some other creatures we can't even recognize. They spit acid, summon swarms of space bees from their bio-hives, and tower over prey with their absurd size. Also, they sound like they'd fit perfectly as a creature in the Witcher 3, so we think Geralt could take one.

1 Die Against: A Regenerator from Resident Evil: 4

The Butcher of Blaviken is a fantastic mercenary and hunter, everyone knows it. He has enhanced senses to pick up on even the most minute details, fantastic reaction time, potions for every situation, and a mean right hook. But, none of that matters if the monster just keeps getting up. Regenerators from the Resident Evil franchise, one of the best horror series out there, are that exact type of monster.

They're best fought with infrared goggles at long range which are two things Geralt can't do. Sure, he could burn them with Igni, but we estimate that he wouldn't fare well against the unknown. That said he might stand a bit more of a chance against the villagers infected with the Las Plagas.

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