
  • Elves in The Witcher universe are divided into different groups, each with their own characteristics and history.
  • There are key elven characters in the story who play important roles and impact Geralt's life.
  • The Witcher 3 features notable elven characters like Imlerith and Caranthir, who are powerful and serve as antagonists in the game.

The stories in The Witcher universe, both books and games, focus on human characters and nations at their core. However, that does not mean other races do not play a part. There are characters of other races, such as dwarves or halflings, but the most notable example are elves. Several elven characters play key roles in the story and impact Geralt’s life.

Frieren: The Paradoxical Tragedy of Elves

Frieren's Elves have some devastating hurdles to get over. Here's a closer look at some of the struggles they face.

Elves in TheWitcher universe can be divided into groups: Aen Seidhe and Aen Elle. While the two groups are of the same species, they separated many generations ago. Aen Seidhe are the elves who live in the Netherlands, downtrodden and weakened compared to humans. On the other hand, Aen Elle escaped to a different world and conquered it, mastering the art of dimensional travel and building up a glorious civilization.

10 Francesca Findabair (Aen Seidhe)

A Sorceress Queen

Elven sorceress Francesca Findabair

Arguably the most prominent elven character in TheWitcher books. Francesca Findabair is an elven sorceress who fought at the battle of Sodden Hill and sought to win independence and freedom for elves. Unlike more rebellious Scoia’tael, Francesca desired to achieve a similar outcome via diplomacy with Nilfgaard.

She worked with Emperor Emhyr, who eventually granted her control over the elves of Dol Blathanna and peace with Nilfgaard as long as she renounced Scoia’tael and did not aid them. Francesca also allied with Philippa Eilhart and was one of the founders of the Lodge.

9 Imlerith (Aen Elle)

The bloodthirsty general


One of the antagonists in The Witcher 3, Imlerith is a general of the Wild Hunt and Eredin’s right-hand man. He is a veteran of many wars and conquests, known for being ruthless and incredibly powerful. He first appears when he is chasing Ciri in Velen, causing her to hide with the Bloody Baron.

However, an act that makes Imlerith memorable is his killing of Vesemir during the battle of Kaer Morhen. The old Witcher was a beloved character who appeared in the novel series; his tragic death as Imlerith broke his neck is one of the most dramatic moments in the game.

8 Toruviel (Aen Seidhe)

A rebellious spirit

Toruviel in The Witcher 3

While not the focus of Geralt’s story, Toruviel led an eventful life. She was a fierce fighter and supporter of her kind, which led to her becoming a prominent Scoia’tael member, and later, a part of the Vrihedd Brigade, which was allied with Nilfgaard. She and Yaevinn achieved multiple victories against the Northern Kingdoms.

The 7 Most Evil Elves In Video Games, Ranked

Some video game elves have sinister goals and will stop at nothing to see them achieved, and others are evil purely for the sake of it.

Toruviel returns to The Witcher game, where she is still with Yaevinn and aiding the Scoia’tael cause in Temeria. Depending on the player’s choices, she could become an ally and a possible romantic encounter, or an enemy opposing Geralt.

7 Caranthir (Aen Elle)

A prodigy sorcerer


Caranthir Ar-Feiniel is another major antagonist of The Witcher 3 and, like Imlerith, is a notable general of the Wild Hunt. He was born due to Avallach’s attempts to inbreed elven couples with magical talents, which marked Caranthir as a prodigy and someone who managed to impress Eredin.

Caranthir is the coordinator and a source of magical strength for the Wild Hunt. He battles Eskel during the battle of Kaer Morhen and later takes on both Ciri and Geralt at Skellige, managing to almost kill the Witcher in the process, but eventually still falls to him.

6 Yaevinn (Aen Seidhe)

Relentless Squirrel

Yaevinn The Witcher

Yaevinn is an elf who shares much of Toruviel’s story. At the time of The Witcher novels, he served Toruviel and acted as one of her trusted lieutenants. Much like her, Yaevinn fought against Northern Kingdoms and aided Nilfgaard, being a part of the Vrihedd Brigade.

When Geralt meets him again in The Witcher game, Yaevinn has formed his own group of Scoia’tael, which he now commands. Despite his initial distrust towards Geralt, if the latter proves himself by helping non-humans in their goals, Yaevinn becomes a major ally for Geralt. If Geralt sides with the Order, Yaevinn becomes an enemy who the Witcher kills.

5 Auberon Muircetach (Aen Elle)

The Ailing King

elf witcher 3 king auberon

Auberon was the king of the Aen Elle and the ruler of their capital city in another world, Tir Na Lia. He welcomed Ciri into his kingdom, providing her shelter and the guise of care. However, it was revealed that he is her ancestor and seeks to impregnate Ciri so she can produce an heir for himself.

10 Strongest Elves In Isekai Anime

Elves are a recurring race in most isekai anime, and these are some of the strongest.

However, he has trouble doing the deed due to his old age and weakness. Auberon was patient, however, and this did not stop him from trying. Before he can sire an heir, he dies from an overdose of aphrodisiac supplied to him by Eredin. The king had a quiet death, leaving the throne empty for his general to take his place.

4 Iorveth (Aen Seidhe)

A radical leader

Iorveth in The Witcher 2

Unlike many elves who fell or were broken while fighting for freedom, Iorveth proved to be more resilient. He commanded his own division of Scoia’tael during the war. Still, his most important contribution to Geralt’s story is during The Witcher 2, where he can end up as either a major ally or an enemy to him.

When Geralt meets Iorveth, he commands the last surviving Scoia’tael battalion and lacks faith in humans. He proves to be an unmatched bowman and an inspiring, stern leader. His continuous rivalry with Vernon Roche is one of the focal points in the game.

3 Eredin Breacc Glas (Aen Elle)

The leader of the Hunt

Witcher 3 Eredin

The main antagonist of The Witcher 3, Eredin, is a fierce warrior of few words. He led countless conquests and brought many worlds to their knees in the name of his people, loyally serving King Auberon. However, after Auberon failed to impregnate Ciri, Eredin decided to take matters into his own hands and claim the throne.

Since Ciri escaped him in TheLady of the Lake, Eredin and his Wild Hunt have been hunting her. This relentless pursuit ended with him going up against Geralt and his friends, which ended with the Eredin meeting his end at the hands of the Witcher in their final duel.

2 Aelirenn (Aen Seidhe)

A legend from the past


Aelirenn, the White Rose of Shaerrawedd, is not a character who appears in novels or games, as she is dead long before most of the present characters were born, but she is a legend and an idol to Aen Seidhe. She lived during the times when most elven leaders gave up their fight with humans.

The Elder Scrolls’ Wood Elves Have Some Disturbing Customs

The Wood Elves in Elder Scrolls are a popular race among players, but some of their practices might be considered a little beastly in nature.

Aelirenn was the one to rally her people into a desperate battle to reclaim their land. Most of those who joined her were younger elves with dedicated spirits and wills. She led them into a battle that ended up being a brutal massacre where countless elves died, yet her actions inspired countless generations to come.

1 Avallac’h (Aen Elle)

A talented mastermind


Another of King Auberon’s close advisors, Avallac’h was an unparalleled sorcerer of the Aen Elle who could travel between worlds. He might not have been the strongest of warriors, but he was a charming manipulator who brought Ciri to King Auberon, convincing her that she would be free after giving the king his heir.

In the games, it was revealed that all Avallac’h did was attempt to stop the White Frost and, as a result, spare his world from complete annihilation. He mentored Ciri in Geralt’s absence and helped her realize her magical potential and eventually stop the catastrophe, whether at the cost of her life or not.

The Witcher Remake Will Remove Parts That Are 'Bad'

Jakub Rokosz, project lead for The Witcher Remake clarifies the team's stance on examining and changing aspects of the game that aged poorly.