
  • The original Witcher game lays the foundation for the acclaimed third installment, showcasing unique chapter settings and game mechanics.
  • Chapter 2 stands out with non-linear gameplay, while Chapter 4 offers a respite from political intrigues, revealing a different side of Geralt.
  • Chapter 5 brings a chaotic battle to Vizima, with choices made in previous chapters influencing the outcome of the game's finale.

With the remake currently in development, many gamers are turning their attention towards the original The Witcher video game by CDPR. The first two installments of the Witcher trilogy are not as critically acclaimed or popular as The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt, but they laid the foundation of the third game; therefore, it’s impossible to overstate their importance to the overall development of the series, especially the original installment.

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Unlike the third installment, 2007'sThe Witcher doesn’t have a fully open world; instead, it divides its story into five full-fledged chapters, as well as a prologue and epilogue. Each of those has a unique setting and side quests while continuing to develop the main story. This makes each chapter a distinct experience with its own strengths and weaknesses.

7 Prologue

Kaer Morhen Attacked

Witcher 3 Kaer Morhen

The Prologue begins the game with a dynamic and action-filled start. The starting scene of Geralt being found by the Witchers sets the intrigue up, especially considering he lost his memory. The Prologue has Geralt battle bandits who attack Kaer Morhen, as well as meeting two primary antagonists of the game, Azar Javed and the Professor.

The Prologue is mostly Geralt battling Salamandra bandits, which makes it a linear experience. However, it introduces some of the game’s key mechanics, such as potions and signs, as well as choices and their consequences when Geralt is forced to make a choice between helping Triss and Vesemir. Overall, Prologue does its job of setting the game up, but pales in comparison to later chapters.

6 Chapter 3

Taking The Fight to The Salamandra


Chapter 3 introduces the Trade Quarter, a zone that creates a contrast compared to the setting of Temple Quarter in Chapter 2. The Trade Quarter seems much more neat and safe, as it acts as a residence for nobility, but it is also where many political intrigues unfold.

While the chapter has highlights, such as Geralt meeting Radovid the Stern and making a choice between helping the Order of the Flaming Rose or the Scoia’tael, a lot of content in this chapter is lacking. Half of the main quests include sending Geralt to previous locations from Chapter 2 with little to no change done to them, as well as having some of its quests be a generic fetch where the player has to clear out enemy camps and hideouts. The new zone, Trade Quarter, has fewer new side quests compared to other areas.

5 Epilogue

The Witcher Against The Grandmaster

witcher jacques

Structurally, the Epilogue is similar to the Prologue, as it is primarily a linear experience that includes Geralt fighting hordes of enemies, in this case being mutated knights. It culminates in Geralt fighting against Grandmaster Jacques de Aldersberg, who seeks to save humanity from the white frost and is implied to be Alvin, a child Geralt helped earlier in the game.

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While the Epilogue does not have many choices to make, it allows the player to see the consequences of their previous choices. Depending on the player’s allegiance, you will have either Yaevinn, Siegfried, or Triss helping them throughout the Epilogue. The white frost section also allows Geralt to see specters of his previous encounters, which react in accordance with how the player dealt with them.

4 Chapter 2

An Investigation Unfolding

An artistic representations of courtyard in Vizima from the Witcher

Chapter 2 stands out among the rest as being the most non-linear chapter of all. The very moment Geralt escapes the prison he’s been tossed into, he finds out that the Salamandra thugs are already hunting him down, which begins an investigation that spurs an entire chapter. Geralt works with Detective Raymond and tries to uncover secrets behind multiple people to figure out the truth behind Salamandra's conspirators.

Apart from that, this chapter is noticeable because of the atmosphere of the Temple Quarter it takes place in, which is a haunting, dangerous place with a large presence of outlaws and conspirators. Another location in this chapter, the swamps, presents a dangerous and wild land full of monsters for Geralt to deal with. The major downside of this chapter is that it has a lot of intertwined content, which can become confusing if all are tackled at the same time.

3 Chapter 4

A Glimpse Into a Better Life

An artistic representation of a village in the Witcher

Chapter 4 serves as a respite between the ending of Chapter 3 and the final battle that will ensue in Chapter 5. Geralt is teleported to Murky Waters, a small Temerian village away from Vizima. The setting is in stark contrast to the city and presents a remote, relaxed place. However, it still maintains the darkness and eeriness that is present in the game, as its fields are haunted by the Wild Hunt and noonwraiths alike, while Lovecraft-inspired vodyanoi lurk in the waters.

This chapter also takes Geralt away from political intrigues and shows what his life could’ve been if he stepped away from the path. He gets closer to the boy Alvin, becoming a parental figure to him much like he did with Ciri in the novels. While those quests seem unconnected to the main storyline and may seem to drag, they create a fitting atmosphere for the chapter, giving Geralt a much-needed respite.

2 Chapter 5

Battle Royale in Vizima

Yaevinn The Witcher

Chapter 5 sees all hell break loose in Vizima. By the time Geralt returns to the city, it is engulfed in flames as a war between the Order and the Scoia’tael erupts, leading to a massacre in the city just in time for Foltest's return. Geralt is able to fight through the hordes of enemies himself, with the chapter playing differently according to the choices you make in chapters 3 and 4. Geralt could either be allied with Scoia’tael or the Order or could maintain neutrality and end up fighting both.

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After Geralt escapes to the swamps, the chapter pays homage to the first story written about Geralt. The Witcher descends into a crypt where he fights Princess Adda in the form of a Striga, ending up either killing or freeing her. Combining it with the final confrontation between Geralt and Azar Javed, as well as the reveal of Jacques’s true plans, chapter 5 makes for a memorable experience.

1 Chapter 1

The True Essence of Witcher’s Life

witcher barghests cards

While chapter 1 might seem not as significant compared to others, as it shows Geralt trying to get into Vizima while being stuck on its outskirts, it is arguably the moment that comes closest to depicting the dark and gothic atmosphere of the novels, not only from this game, but from the entire trilogy. The setting sees Geralt surrounded by monsters, haunted hounds that appear every night, and barghests. His task is to lift the curse from the village on the outskirts.

However, the more Geralt learns about the people of the village, the more he understands that the curse is a result of their wickedness. The village is governed by fanatics, child slavers, corrupt merchants, and rapists, some of whom aid Salamandra, the main antagonist organization of the game. The story of this chapter culminates in the people blaming a single witch for their misfortunes and attempting to burn her at the stake, something that Geralt can stop. The chapter forces Geralt into a dark and hopeless setting with monsters on one side and morally bankrupt humans on the other. Adding Wild Hunt’s phantom presence that sets up the Witcher 3 storyline, this chapter is a perfect encapsulation of Geralt’s life and its challenges.

the witcher game
The Witcher

The Witcher
October 30, 2007
CD Projekt Red
Atari , CD Projekt