
  • The Witcher 4, or The Witcher: Polaris, will begin a new trilogy of games in The Witcher universe, but it is unlikely to feature Geralt as the main character.
  • The conclusion of The Witcher 3 suggests Geralt's retirement as a Witcher, making it challenging for a new protagonist to surpass him in terms of power and legend status.
  • While it may be tempting to include Geralt as a mentor figure, it could create complications and questions about a new character's place in the existing lore and history of The Witcher. For a new character to come in their own, Geralt cannot be in the picture.

The Witcher 4, also known as The Witcher: Polaris, is set to kickstart a new trilogy of games in the universe of The Witcher. While CD Projekt Red will be carrying on the storied history of the franchise and its rich lore, it's likely that The Witcher 4 won't feature Geralt as its central protagonist. As one of the most iconic leading men in video games, there could be an expectation for him to return in some fashion, even if it's not as a playable character. However, this could wind up creating some complications within the game's story.

There are a few reasons to believe that The Witcher 4 is going to be moving away from Geralt in some capacity. For one thing, The Witcher 3 is rather conclusive in its ending. Regardless of the ending that a player achieves, The Witcher 3 appears to end with Geralt giving up his life as a Witcher - something that the DLC for the game drives home even further. Additionally, it's likely that The Witcher 4 will feature many new characters because it has been defined as a new saga by CD Projekt Red, a saga that will stand apart from the original trilogy. It would be challenging to make a distinct saga of games if the main character remained the same, especially when his story is seemingly over. Whatever new characters or settings The Witcher 4 focuses on, however, it should steer clear of keeping Geralt out of the experience.

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If Geralt isn't Playable, He Shouldn't Show Up at All

Geralt engaging in a sword fight

Geralt of Rivia is, without a doubt, a legendary figure in the world of The Witcher, which made him a great choice of protagonist in the first three games. With him likely retiring in The Witcher 3, and a new character assuming the central role, he could take on a position as a sort of mentor figure, but this could create a "Batman problem."

If there is a video game set in Gotham, with Batman alive and active, yet the player is controlling someone other than Batman, it could feel like there is a lot left on the table; since no one can possibly surpass Batman in terms of power and legend status in this fictional world, the player either has to feel supremely underpowered or Batman has to be nerfed in order for this new protagonist to surpass him, which would hurt the greater lore and legacy of the character. This same scenario could occur in the world of The Witcher.

Geralt is a complex and larger-than-life character, one who is at the center of all the existing video games, novels, and the TV show, so it would be tricky for a new protagonist to top him. If he plays a role in the story, many players will likely be wondering why they aren't playing as him instead of this newcomer, who could not possibly match him in terms of experience, fame, or raw power. On the flip side, if this new protagonist could match Geralt when it comes to these qualities, then it could cause issues for the lore and history of The Witcher. Questions about where this character was during the events of the previous games, or how they gained such power, could arise.

As an iconic character in The Witcher and beyond, Geralt will surely be missed by fans of the series. He is still alive at the end of The Witcher 3, and could perhaps assume the role of a teacher or sage, but it would be better for both the character and the future of the Witcher franchise if he simply got the chance to fade into blissful retirement.

A new Witcher game is in development.

MORE: A Small Witcher 4 Choice Could Turn Out to Be One of Its Biggest