Witcher 3: The Wild Hunt. A game praised for its many variations to the storyline, abundance of side quests, and pop culture references. Yennefer of Vengerberg. The raven-haired sorceress whose absence is the kickoff point in said game, and whose presence throughout it displays an undeniable romantic spark between her and the main character, Geralt of Rivia.But is this romance as perfect as it seems? 

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This article will look at the 5 main reasons why Yennefer and Geralt belong together, while also considering 5 alternative characters that would make an equally perfect match for the frosty spell-caster. The spark between the Geralt and Yennefer is there from the onset; though you may choose to romance a handful of other characters, Yennefer is the natural suggestion, and for good reason.

10 Yennefer & Geralt: Their Personalities Match

The most stunning aspect is in the way the two interact with each other. They clearly know each other well enough to handle all aspects of the other individual. Their playful banter as well as the deeper conversations, even in their actions, portrays a relationship founded on mutual understanding of each other more than anything else.

You need to know someone extremely well to match up as beautifully as they do throughout the game; an indicator that despite some wrongdoings between them the two are truly meant to be.

9 Yennefer & Lambert: Geralt 2.0

While it on the surface looks like Yennefer and Lambert sincerely dislike each other, this could very well be because they are so similar. Lambert is, after all, a version of Geralt; just with sharper tongue, less fame to his name, and a slightly lower ranking than Geralt according to our ten strongest witchers list.

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The fact that he aided in Ciri’s training is certainly in his favor, as well as his dark sense of humor. If Geralt was out of the picture for some reason, considering Lambert in his place is not as wrong as it may first come off.

8 Yennefer & Geralt: Ciri

While the young witch-trainee-princess is not related to either of the two by blood, the witcher and the sorceress share a strong bond of love for Ciri that equals that of any biological parent.

While they approach it differently and occasionally disagree on the other's method of choice or underlying reasons, Geralt and Yennefer spend most of the game searching for the young woman in question. Regardless of whether Ciri becomes empress or witcher, her foster parent's shared desire to protect her is another solid argument as to why the two belong together.

7 Yennefer & Avallac’h: Keep Your Enemies Close

Despite having more than enough power as it is, Yennefer has a clear inclination towards wanting more power. It only makes sense that if someone with powers she herself does not possess were to surface, she would take advantage of it. Not necessarily for love, but not doing so would mean throwing away a valuable asset.

If said person also claims to have information on Ciri’s abilities, with evident intentions to use her in some way, Yennefer would definitely want to keep that person as close as possible.

6 Yennefer & Geralt: Their Lifestyles (And Backgrounds) Match

This similarity stretches beyond mere personality resemblance and into more practical elements. As both are busy professionals, neither of them have time to pine for the other. They are both used to leading a lonely life, which further supports their match.

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Furthermore, while the game does not touch upon their past directly, the way it hints at their respective backgrounds supports the idea that there is a strong semblance between the two. If past experiences are shared, a deeper understanding may be shared.

5 Yennefer & Triss: Shared Heartbreak

It is not that far a stretch to imagine Yennefer with Triss. They are both sorceresses, with the experience of the training behind this. More importantly, they share a common character to bond over; Geralt.

This scenario is especially likely if the player has tried to romance both women in the game (spoiler-it does not work and you will lose them both!) and imagine a post-Geralt scenario. What better way to live life than with someone who genuinely shares your heartache?

4 Yennefer & Geralt: Opposites Attract

This is a term usually reserved to indicate personalities, but in this case, it refers to the overall appearance of the people in question. Opposite colors attract, and while this may seem like a shallow reason to be together for some, it certainly does not hurt to look good together.

Geralt’s silver hair looks great with Yennefer’s black, his yellow eyes work well with her violet. Thanks to this level of detail, every scene with the two is a joy to behold.

3 Yennefer & Dandelion: Opposites Attract

This pairing may seem outlandish at first, and that is exactly why it is oddly harmonious. The two characters are truly like night and day, which would allow them to rely on each other in their weaknesses. Yennefer could protect Dandelion from upset audiences, and Dandelion would undoubtedly sing Yennefer’s praises whenever possible.

That the two not only have experienced court life but enjoy it entertains the possibility of partnered court-schemes – unless Yennefer polishes Dandelion’s rough edges away, that is.

2 Yennefer & Geralt: The Last Wish

This is the quest that settles this matter once and for all. When it all comes down to it, when the spell that binds them together is removed, Yennefer evidently still loves Geralt.

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While the player decides whether or not to pursue a romance once the spell is broken, Yennefer's affections are still as strong as ever; her shock if the player chooses friendship clearly demonstrates this. This, more than anything else, reflects how the two characters truly belong together.

1 Yennefer & The Emperor: A Powerful Alliance

A relationship between Yennefer and Emhyr var Emreis is another possibility. It is shown throughout the game that Yennefer is not afraid to do what needs to be done to reach her goals, and a relationship with the Emperor, the main antagonist as he is, would certainly open many doors to her that are currently closed.

A romance induced by magic would allow her to control him; a genuine affection would be a possibility for her to find true happiness. Not to mention that such a relationship would make her Ciri's legal mother.

NEXT: The Witcher: 5 Most Likable Characters In The Franchise (& 5 Most Hated)