Elementals are creatures in The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt that impersonates all the elements (air, fire, earth, and ice), or a mix different elements. Witches and wizards usually create them; thus, they are magical creatures and can be hard to handle in a fight.

Being highly different in aspect, the Elementa all have similar weaknesses and are vulnerable or susceptible to the same bombs or oils. They might not be as fast or intelligent as other creatures in The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt, but this doesn't mean they are not dangerous to face as Geralt of Rivia.

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Witcher Djinn

Djinns are the Elemental genies of air. They are powerful creatures, and once captured, they are bound to the captor and have to fulfill three wishes; after that, they are free again. Usually, only powerful witches and wizards can catch and tame these beings since they fight with determination to avoid this fate. Geralt has to fight a Djinn during "The Last Wish" quest on the Skellige Isles.

Fighting a Djinn is difficult. They can cast their spells instantly, and by manipulating the element of air, they can summon powerful storms and hurricanes. The closer a Djinn is to death or capture, the more dangerous it becomes. Luckily, as magical creatures, they are vulnerable to silver, Dimeritium bombs, and all the signs except Igni.

Earth Elementals

The Witcher 3 Earth Elemental

Earth Elementals are made of mud, clay, sand, and rock, clumped together with water and created via magic. While seemingly slow and ponderous, these creatures are nevertheless dangerous and should be avoided at all costs. They kill men by smashing them with their fists or hurling giant stones at them. Geralt will come across them while exploring Kaer Morhen or the Skellige Isles.

Due to their enormous mass, Earth Elementals are virtually impossible to knock off balance; they do not bleed or feel any pain from poison or fire. Even with a silver sword coated in Elementa oil, they can resist an impressive amount of attacks before crumbling.

Fire Elementals

fire elemental

Fire Elementals are the most destructive of the elements; thus, the aggressive lethality of these creatures that embody their essence should not be a surprise. They are forged in complicated magic rituals with the only purpose to destroy anything that crosses their path, and they pursue it with determination.

Fire Elementals attack using fireballs and streams of flame, which reduce anything they touch to ashes, but Geralt can contrast their effects with the sign Aard. Like Golems and other Elementals, poison does not cause any harm. However, since they are made of fire, every fire-based spell strengthens them, thus making them more dangerous.



Gargoyles are animated stone statues infused with lava by witches and wizards to guard their laboratories and lairs. They are extremely dangerous, withstand tremendous amounts of damage and exhibit superhuman strength. Gargoyles are nearly as sturdy as any Elemental, but are significantly faster, versatile, and more intelligent. The signs Aard, Axii, and Igni are almost useless, although they are susceptible to Dimeritium bombs, Elementa oil, and Quen.



Golems are mindless matter brought to life by a spell, and they obey their creator's orders. Yet, their boundless strength, ability to withstand pain, and endless patience make them the best servants or guards anyone could ask for. Golems can be found in ruins almost everywhere in The Witcher's most significant areas, such as Novigrad, Velen, or Skellige.

Once provoked, Golems will not tire of battle until they have either killed their enemy or themselves crumbled to dust. Defeating a Golem is extraordinarily difficult: it does not bleed, feels no fear or mercy, and is invulnerable to fire and poison. Their only weakness is acid, so a sword covered in acid oil can hurt them.

Golems use no weapons since they don't need one: their fists can crush everything with one hit, and a shield or a sword cannot stop their blow. Luckily, their enormous mass means they are not very agile, so experienced witchers can take advantage of that.

RELATED: The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt - A Deep Dive Into Cursed Creatures

Hounds of the Wild Hunt

hounds of the wild hunt

Hounds of the Wild Hunt are monsters that either follow riders of the Wild Hunt, Eredin's disciples, or are summoned by them. They are born of magic ice crystal and are capable only of mindlessly attacking whatever crosses their path.

Hounds' best weapons are their claws and teeth, with tactics relying on knocking their opponents to the ground before tearing them to shreds. These creatures also use their powers to freeze the ground around them and create sharp ice spikes. Since Hounds are ice creatures, they feel pain from the Igni sign, as well as Dimeritium bombs and Elementa oil; however, they can draw strength from extreme cold.

Ice Elementals

ice elemental

Ice Elementals are a mass of frozen water animated by magic, deprived of consciousness or independent will. Yet, they are boundlessly obedient to the orders of their creator. Gifted with incredible strength, they are completely invulnerable to poison and fire, deprived of sensitive organs, hard as permafrost, and tough opponents. Like all other Elementals, they are vulnerable to Dimeritium bombs and Elementa oil.



Pixies are Elementa that inhabit the Land of a Thousand Fables, a fictional world created by Artorius Vigo, and they appear in The Witcher 3's expansion Blood and Wine. Pixies might look like gentle, harmless creatures, yet their appearance is deceiving. They were created to protect the Land of a Thousand Fables from intruders and ensure the ducal daughters did not come to even the slightest harm. Thus, whenever anyone else crossed the Pixies' path, it ended badly for them because they could become aggressive and kill their opponents.

The Apiarian Phantom

apiarian phantom

The Apiarian Phantom is a powerful Hound of the Wild Hunt who strayed from its pack during their numerous raids. Geralt will face it during The Apiarian Phantom contract. The Apiarian Phantom's thick armor of ice covering it can only be pierced by strong blows, and like any other frost-born creature, it is vulnerable to fire and the sign Igni. It is highly aggressive and will show no mercy for everyone who crosses its path.



Therazane is a powerful Earth Elemental that had been imprisoned by its previous owner. Geralt will face it during the Doors Slamming Shut contract. Since it is a type of Earth Elemental, it is immune to the Igni, Aard, and Axii signs but is vulnerable to Dimeritium bombs and Elementa oil. Fighting such a creature is not an easy task: it can liquefy a man's bones with one crushing blow from its fists, much more potent than the ones of the common Earth Elementals.

The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt is available now on PC, PS4, Switch, and Xbox One.

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