Taking notes of the creatures players encounter in a bestiary is crucial for a game like The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt. Knowing their enemies and weaknesses will help gamers through all their experiences as Geralt of Rivia.

A bestiary is a book containing information on different creatures. For example, in The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt, there are many beasts to look out for and uncover. As soon as gamers come across a beast, all of their information is entered into the bestiary and can be consulted whenever needed.

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Bears, Wolves, and Dogs


Bears, wolves, and dogs are the most common beasts gamers can find in The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt world, as they are seen in all the significant locations. They are very similar to the real world animals, as they act the same way.

Bears are omnivores, meaning that men are part of their diet. There are several subspecies of bears (black bears, polar bears, and cave bears) that differ in coloring, size, and strength. The signs Igni and Yrden can come in handy while facing them; however, the perfect choice is the sign Axii, which stuns the bears.

Post-Conjunction monsters pushed wolves into the deepest wilds. They do not use magic or spit acid, but that doesn't mean they're not dangerous. They usually feed in packs, making up for any lack of strength with their intelligence. Players can use the sign Yrden to slow down their attacks; however, Igni and Aard are the best options while surrounded.

Dogs are descendants of wolves and were domesticated by humans, but on some occasions, they can become ravenous. Like wolves, they usually attack in packs, choosing isolated victims. They are susceptible to Aard and Igni.

Big Bad Wolf


The Big Bad Wolf is a giant lupine, created by Artorius Vigo, that inhabits the Land of a Thousand Fables. Geralt will face him while the beast is nursing a nasty hangover, but Geralt and his partner Syanna will force him to fight since he has something they are interested in.

He acts and fights like a common werewolf; the only differences are that he is susceptible to beast oil and doesn't regenerate his health.



Panthers are large predators that can be found in forests in Toussaint. They are quick and agile and can sneak up on prey undetected to gain the advantage of surprise. Panthers are known to retreat mid-fight, yet players shouldn't fool themselves and should never put their guard down. They are vulnerable to the effects of all signs, as well as all the types of bombs and oils.

In many areas, people still believe that panthers are the stranded souls of those who died in sleep. Anyone who dies in this way should be dragged to the nearest woods and left there without a burial.

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The Beast of Beauclair


The Beast of Beauclair, originally Dettlaff van Der Eretein, was a serial killer in Beauclair in 1275. He could be based on the Beast of Gévaudan, who killed hundreds of people in Southern-Central France between 1764 and 1767.

The Beast of Beauclair has two associated quests, in which Geralt will trace down his tracks. As soon as he identifies the beast, Geralt will discover that he is a higher vampire, one of the most challenging creatures a Witcher has to face. He is super strong and fast and can turn completely invisible.

Three Little Pigs


The Three Little Pigs are anthropomorphic beasts that inhabit the Land of a Thousand Fables. They are based on the characters from the English fairy tale.

Artorius Vigo created them as a part of an imaginary realm intended to serve as entertainment for Anna Henrietta and Syanna when they were children. However, they became hostile as the spells became unstable in the absence of Artorius Vigo's supervision.

They behave very similarly to wild boars, trying to knock down opponents using charging attacks, which can be avoided by dodging or rolling out of the way. The Pigs are vulnerable to steel coated in beast oil and to the sign Igni.

Wild Boars

wild boar

Wild Boars of the Northern Kingdoms are quite dangerous natural beasts appearing in the Northern Realms. Actual attacks on humans are rare but can be severe. Regardless, the animal is not considered dangerous enough for a Witcher to be called, as hunters manage them.

Wild boars can appear in groups or alone. They will circle the player at high speed and charge straight at him. To defeat them, players can use the sign Yrden to slow their movements or stun them with Igni.

The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt is available now on Nintendo Switch, PC, PS4, and Xbox One. A PS5 and Xbox Series X/S version is currently in development.

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