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The Blood & Wine expansion for The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt introduces a brand-new story for Geralt of Rivia to make his way through. Just as in the base game, the narrative quality is exceptionally high. In fact, taken as a whole, many players consider the final DLC for The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt to be one of the greatest expansions in gaming history.

The expansion's main story opens with "The Beast of Toussaint," which begins as soon as Geralt enters the duchy of Toussaint with Palmerin de Launfal and Milton de Peyrac-Peyran. This quest serves as a basic introduction to the land of Toussaint, taking Geralt from the Gorgon Foothills to the gardens of Beauclair Palace.

Related: The Witcher 3: What's The Max Level (With And Without DLC)?

How to Start 'The Beast of Toussaint'


To initiate this mission, Geralt must simply accept the contract when it is offered to him at the end of "Envoys, Wineboys." That quest is found in Holloway, a small village in Velen. Both Milton and Palmerin can be found near the Stonecutter's Settlement fast-travel marker, which sits directly east of Hanged Man's Tree. Once Geralt accepts the contract, the three men set out for Toussaint, initiating "The Beast of Toussaint" and starting Blood & Wine in earnest.

Meeting Guillaume and Golyat


After a brief conversation and the expansion's title card, the three traveling companions will come across a knight fighting a giant. Geralt, being the monster-slaying Chad that he is, hops into action before anyone can say 'Guillaume and Golyat' three times fast.

How to Defeat Golyat


Golyat is a pretty tough enemy, but it has one considerable weakness: a single well-placed crossbow shot to the eye-slit in his 'helmet.' Making this shot will kill it instantly, awarding the player the 'David and Golyat' achievement. The lightning reflexes and trick shotskills can help with this feat, giving Geralt more time in slow motion while aiming and an extra shot before reloading.

Players who wish to take Golyat down using more traditional methods should do the following:

  • Use ogroid oil to increase damage against the giant.
  • Use Quen to protect against Golyat's high-damage attacks. Given the giant's large, lumbering stature, some of his swings have odd timing. While dodging them is possible, using Quen as a safeguard is recommended.
  • The Fleet Footed skill decreases damage taken while dodging by 100%. This will come in handy if Geralt has a misstep while dodging.
  • Use Thunderbolt to increase all attack power.
  • Try mixing Gourmet with Swallow. The next-gen update nerfed the healing power of food, using these two together offers the best food-based healing. Gourmet is still worth using on its own, but the speed of recovery is much slower than it used to be.

Investigating The Cockatrice Inn


Once the battle with Golyat concludes, Geralt is introduced to Guillaume de Launfal, the knight who was attempting to defeat the giant with Geralt arrived. He informs the trio that the Beast Geralt has been hired to track has struck again, pointing them to The Cockatrice Inn.

The Murder Scene


While Palmerin leaves to update the Duchess, Milton takes Geralt to the scene of the latest crime. Before heading into the tavern, they first examine the location of the murder.


As Geralt observes that the guardsmen who retrieved the body clearly trampled the scene, a group of Scurvers arrive to give them trouble. These necrophages are a stronger variant of rotfiends, and like them, they explode upon death. Once they are dealt with, Geralt should continue examining the area.

Once Geralt realizes the body had been tangled in the fishing nets, he jumps in the river to investigate further. While there are several items he can examine, the one that pushes the story forward is a small handkerchief monogrammed 'd.l.C.' (very clever, CDPR). The key takeaways from the investigation of the site are:

  • The murder did not occur at this location, the body drifted down with the current.
  • The guards took the body away by boat.
  • The man was a noble, De La Croix. A former close friend of Milton's, he had several foes. Milton does not seem eager to discuss.
  • Geralt notices a hooded individual watching from the bridge
  • The tavern's patrons likely saw where the boat went.

Inside The Cockatrice Inn:


The tavern itself is located just above the site of the murder, sitting on the bridge that spans the river. Once inside, Milton will begin conversing with three of the inn's patrons. The dialogue that follows is important, but there are no significant options that alter what Geralt can learn, though much of the back and forth between Milton and one particular patron is very amusing and worth exploring. The key takeaways from the Cockatrice are:

  • The body was taken to a cellar at the Corvo Bianco vineyard to keep cool. The estate was auctioned off while Milton was in Velen looking for Geralt.
  • The hooded figure from the bridge was in the tavern, clearly eavesdropping on the conversation.
  • Some people see the Beast as being sent by the Gods for 'straying from the old paths.'
  • The beast kills on days honoring patron saints.

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The Cellar at Corvo Bianco


At this point, Milton tells Geralt that he must report to the Duchess, as he is to play the hare in the special festivities taking place at the Palace. Geralt heads to Corvo Bianco to examine the victim's body.


As Geralt approaches the estate, which lies just north of The Cockatrice Inn, screaming and fighting can clearly be heard. As he gets closer, dead bodies can be seen littering the walkways, horses bolt past him, and dying men crawl from the cellar's entrance.

Entering the Cellar at Corvo Bianco


As soon as Geralt enters the small cave that acts as the estate's wine cellar, Geralt notices small footsteps on the floor that he can follow. Once Geralt arrives in the cellar's main chamber, he finds the same hooded figure from the tavern, now fully naked and covered in blood.


She appears to be stealing a severed hand when Geralt interrupts her. Based on several factors, including her immense strength, Geralt surmises the woman is a vampire.

How to Defeat the Bruxa


Despite Geralt's insistence that they need not fight each other, the bruxa disagrees, locking the gate before attacking him. Use the following tactics to defeat the vampire:

  • Vampire Oil
  • Aside from the blade oil, the most effective tool against a vampire is the Black Blood potion. Every attack the vampire lands on Geralt will end up harming them while the potion is active.
  • Both Axii and Aard will stun the bruxa, leaving them temporarily vulnerable.
  • The enemy has a powerful scream attack that will stagger Geralt and blur his vision if a direct hit is taken. There is a brief warning before the attack giving Geralt time to dodge or use a sign to interrupt the attack.
  • Use Yrden to force the Bruxa to exit her invisible state.

Investigating De La Croix's Corpse


After defeating the bruxa, Geralt must return to his original purpose for visiting the cellar: examining the corpse. It can be found lying on a table in the general vicinity of where the fight ends.

What Geralt learns from the examination:

  • The body was quartered, cleanly cut into sections. The bones are sliced through, likely by extremely sharp claws. Was not the bruxa.
  • A coin pouch is stuffed into its throat. The coins are from several different regions of Nilfgaard. Geralt notes that the Beast must be sentient.
  • The hand the bruxa was trying to abscond with was not the victim's. It is still warm to the touch, its blood still flowing.
  • Geralt believes he still has far more questions than answers, deciding to ask Palmerin for an audience with the Duchess.

The Tourney Grounds and the Shaelmaar


Geralt finds Palmerin at the Tourney Grounds, located north of Corvo Bianco, just outside the city. He is found talking with a small group of children near the arena. The two have a brief discussion, with several different dialogue choices that have no effect on the quest, yet still provide important context. Geralt can choose from several different points of view regarding the forcing of monsters to fight in the arena. Then, when a shaelmaar goes berserk, Geralt and Palmerin are forced to step in and fight the beast.

RELATED: The Witcher 3 Next-Gen Features Explained

How to Defeat the Shaelmaar

Use the following tactics to defeat the shaelmaar:

  • Throw bombs at the walls of the arena. This will be the main strategy for victory. The shaelmaar cannot hear, so it follows loud noises. It will ram into the wall and flip over, revealing its vulnerable underbelly.
  • Using Aard near a wall will cause the monster to attack, and if Geralt dodges at the right moment, the beast will crash into the wall.
  • Use Relict oil to increase Geralt's attack power.

Once Geralt defeats the creature, the Duchess gives him the choice of sparing or killing it. This leads to a longer discussion with Anna Henrietta about the entire contract.

Meeting with Anna Henrietta and Damien de la Tour


Geralt meets with the Duchess and Damien de la Tour, the Captain of her personal guard. This section essentially serves to supply exposition for the rest of the main adventure. The main points to remember are:

  • Damien spoke against Geralt's services being requested. He believes that they are capable of solving the mystery on their own. He is also aware that trouble seems to follow Geralt wherever he goes...
  • Geralt will receive the deed to Corvo Bianco as partial payment for his services, with a sum of gold to be given upon completion.
  • All the victims of the beast were older knights with ties to the duchy.
  • They all seem to represent one of the five chivalric virtues the knights of Toussaint swear to live by.
  • Milton is likely the next victim.
  • All the victims were former members of a 'team' of knights.

Working with Anna Henrietta to Find Milton


With Milton taking part in the Hare Hunt, the Duchess and Geralt have to participate in the events to find his location. Given that they are who they are, they don't exactly play fair.

Completing the Three Events


To get the Unicorn's Horn, Geralt need only use Axii on the costumed horse. He will then be free to approach it and search the horn for clues. Once this is done, the other contestants will approach, unhappy that Geralt cheated. Using Axii/Delusion on them is the quickest way to move to the next event.


To find the Golden Fish, dive in the water near the quest marker and begin checking each fish. Eventually Geralt will find the right one, initiating a cutscene that ends with Geralt taking the Golden Fish.


With both clues in hand, Geralt should make his way back to the Duchess. She will have the egg. The two will read the clues, which together form a riddle. The answer is:

  • The Greenhouse!

Completing the riddle and learning Milton's location brings "The Beast of Toussaint" to a close and immediately begins "Blood Run."

The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt is available on PS5, PS4, Xbox Series X/S, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, and PC.

More: Hidden Surprises Discovered In The Next-Gen Update So Far