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"Tesham Mutna" is one part of a group of late-game missions from The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt's final DLC, Blood & Wine. The mission can be directly preceded by two possible quests, "Beyond Hill and Dale," or, "Blood Simple." This showdown is the epic climax to the story of the Beast of Beauclair.

"Tesham Mutna" finds Geralt and Regis confronting Dettlaff following his attack on Beauclair in "The Night of Long Fangs." Like the main story in The Witcher 3, Blood & Wine has several forking paths that converge on a single moment. Here, no matter what choices Geralt has made, all roads lead to Dettlaff. As "Tesham Mutna" represents the final boss fight in Blood & Wine's main story, players should prepare for a considerable challenge.

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Before the Fight at Tesham Mutna


Depending on the choices made in "The Night of Long Fangs," Geralt will face three possibilities upon arriving at Tesham Mutna:

  • Possibility 1: Geralt went to the Unseen Elder. Doing this will result in Dettlaff forcing a fight immediately. Syanna is not in the picture.
  • Possibility 2: Geralt brings Syanna to Dettlaff, and retrieved theribbon during "Beyond Hill and Dale."
    • Dettlaff will attack Syanna, but the ribbon allows her to escape unharmed. Geralt fights Dettlaff.
  • Possibility 3: Geralt brings Syanna to Dettlaff, but she does not have the ribbon.
    • Dettlaff will attack and kill Syanna. This is the only scenario in which Geralt can choose not to fight Dettlaff.

Preparing for the Final Fight with Dettlaff van der Eretein


Geralt finds himself fighting an enemy unlike any he's faced before. Dettlaff is an extremely powerful higher-vampire, capable of taking on multiple forms. Because of this, Geralt should make sure he has everything he needs to ensure victory...or, at least the best possible chance at it.

Dettlaff is not like any other vampire. Many of Geralt's tricks won't work here, especially when playing at higher difficulties. Some signs will have little to no effect, bombs may as well be a light breeze, and vampire oil works about as well as canola oil. Geralt must rely on his prowess as a swordsman, using agility and speed in place of most magic.

Key Thoughts on Preparation:

  • Make sure to craft or buy plenty of weapon repair kits, especially if relying on a single weapon.
  • Consider buying and equipping the highest quality food, along with the Gourmet skill.
  • Upgrade Tawny Owl to Superior.
  • Complete "Turn and Face the Strange" before embarking on this series of quests. Mutagen skills can be hugely beneficial. Piercing Cold and Metamorphosis are particular favorites.
  • Do not try to fight Dettlaff under-leveled. While not impossible to accomplish, it is much easier - and more fun - when Geralt is appropriately leveled.

This is what it all comes down to. While Geralt can allow Dettlaff to walk if he kills Syanna, chances are that the two are going to come to blows. For all intents and purposes, the boss fight is the quest. Keep the following points in mind as the fight begins:

  • Geralt's gear will automatically refill when the mission is started, the same as if he meditated.
  • Before the fight starts in earnest, Regis will keep Dettlaff's attention, Geralt should be able to save here. Do not get closer to the fight before doing so.
  • The fight takes place in three stages.

The fight does not automatically save progress, so make sure to save during the brief window between cutscenes. This moment can be recognized by the potion and bomb refill notice that comes up in the lower left corner. Sheath Geralt's sword and walk back towards the wall, saving should now be allowed.

How to Defeat Dettalff van der Eretein


Stage 1: "Beast of Beauclair"


This form is very similar to the fight in "Blood Run," when Geralt first faces the Beast. Dettlaff uses his long claws to swipe and strike Geralt from close range. His attacks are fairly obvious and clearly telegraphed, allowing ample time to dodge. Geralt must still be cautious, however. Dettlaff's attacks always do a good amount of damage, and while one might not kill Geralt, it's easy for one attack to become several with Dettlaff.

Special Attack: Teleport to leaping strike. Aside from Dettlaff's normal melee attacks, he also has a special attack that sees him briefly change forms and reappear above Geralt, ready to strike. Listen for the roar he gives out before initiating this attack. Not all roars are followed by this attack, but it's still worth paying close attention when Geralt hears it.

Signs: Quen, Aard, and Igni are the most helpful in this stage. This form is vulnerable to fire, particularly the low to mid-tier difficulties. Axii has no effect, and Yrden seems to have very little.

Stage 2: "What the he growing wings?"


The start of the second stage sees Dettlaff get much angrier, and much uglier. Here, he will gain the ability to fly, which creates a much bigger challenge. The biggest threat, even at lower difficulties, is a wave of bats that Dettlaff can send out. If not dodged, these creatures can do a massive amount of damage. Geralt's best bet is to get as far away as he can while Dettlaff prepares, which allows the most time to dodge.

Because he is in the air through most of this stage, there aren't many moments when he's vulnerable. Wait until he shoots up into the sky, leaving a small area that reveals where he'll land. Make sure Geralt is clear of this spot, attacking as soon as Dettlaff lands. Pay close attention to the vampire, as Geralt will only have a few seconds to let loose before Dettlaff opens his wings to attack.

Watch out for small, circular areas of...whatever it is Dettlaff leaves behind. If Geralt gets too close to them, they will trap and stagger him for several seconds. This can be especially hazardous during the bat attack.

Stage 3: "Enter the Vampire"


At the end of stage 2, Dettlaff digs his fangs into Geralt, causing him to have strange visions and hallucinations. Geralt apparently enters...some form of Dettlaff's mind or body? It's all crazy vampire stuff.

What's clear is that Geralt needs to attack several heart-like nodes that are found in three areas of the arena. Dettlaff's blood-clones will attack Geralt throughout this section. Killing these clones have no effect on Dettlaff's health bar. Only clearing the nodes will end the nightmare.

Once Geralt clears the heart-nodes from the three corners of the arena, the hallucinations begin to clear, revealing Dettlaff in some kind of heart-sack hanging above.

Dettlaff drops from the sack, left with only a tiny sliver of health. Attacking him once triggers an execution. Remembering that only a vampire can truly kill a vampire, or perhaps that his friend was simply stuck, Geralt helps free Regis, who insists Geralt leave while he does what he must, ending Dettlaff's misery.

This brings "Tesham Mutna" to an abrupt end, leading directly into "Pomp and Strange Circumstance."

The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt is available now on PS5, PS4, Xbox Series X/S, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, and PC.

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