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"Possession" is part of a series of quests in The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt that help Geralt of Rivia decide who to back as the next ruler of Skellige. Occurring near the mid-point of the game, this quest tasks Geralt with sailing to Spikeroog in order to help Cerys an Craite discover the cause of the strange malady afflicting the island's leader, Udalryk.

To begin this quest, Geralt must complete "The King is Dead - Long Live the King," which serves as the opening to the Skellige storyline. At the end of that mission, Crach an Craite will ask Geralt to help his children. Hjalmar, his only son, has sailed to Undvik to take on the infamous Ice Giant. This plays out in the mission "The Lord of Undvik." This quest line, taken as a whole, will play an important role in determining the end state of Skellige in The Witcher 3.

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If Geralt does not complete "Possession" before "Battle Preparations" takes place, it will automatically enter the Failed quest category.

How to Reach Spikeroog for the First Time


Geralt has several options when it comes to reaching Spikeroog. The Island is off the northwest coast of the main island, with Svorlag acting as its main port. Geralt can, of course, sail there, but that will require finding a boat. In this case, Geralt can fast-travel without actually visiting. The easiest way to open a fast-travel point on the island is to buy a map from one of the various merchants around Kaer Trolde harbor. When Geralt first arrives in the area, several can be seen near the fast-travel point.

If they are missed there, Geralt can find a small pop-up shop on the road south of Kaer Trolde. All the maps are worth buying, but the one Geralt needs at this moment is The Lonesome World Guide To Spikeroog. Once Geralt owns it, it is found in the 'Other' section of the inventory, mixed in with all the books and notes that aren't tied to quests.

Where to Find Cerys on Spikeroog


After Geralt reads the map, the port town of Svorlag will become available for fast travel. While the mission tells Geralt to visit Udalryk to learn where Cerys went, it is possible to simply head straight to her location.


If Geralt decides to follow the steps in order, Udalryk and his druid, Hjort, will send Geralt into the town to ask about Cerys and where she could have gone. While it's not required, going through this process adds to Udalryk's tale considerably. Geralt will speak to several people around town, making his way all over the island to complete the task. They will eventually lead Geralt to Udalryk's old family home.


Those wishing to head straight to Cerys can do so by simply heading straight for the ruins of Udalryk's childhood home. Geralt can follow the trail north to the large structure on the side of the mountain above town.

Wake Cerys Up


Once Geralt enters the house, use his witcher senses to reveal a set of footprints.


Follow the footsteps to Cerys' body. A cutscene will automatically begin when Geralt begins to approach.

Locate Brokvar and Return It to Aki's Body


Cerys seems to believe that Udalryk's curse is tied to a family sword. This blade, known as Brokvar, was originally given to Udalryk's younger brother Aki by their father, despite the tradition of family swords going to firstborn sons. Aki died soon after, which Cerys thinks is where the curse is rooted. Though Geralt has his doubts, he agrees to find the sword.

To locate the sword, enter the first room on the right, directly behind the hearth. Loot the key to the cellar off the room's oven mantle.


From the building's entrance, the cellar door can be seen in the northeast corner of the room. After entering the cellar, the sword can be found on a small table.


When Geralt picks up the sword, a startling sound is heard. Look at the wall next to the table to see the shadow of a strange creature. Is this why Udalryk doesn't like light? Return to Cerys with the sword and head into town to complete the next step.

Sail Out to Aki's Final Resting Place


Geralt and Cerys meet with Udalryk to learn exactly where Aki perished. Geralt will get help regardless of his dialogue choices, but it goes smoother if he minds how he refers to the gods.


Aki's body is not far off the coast, and Geralt can find a boat at the docks. Like most of the sea-based objectives in Skellige, it's good to have a crossbow here. Several sirens will attack Geralt as he tries to return the sword.


When Geralt begins to descend towards the sea floor, make sure to activate his witcher senses. Look for a magnifying glass symbol that signifies the location of Aki's body. Once he is close enough, select the examine prompt. This will leave the sword and allow Geralt to return to the home of the jarl.

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Discovering the Real Cause of Udalryk's Curse


Geralt can hear a terrible scream as he makes his way back to Udalryk. He and Cerys realize that returning the sword had absolutely no effect on the curse. After taking in all the details, Geralt determines the actual cause of the curse is a Hym.

With this knowledge, Geralt presents Cerys with two options: Trick the Hym, or draw it out for a fight. At this point, Cerys convinces Geralt to pursue the 'trick' method.

Choosing to Trick or Fight the Hym


Geralt explains to Cerys that tricking a Hym is not an easy task. The Hym is a parasitic specter that latches on to those that feel pain, sorrow, and regret. Someone pretending to feel those things is not enough.

Cerys and Geralt return to the ruins to try and find inspiration for the trick. There are two items that Geralt must examine before the mission moves to the next section:

  • Examine the hearth. The large oven is clearly visible in the main room.
  • Examine the cradle. There are two rooms beyond the hearth. The first contained the cellar key found earlier. The next room contains the cradle Geralt must examine.

After this, Cerys will call out to Geralt, explaining that she may have an idea of how to trick the creature.

Geralt and Cerys Fight the Hym


Cerys will explain to Geralt that he simply must trust her if they are to trick the Hym. Here, Geralt can choose "No Way" to follow the witcher's way and fight the beast.


The two paranormal investigators will return to Udalryk, explaining what it is they need from him. Once the jarl agrees, Geralt must return to the abandoned home and place four torches in the appropriate locations.

The locations are clearly marked on the mini-map and can be seen in red when using witcher senses. Once finished, go out and speak to Udalryk one final time before the fight.

Fight the Hym


After speaking to Udalryk, make sure Geralt is prepared to fight before lighting the torches. He can meditate to refill all potions and use repair kits to make sure his gear and armor are in tip-top shape. Hyms are considered specters, so a healthy coating of specter oil on Geralt's silver sword will help. The bestiary also notes that Hyms are vulnerable to Igni.


While the Hym does a fair bit of damage, as long as Geralt uses the proper fighting techniques, the fight should be over quickly.

Geralt and Cerys Trick the Hym


If Geralt chooses to trust Cerys, she will head back into town, asking Geralt to get a fire started before she returns.

Witcher 3-Possession-Tricky-Choice

When Cerys returns, she is clutching Udalryk's newborn son, Aki. She tells Geralt to put it in the oven! This triggers a timed dialogue choice. Geralt can decide to put the baby in the oven or give it back to Udalryk.

If Geralt puts the baby in the oven, he is forced to kill two of the guards, but the Hym is successfully tricked and banished, leaving Udalryk confused yet free of his curse. If he hands the baby back to Udalryk, Cerys' plan fails, and Geralt ends up doing things his way.


In the end, the only positive that comes from trusting Cerys is that she looks good for coming up with the idea. When Geralt does things his way, only the Hym is killed. However, it does seem as if the game is pushing Geralt to trust Cerys. Whichever route Geralt chooses, completing this mission brings him one step closer to picking the next ruler of Skellige.

The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt is available on PS5, PS4, Xbox Series X/S, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, and PC.

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