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"The Night of Long Fangs" last series of quests from The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt's final DLC, Blood & Wine. It is immediately preceded by "Capture the Castle," and cannot be interrupted once quest has been set into motion.

Depending on how the player feels toward Dettlaff, "The Night of the Long Fangs" can play out significantly different based on several important choices. Is Dettlaff a mindless beast, unable to reason? Or is he a pawn in a much larger game, undoubtedly dangerous, but ultimately a victim? These questions and many more permeate "The Night of Long Fangs," hurtling Geralt down one of two forking paths. Will Dettlaff be vindicated? Does he deserve to be? Does Geralt even care? Like so much else in The Witcher 3, Geralt will have to answer these questions himself.

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The Duchess is Angry, Very Angry


After the revelation that Syanna was responsible for blackmailing Dettlaff, the Duchess Anna Henrietta finds herself in a difficult position. She will not hand her sister over to answer for her crimes, and she seems determined not to acquiesce to any of Dettlaff's demands, consequences be damned.

Geralt and Regis are put into an impossible position, not only with the Duchess, but with each other as well. While some players may side with Regis, believing that Dettlaff is not an inherently evil being, others might take the stance that vampires are monsters, and must be dealt with as such. For Regis, not knowing which way Geralt will land on the issue is clearly a point of contention. Tensions are clearly high, and Anna Henrietta's behavior is not helping the matter.

How to Defeat the Bruxa in "The Night of Long Fangs"


While the Duchess continues one of her tirades, a mangled guard crawls up the steps to warn that the city is being attacked by vampires. As the Duchess looks out over the city, a bruxa attacks.


Though it fights with the same move set as a standard bruxa, this encounter is slightly more difficult. WIth more health and a higher damage output, this miniboss can be quite the challenge. Use the following tactics to eliminate it:

  • Apply vampire oil to Geralt's silver sword. Make sure to keep an eye on the charge count under the main health bar.
  • Use the Black Blood potion. At times, the bruxa will jump on Geralt's back and try to suck blood from his neck. Try to keep black blood active at all times during this fight as it will cause significant damage over time if she uses this attack.
  • Yrden will force the bruxa to reveal itself while invisible.
  • Moon Dust is particularly effective against vampires.

Make the Big Choice: Liberate Syanna Again or Visit The Unseen Elder


At this point in the mission, Geralt is essentially forced to choose one of two paths:

  • Bring Syanna to Dettlaff: Geralt must locate Damien and ascertain Syanna's location. He must then scale the tower and enter The Land of a Thousand Fables. This leads to "Beyond Hill and Dale"
  • Force Dettlaff Out of Hiding: Geralt must visit Orianna in hopes of being granted an audience with The Unseen Elder. This leads to "Blood Simple"

Regardless of which path Geralt chooses, he will face several lesser-vampires on his trip into town. Generally, the same tactics that apply to the bruxa will apply here, though not all vampires will turn invisible. The Main enemies to watch for are katakans, garkains, fleders, alps, and bruxae.

The Path of the Unseen Elder:


If Geralt chooses to visit the Unseen Elder, he must visit Orianna in the city center. Regis will not accompany Geralt and will therefor not help with combat. Orianna's house can be found by simply following the quest guide. It will first lead Geralt to Damien's guard post, which is easy to mistake for the proper destination. Make sure to move past the search circle and continue down the road until Geralt reaches Orianna's home.

When Geralt reaches the house, he and Orianna will have a brief conversation regarding her true nature as a vampire, and whether she will help Geralt find the Unseen Elder. Ultimately, Orianna will agree to help only if Geralt helps her first. This leads to "Blood Simple." It's important to note that taking this path will block off what is widely considered to be the 'good' ending.

Taking the Path to Free Syanna

The Witcher 3 Syanna

If Geralt chooses to go along with Regis' plan, Regis is clearly relieved. It seems very clear that Regis believes to his core that Dettlaff is not evil. Regis will accompany Geralt into town, following the quest guide to the city center.

Geralt and Regis will reach an area with several dead guards around a well. They will first have to kill a fleder before examining the blood trail that will lead them to Damien.


Following the trail will lead to another large courtyard where an alp and bruxa will be waiting. Once they are taken care of, Geralt can move to the area where Damien and his men have barricaded themselves. One last fleder must be defeated before Geralt can interact with Damien. After a brief discussion, Geralt should choose "Got a different plan." He can then convince de la Tour to reveal Syanna's location: the children's playroom in the palace.

If Geralt chooses to accompany Regis to the playroom immediately, they will instantly arrive back at the top of the hill.

Investigating the Playroom with Regis


When Geralt and Regis arrive at the top of the steps, one final fleder will attack. Once the vampire is killed, ask Regis to open the door to the tower. Once inside, continue up the stairs.

Investigate each item in the playroom, paying close attention to the following:

  • The painting on the wall. A key can be found behind the painting.
  • The Journal on the desk. Read each entry to learn about Syanna's history with the Curse of the Black Sun.
  • The Locked Cabinet: Inside sits The Land of a Thousand Fables

Opening the book will begin the process of transporting Geralt to Anna and Syanna's 'Fablesphere.' "The Night of Long Fangs" will conclude here, leading into "Beyond Hill and Dale."

The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt, and its final DLC, Blood & Wine are available now one PS5, PS4, Xbox Series X/S, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, and PC

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