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The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt is well known for providing Geralt of Rivia with a vast array of equipment to utilize on his journey. The remarkable variety on display allows players to approach their time as the White Wolf with a considerable amount of customization. While weapons play an important role in this system, it is, in fact, the various armor classes - in concert with the skill system - that have the biggest impact on play style.

The armor found in The Witcher 3 can be broken down into three distinct classes: Light, Medium, and Heavy. Each class has distinct benefits and drawbacks that can be enhanced or mitigated through various skills, random stat enhancements, and magical glyphs. Aside from weight, armor is also broken down into five color-coded rarities:

  • Common: Basic Text
  • Master: Blue
  • Magic: Yellow
  • Relic: Brown
  • Witcher: Green

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The properties of each armor piece are determined by three overall factors: Weight Class, Rarity, and Level. For example, an extremely rare, high-level item will be far more likely to have several random stat enhancements and glyph slots than a lesser version of the same item. Every armor item will have a number (armor level) that quantifies its ability to protect Geralt. Individual pieces will fit into one of four possible slots in the inventory screen: Chest, Hands, Legs, and Feet.

Light Armor In The Witcher 3


By its very nature, light armor is the least protective of the three weight classes. It makes up for low armor levels with increased stamina regeneration, allowing Geralt to use signs and stamina-based attacks more often. As its name suggests, this armor takes up the least possible amount of Geralt's carrying capacity.

Corresponding Skill: Cat School Techniques


There are three upgrades located in the general section of Geralt's skill page that correspond to armor selection. In the case of light armor, the skill is called Cat School Techniques. This is an incredibly powerful tool that provides a 25% increase to critical hit damage and 5% increase to fast attack damage for every piece of light armor equipped.

While there is no additional bonus for wearing a complete set of armor (except in the case of Grandmaster Witcher Gear), the full benefit of the witcher school techniques is only applied when each equipped armor piece is of the appropriate weight class.

Medium Armor in The Witcher 3


Medium armor provides a middle ground between light and heavy armor with moderate armor levels and stamina regeneration. Its 'best of both worlds' approach makes it the perfect choice for many of Geralt's encounters, providing enough protection to get close to enemies and enough stamina regeneration to use signs quickly. When the Griffin School Techniques skill is used to its full effect, the medium set is likely the best choice for sign-based combat.

Medium armor pieces are found in very high numbers essentially everywhere that Geralt travels. While light and heavy armors are not exactly rare, medium armor is by far the most common. Players looking to constantly switch out items as soon as something superior is found will likely find medium armor the most accommodating.

Corresponding Skill: Griffin School Techniques

This skill provides a 5% increase in both sign intensity and stamina regeneration for every piece of medium armor equipped.

Heavy Armor in The Witcher 3


Heavy armor allows Geralt to take far more damage than any other armor type. Its high armor levels allow for an up close and personal approach, though its stamina regeneration penalty makes sign usage a much slower affair. Heavy armor is also a much larger burden on Geralt's carrying capacity, making skills that boost what he can carry a necessity.

Corresponding Skill: Bear School Techniques

This skill is meant to turn Geralt into a full-on tank, increasing both strong attack damage and maximum health by 5%.

How To Use Glyphwords


The Hearts Of Stone expansion brought with it the ability to visit a special merchant known as a runewright to alter the weight properties of specific armor pieces. Only chest armor with three glyph slots can be transformed at the merchant. The runewright will first require Geralt to complete several tasks and provide an exorbitant amount of money, but once completed the rewards are immense.

If Geralt prefers the look or stat enhancements of a heavy set of armor but really likes the cat school techniques skill, he can change the weight class accordingly. There is a single runewright in the game, and he is found at the northeastern edge of the Velen/Oxenfurt map.

A Note On Mixing Armor Types

While there is nothing inherently wrong with mixing armor types in The Witcher 3, players will lose out on the full benefit of the witcher school techniques should they take this approach. On the other hand, Geralt is not restricted to only one of the techniques at a time, making it possible to get partial benefits from more than one. For example, Geralt could wear two light and two medium armor pieces and get half the total stat boost.

Ultimately The Witcher 3 is an RPG, so players can choose whichever equipment setup they think works best. There is no right or wrong way to do it.

The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt is available now on PC, Xbox One, PlayStation 4, and Nintendo Switch.

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