A gamer online has posted a funny video from The Witcher 3, which shows two hunters failing to kill a single bunny. The Witcher 3 is filled with wildlife making the world feel more realistic and alive, but how this clip plays out is comically cartoonish.

For many gamers, The Witcher 3 remains the jewel in CD Projekt Red's crown, standing tall as one of the greatest RPGs. Despite the success of The Witcher and The Witcher 2, it was the third game that truly brought the series into the mainstream, with the Netflix adaptation also doing plenty of heavy lifting in this regard. The recent next-gen upgrade for The Witcher 3 was a great way to remind players of just how great the game was, bringing it to modern consoles so even more gamers could have a chance to experience it.

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Redditor Jankmaster77 shared the funny clip, displaying two hunters firing their arrows at a single bunny. Absolutely nothing seems to be landing for the pair, who persevere regardless. Now, this could be understandable given how fast rabbits can run - but the rabbit in this clip is completely stationary, seemingly oblivious to the duo trying to murder it. This just seems to be a case of some very incompetent hunters. While The Witcher 3's next-gen update made visible improvements to NPCs, this clip would suggest that the AI portion of the game went untouched.

Given just how bad the aim of these hunters actually is, it's very likely this is just another strange Witcher 3 glitch. Given the scale of The Witcher 3, it shouldn't come as a massive shock for players to still be discovering glitches eight years after release. After all, there won't be too many players who sit and watch as hunters track and hunt rabbits - this glitch could be quite prevalent, but it makes a lot of sense that a lot of players don't notice it.

Gamers are continuing to wait patiently for any news about The Witcher 4, which has already been confirmed to be on the way at some point in the future. With CD Projekt Red currently occupied by the highly-anticipated Cyberpunk 2077 Phantom Liberty expansion, and potentially even more on the way afterward, it could be a long time before the studio is ready to talk about The Witcher 4. Considering that the wait already extends to eight years, CD Projekt Red will hopefully just take its time to get it right, avoiding another situation like Cyberpunk 2077.

The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt is available on PC, PS4, PS5, Switch, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.

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