A large part of what draws in fans to The Witcher 3 and the games before it is that the world is so richly detailed. It's a genuine epic fantasy experience, with Geralt's point of view capturing pieces of what feels like a larger, thriving world. It's only natural that fans of The Witcher 3, The Witcher books, and The Witcher television show to ponder what it might be like to be a part of that world. Case in point a recent popular post to The Witcher 3's subreddit, where fans were asked which of The Witcher's schools was their favorite.

Now at over 3,200 upvotes, the post shows an image showing the icons of six different Witcher schools and asks fans which of them is their favorite. Those schools being the School of the Wolf, Cat, Manticore, Griffin, Bear, and Viper. In-universe, each Witcher keeps a token representing their school on them, such as a necklace and pendant that Geralt wears.

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Responses to KingDingerLingZero's thread are diverse and have a lot of fun with the topic. The most upvoted response is fittingly an inside joke about joining the School of the Leshen, a fanmade school from YouTuber WitcherGeorge referring to one of The Witcher universe's most interesting monsters. The second most upvoted post is a request for a game in which players can create their own character and choose which Witcher school to have been trained in.

As for legitimate choices, the School of the Bear is easily the most popular, with the Griffin and Wolf schools following it up. Considering the Wolf school is really the only one well-represented in the Witcher's stories, it's somewhat surprising others were voted higher. But this is a community of Witcher fans, after all. They're likely drawing on a variety of sources, from out-of-text lore to how each schools' gear was balanced in The Witcher 3.

All in all, the thread reads a lot like it could have come from the Harry Potter fandom discussing which Hogwarts house to be sorted into. It's a small example of roleplaying that can be done casually, with fans imagining where they'd fit into this strange magical world. And it certainly isn't limited to just Harry Potter or The Witcher.

CD Projekt Red is hopefully taking notes from The Witcher 3's community. Character customization with systems tied to the different Witcher houses sounds like it could be a lot of fun, both for a single-player game or for a multiplayer game.

The Witcher 3 is available now PC, PS4, Switch, and Xbox One, with PS5 and Xbox Series X/S support coming later this year.

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