The player only ever encounters one Djinn in The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt, and it’s during the side quest “The Last Wish.” During this quest, Geralt will need to help Yennefer find a djinn somewhere on Skellige. She’ll claim that she wants to harness its power, but this isn’t the case.

It’s worth noting that “The Last Wish” is an optional quest. It’s also crucial in deciding who Geralt will romance in the endgame. Thus, progressing too far into the main story will cause it to fail and alter which ending the player will get in the main story of The Witcher 3.

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Malicious Air Spirits

Witcher Djinn

Djinns are elementa that harness the power of the air. Unlike other elementa, however, these air spirits have their own consciousness and personality. They’re mischievous by nature, often bordering on malevolent, and this is seen in how they grant wishes.

Djinns are capable of granting even the most ludicrous wishes. Though any person who makes a wish must phrase it carefully, as djinns can easily twist words and meanings. Through this, the air spirit ensures that the wish is granted, but in a convoluted way. For instance, if someone wishes that a person stop pestering them, the djinn may make it so that person disappears forever.

That said, getting a djinn to grant wishes is no easy feat. They are stubborn creatures and will not offer their services without a fight. According to their bestiary entry, these monsters can cast spells quicker than any trained mage. Their attunement to the air also allows them to summon powerful winds and devastating storms. Given this, forcing djinns to concede requires immense power, and only when the air spirit has been completely imprisoned will it relent.

It’s said that powerful mages can capture these elementa. Once tamed, they can then be used as wellsprings of magical power. Other mages simply capture the djinns for their wish-granting abilities. They store the creatures in bottles and use them as needed. Though, once a djinn has granted three wishes for its captor, it is freed and can return to its dimension.

The Djinn in The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt

witcher djinn

In “The Last Wish” quest, Yennefer turns to Geralt for help in tracking down a djinn specialist named Amos var Ypsis. She tells him that the knowledge might allow her to tame a djinn, which could prove useful to her and Geralt one day. Should the player agree to help, Yennefer will take them out to sea in search of Amos’ sunken ship. This will eventually lead the player to a shipwreck at the top of a mountain — likely the work of a vaguely-phrased wish.

At this point, Geralt wants to know why Yennefer is so adamant about finding a djinn, and she finally tells the truth. The sorceress explains that she wants the djinn to break the spell that binds her and Geralt together — a spell that makes them return to each other regardless of how much they split up. Yennefer wants to see if she and Geralt truly love each other, without any magical interference. Geralt goes along with her plan.

Yennefer summons Amos’ djinn and a battle ensues. Note that the djinn is one of the strongest bosses in The Witcher 3, so it’s best to make preparations beforehand. Once the player has defeated the djinn, Yennefer will trap it in a sphere. Because Amos never made a third wish, the sorceress cannot capture the air spirit. Instead, she offers it an option: Either they struggle as they are for eternity, or the djinn grants her just one wish.

The trapped djinn agrees, and Yennefer asks it to break the spell. Once it’s been lifted, she releases the elementa, and it disappears. After the battle, Geralt and Yennefer linger on the shipwreck for a while. The sorceress admits that she thought breaking the spell would change the way she felt about Geralt — but it didn’t. The player can then choose to either reciprocate Yennefer’s feelings or deny them. Regardless of what they choose, the quest will end once Geralt and Yennefer teleport away.

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Geralt’s Last Wish

Geralt and Yennefer talking in Skellige

Throughout the quest, both Geralt and Yennefer reference events from before the game. These are snapshots of Andrzej Sapkowski’s stories, most notably of the short story “The Last Wish.” It’s in this story that the spell which bound the two took root.

In the story, Geralt and Dandelion come across a sealed vase drifting across a river. Despite Geralt’s wishes, Dandelion tries to tear the seal off, but fails as Geralt pulls it away from him. The vase then falls to the ground and a red mist escapes. Dandelion, believing the mist to be a wish-granting creature, starts citing his three wishes even as Geralt cries out that he should stop. The creature doesn’t seem to listen, however, and instead strangles Dandelion, causing him to lose his voice.

Geralt fends off the monster and brings Dandelion to Rinde, where he first meets Yennefer. He asks the sorceress to help his friend regain his voice, and she agrees. Much later, however, she decides to try and capture the djinn. With his voice cured, Yennefer tells Dandelion to make his last wish, which will free the djinn and allow her to tame it. As it turns out, the djinn wasn’t granting the bard’s wishes, but Geralt’s.

Learning this, the sorceress demands that Geralt make his last wish. All the while, she’s fighting against the elementa, keeping it from escaping and destroying all of Rinde. Geralt tries to save Yennefer, arguing that she wouldn’t be able to tame the djinn and that it would kill her, but she doesn’t listen. So, to ensure her safety, Geralt makes his last wish. It’s never explicitly said in the story, but his wish likely bound his and Yennefer fates, preventing the djinn from killing the sorceress.

That was Geralt’s last wish, and the one from The Witcher 3’s quest is Yennefer’s last wish. It’s a fitting conclusion to their stormy relationship (or a new beginning, depending on what the player decides). If anything, it shows how powerful djinns’ wish-granting abilities are, and how much sway they hold over even the most skilled witchers and sorceresses.

The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt is available now on PC, PS4, Switch, and Xbox One.

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