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During its initial run on the PC, PS4, and Xbox One, The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt was applauded for having a lot of good but free DLC missions to play with. The game was the recipient of some of the best story expansions available for any title. Still, smaller-scale contracts and quests like Skellige's Most Wanted are solid byte-sized mini-stories that add even more character to the world of The Witcher 3, and they launched at no extra cost for the player.

RELATED: The Witcher 3: Where the Cat and Wolf Play Quest GuideThe outcomes in Skellige's Most Wanted quest can vary depending on Geralt's choices up to this point. Suppose Geralt has been a ruthless Witcher indiscriminately killing sentient monsters in The Missing Miner's Quest in The Witcher 3 or flat out refusing to help like the Johnny quest in Ladies of the Wood. In that case, this will affect the monster's reaction to Geralt. This guide will show players the steps Geralt can take to complete it for the best outcome.

The Skellege's Most Wanted Quest

Witcher 3 Geralt arriving Fyrsdale village
  • Ensure the Skellege's Most Wanted Quest isn't already active.
  • Geralt should be at level 29.
  • Fast travel to Fyresdal in Skellege.
Witcher 3 Fyresdal village on the map
  • If Geralt doesn't already have the contract, he can get it from the nearby noticeboard in the village.
  • Walk to the location indicated on the minimap.
  • Villagers are standing around at the location, with one calling for The Witcher's help.
Witcher 3 villagers in Fyresdal village
  • Talk to the villager calling for help.
  • He informs Geralt that he was attacked by a group of monsters called Nekkers.
Witcher 3 Geralt getting info from the villager in Fyresdal
  • After agreeing to help, Geralt heads northeast east to the location of the monster attack.
  • When Geralt arrives at the location of the so-called attack, he concludes that the dead man and his horse died of natural causes.
Witcher 3 Geralt investigating the dead villager near Fyresdal
  • What looks like a setup is confirmed when something big tries to kill Geralt with a boulder.
Witcher 3 Geralt almost getting hit with the boulder
  • Geralt needs to make his way up to the spot where the boulder was thrown to investigate.
Witcher 3 Geralt tracking the boulder throwing monster
Witcher 3 Geralt tracking the culprite to a cave
  • After walking into the cave, Geralt gets blocked in by another boulder, leaving him no choice but to venture deeper.
Witcher 3 Geralt trapped in the cave
  • Geralt will get attacked by two giant Endrega monsters, followed by a group of smaller ones and large Arachas.
Witcher 3 Geralt attacked by monsters in the cave
  • Use a combination of IGNI attacks, dodges, rolls, and fast attacks. The trick is to keep Geralt moving.
  • After killing the monsters, follow the tracks until Geralt discovers a Nekker foot that's been fashioned into a boot, creating fake monster tracks to lure Geralt in.
Witcher 3 Geralt discovers nekker boot in the cave
  • After following the tracks, Geralt discovers paintings indicating a plan to assassinate him.
Witcher 3 Geralt discovers the conspiracy to kill him
  • The trail will lead Geralt outdoors and have to fend off a Nekker attack. The monsters are only a level 12. So two or three hits should finish them off.
  • Head to the location indicated on the minimap. Then use Meditation to pass the hours until nighttime.
  • The conspirators will reveal themselves to Geralt as an ice troll, a doppler, a botchling, and a werewolf.
Witcher 3 Geralt arrives at the meeting location
  • Geralt will ask What's going on?
  • An argument will ensue between the werewolf hellbent on revenge and the other monsters.

RELATED: The Witcher 3 Contract Guide: Missing Brother

Should Geralt Fight Or Plead His Case To The Monsters?

Witcher 3 the botchling wants to let Geralt go

Geralt has two choices when it comes to dealing with the conspirators. He can choose to fight or convince them that he's helped monsters on several occasions. Choosing to fight will mean Geralt has to fight the monsters. However, by fighting and killing them, Geralt will receive less EXP. Unfortunately, for those that have taken the ruthless route in dealing with their brethren, Geralt may have no choice but to fight them.

The best-case scenario is to try and prove that Geralt is an honorable Witcher and show that he's helped monsters in the past. This way, he will only need to fight and kill the vengeful werewolf.

  • Select the option that says I've helped monsters on many occasions from the dialogue options.
  • Geralt only needs to select two good deeds in main and side quests - if the player has done any.
  • With two good deeds, the troll, botchling, and doppler will want to let Geralt go. Unfortunately, the werewolf is only intent on killing Geralt and alone if he has to.

How To Defeat The Werewolf

Witcher 3 the prepares to fight Geralt

Coat Geralt's sword in Cursed Oil. Cast Geralt's IGNI and use dodge attacks to avoid the speed of the werewolf's attacks. He will try and create some distance and regenerate. So either throw a bomb or chase him and hit him with a flurry of attacks to interrupt it.

Witcher 3 the botchling rewards Geralt

After the quest, the botchling will explain that the werewolf wasn't always like this and became bitter after the death of his wife. He will reward Geralt with Nekker-based armor. Geralt will also receive 200 EXP for completing the quest with successful negotiations.

The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt is available for PC, PS4, Switch, and Xbox One. The PS5 and Xbox Series X/S versions are set to launch on December 14, 2022.

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