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Released as one of the free 16 DLCs for The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt, The Missing Miners contract is another byte-sized murder mystery for Geralt to solve in his travels. It's an optional quest that is worth doing and has some implications for future side missions in the future.

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As with most of the quests in The Witcher 3, the Missing Miners quest is worth a player's time because it's a fun little side story and goes a long way to add to the lore of the game's world. This guide will take players through the risks, rewards, and challenges that await Geralt in the contract's mission.

The Missing Miners Guide

Witcher 3 Geralt exploring the mountains near Blandare village
  • Geralt should be at least a level 27 to complete the Missing Miners quest.
  • Check to ensure that Geralt doesn't already have the contract in his quest log.
  • If the quest isn't there, fast travel to Blandare Village in Skellege.
Blandare village location on the map
  • In Blandare, Geralt will either need to collect the contract from the notice board or meet with Gjarr, the village elder, if he already has the contract.
  • Gjarr's home is located at the top of the hill.
  • Ask Gjarr about the missing miners, and he will inform Geralt that the miners never returned from an expedition in the northern hills.
Witcher 3 Geralt meeting the village elder
  • Accept the quest and follow the map to investigate the missing miners.
  • Cyclops are roaming around this area, so expect a fight - make a run for it - if Geralt crosses their path. Even at level 21, a Cyclops can be a handful.
  • At the miner's camp, activate Geralt's Witcher senses and follow the red footprints.
Witcher 3 Geralt following the missing miner's tracks
  • Geralt will find a man's body with his ribcage smashed in. A sizeable blunt instrument caused the damage.
Witcher 3 Geralt investigating a dead miner's body
  • Continue along the path, examining clues, and Geralt will discover some broken trees.
  • Further along the path, Geralt will find the bones of a dead human and the entrance to a cave that's likely harboring a Cave Troll.
  • A quest will activate called Wham-A-Wham.
  • Explore the cave, and the Troll will attack The Witcher 3's Geralt on sight.
Witcher 3 Geralt fighting the cave troll
  • Hit the Troll a few times, and this will trigger a conversation.
  • The Troll will explain why he killed the miners, but now Geralt has to decide his fate.

Should Geralt Kill Wham-a-Wham Or Spare Him?

Witcher 3 Geralt deciding to spare or kill the cave troll

Geralt has two choices in the Missing Miner's contract. He can either spare the cave troll in The Witcher 3 or let him live. Both options have rewards and consequences. Let's take a look at what is the best outcome in the long run.

Killing The Troll

If Geralt chooses 'Won't get away with this.' This will trigger a fight with the monster. Players have no choice but to fight it, kill it, and collect the rewards. The rewards for killing the cave troll are as follows:

  • The relic steel sword Caroline.
  • The Cave troll trophy.
  • A larger reward from the village elder.

Sparing The Troll

If Geralt chooses 'I'll let this slide. They were asking for it.' He will let the cave troll live on the promise that the creature won't kill any more humans. Geralt will obtain the following rewards and consequences:

  • Two silver ores.
  • 50 crowns.
  • Reduced payment of 50 crowns from Gjarr, the village elder.

Sparing the monster is the least rewarding option for this mission. However, it can affect the 'Skellige's Most Wanted' contract, where Geralt is judged on how empathetic to monsters he's been.

With the mission complete, return to the village elder in Blandare village and inform the elder about Geralt's choices. This will complete the Missing Miner's contract in the Witcher 3.

The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt is available for PC, PS4, Switch, and Xbox One. The PS5 and Xbox Series X/S versions are set to launch on December 14, 2022.

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