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Of all the boss fights in The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt, the final fight against Eredin Bréacc Glas has got to be the most rewarding. After spending an entire journey on the back foot, bringing the fight to the Wild Hunt in such epic fashion is incredibly fulfilling. The entire fight, and the emotions it inspires, stands as a testament to the remarkable talent of CD Projekt Red and all the developers who worked on The Witcher 3.

While not the hardest fight in gaming, the encounter can be challenging if not approached with the best possible toolkit. As the final member of the Wild Hunt, fighting Eredin acts as a culmination of everything Geralt experienced fighting Nithral, Imerlith, and Caranthir. That's not to say that Eredin is simply a repeat. With a larger move set, multiple stages, and a higher intensity level, the leader of the Wild Hunt provides everything a final boss should.

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Prepare To Fight Eredin


There are several steps Geralt can take to be in the best possible position to defeat Eredin. Before even stepping in the ring, consider the best food, potions, and skills for this specific fight. This can vary considerably depending on several things, but the two most important are:

  • Geralt's Level
  • Difficulty Level

At higher difficulties, Geralt will have to put much more thought into his equipment. In some ways being under-leveled is the hardest possible difficulty, because Gerlat's damage output is drastically curtailed while damage taken is amplified. The suggested level for the overall mission, "On Thin Ice," is level 30. Sticking close to this is one of the best ways to ensure victory.

Some other key preparations to think about:

  • Ensure Geralt has refilled all potions and oils by meditating before letting Avalac'h use the Sunstone.
  • Put the best possible food in one of the quick slots. Look for 80 vitality regeneration over 10 seconds. Consider using the Gourmet skill for constant health regeneration during the fight (last for 20 minutes after eating.
  • White Raffard's Decoction grants large chunks of health instantly. Superior quality refills all health and grants 3 seconds of immunity to damage.
  • Any gear or skills that improve Igni. Given that the Wild Hunt wields the cold as a weapon, it's a safe bet this'll come in handy.
  • Tawny Owl will accelerate stamina regeneration, allowing Geralt to use signs more frequently.

Fighting Eredin, King Of The Wild Hunt - Stage I


Do not forget to use the potions, decoctions, and gear that Geralt prepared before the fight! It is easy to get distracted in the heat of battle, but these tools can mean the difference between victory and defeat!

The fight with Eredin first begins on the Naglfar, the storied ship of the Wild Hunt. This first section is fairly straightforward, with Eredin relying on only a handful of moves. The big move here is his teleportation:

  • Eredin will attempt to teleport behind Geralt. He'll leave with a flash and when he returns he is covered in a protective ice coating.
  • Burning the ice with Igni will remove it until Eredin teleports again.
  • Eredin will attempt to stagger Geralt the moment he teleports in. Be sure to roll out of the way as soon as the see the flash indicating his return.

This fight is definitely about waiting for the right moment to strike. Using Igni to stagger, waiting until the end of Eredin's combos - these are the best times to attack in stage one. While countering is technically possible on some of Eredin's attacks, doing so incorrectly will have dire consequences for the fight.

Once Eredin loses 25% of his health, he will grab Geralt and drag him into a portal. This marks the end of Stage I.

Fighting Eredin, King Of The Wild Hunt - Stage II


The second stage of the fight sees Eredin unleash his magical abilities, focusing them directly at Geralt. Once the two come out of the portal, the arena becomes considerably larger. Aside from his usual teleportation attacks, Eredin has several new magical attacks in this stage.

Magic Light Attacks:


Eredin uses his sword to launch-based three light attacks towards Geralt. The number of light trails that come out increases with each attack. As long as Geralt sees them coming, these attacks can be dodged fairly easily.

AOE Attacks:


Eredin has two main Area of Effect attacks that Geralt must avoid. The first sees Eredin plant his sword in the ground to raise small, crackling points of light that expand into dangerous domes.


The second is a meteorite attack that falls from the sky and causes explosions. The exact location of each is indicated by a small patch of light on the ground. Eredin will go to the outer edge of the arena to call this in and can be interrupted by attacking him.

Eredin will continue to mix these magical attacks in with his attempts to teleport behind Geralt. Remain patient, dodge or roll away from his attacks and the fight will go fine.

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Finishing The Fight With Eredin


Once Geralt has brought Eredin's health down significantly, he will attempt to escape through the same type portal that he brought Geralt in through. The door will remain open for Geralt to follow.

The White Wolf and The King of the Wild Hunt return to the Naglfar to close out their duel. Eredin's health can be extremely low at this point, sometimes only needing very little damage to fall. Use the same tactics as the previous two stages and Geralt will prevail. When Eredin is down to a sliver of health, the game will take over and play out the final cutscene between the two bitter enemies.

The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt is available for PS4, Xbox One, Switch, and PC. The next-gen update for PS5 and Xbox Series X/S.

More: The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt Next-Gen Update Review