With only three episodes left in season 1 of The Winchesters, the stakes are higher than ever before and the core four will have a lot of damage to undo if they’re going to stop the Akrida from destroying the world. John is going to jail, Carlos and Lata finally found the Akrida queen hideout, and episode 10 just perfectly set the stage to fix the show’s biggest canonical problem.

Supernatural claims that the Men of Letters were disbanded around the time Henry Winchester became a member, and everyone was killed by the demon Abaddon. According to episode 10 of The Winchesters, the original Men of Letters were still disbanded via murder when Henry Winchester was part of the secret society, but Jack Wilcox claims they were killed by the Akrida.

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The Akrida are currently hunting for who they call their queen, and Abaddon frequently referred to herself as the Queen of Hell throughout the duration of her time on Supernatural. The Akrida are also trying to unearth their queen from underground, quite possibly from the depths of Hell where Abaddon resides. Plus, Akrida are able to possess humans and take them as vessels, a power demons are also known to possess, so perhaps Abaddon isn’t just a Knight of Hell, but has been the leader of the Akrida all along.


Running with this storyline would be a great way to keep the original Supernatural canon intact and fans of the original show would surely love to see Abaddon resurface in the prequel series. The Akrida also gathered together for a meeting in episode 10 with plans to take out Jensen Ackles’ Dean Winchester, who is supposedly responsible for bringing John, Mary, Carlos and Lata together in the 70s.

Abaddon and Dean have a long, tense history in the Supernatural series, and questions of how Dean wound up in the past are still currently unanswered. Perhaps everything is connected to the 8th and 9th season of Supernatural, when tensions between Abaddon and Dean were at their highest, and this is part of Dean’s plan to stop Abaddon from taking control of both Earth and Hell.

Lata also revealed her ability to erase people’s memories, which could be a major piece of foreshadowing for the future. As Supernatural fans know, John supposedly has no idea that monsters and hunting exist when Dean visits his family in the past during Season 4. The fact that John has been hunting with Mary in The Winchesters is the biggest canon discrepancy of the expanding SPN universe, but Lata’s revelation might be the key to realigning with the original canon.


Mary is clearly still hoping to live a normal life, as seen by her decision to apply for college in episode 10. Right now, John seems to want that for her, but Supernatural fans know John is dangerously obsessed with the hunting lifestyle. Depending on how the rest of the series plays out, there’s a chance that Mary will want to move on while John continues to pursue a life of killing monsters.

The pair obviously want to be together, and they even expressed their desire this week never to be selfish in love, like Jack when it came to his wife Dorothea. The key to the young couple building a life together might be using Lata’s mind-erasing powers on John and would also explain why John is oblivious to the existence of the Winchester/Campbell family business when Dean visits them in season 4 of Supernatural.

Regardless of what might happen in the future, the confirmed events of episode 10 still set up a great story for the rest of season 1. The return of Roxy was a pleasant surprise, and getting to know her as herself, rather than the possessed radio host introduced in the first half of the season, holds a lot of promise.


Roxy is clearly a resilient, strong woman who isn’t afraid to do what’s right. Like a lot of hunters in the SPN universe, Roxy learned about monsters the hard way, but she still decided to keep her traumatic memories and even asked Carlos and Lata to let her know what happens with the Akrida queen.

Roxy has all the makings of a great hunter and has already proven herself to be an invaluable ally for the core four. Keeping her character involved in the story even after she got rid of the Akrida possessing her was a nice choice on the writer’s part, and she’d make an excellent addition to the team.

Based on how things ended this week, it’s clear the gang could use all the help they could possibly get now that Kyle has just framed John for murder. With John indisposed, the gang will have to put their Akrida takedown on hold so that they can clear his name, which hopefully means Ada will be coming back to lend a hand, since she’s been absent for quite a while now.

But as far as episode 10 goes, it was the perfect setup for the end of an incredible season.

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