It's no surprise that The Walking Dead lasted 11 seasons, the beloved series was a big success for AMC. It was more than a horror show with zombies, it dealt with love triangles, captivating characters, and everyday struggles with human survival. With the series being over, this gave AMC the chance to focus on some of the fan-favorite characters.

The popular apocalyptic series has a total of 6 spinoff series. Some intersect with one another while others don't and give new characters a chance to shine and show off their own survival techniques. However, the most anticipated ones will feature the original characters. Of course, they are all on different journeys but nonetheless, fans are excited to see their favorite actors reprise their roles. The most anticipated spinoff, The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon, will obviously be centered around Daryl but this time in France. However, everyone had a life before the zombies emerged, so what did Daryl do before the apocalypse?

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With the crossbow expert not actually being a character in the original comic books series, he was still able to capture the hearts of many viewers leading him to have a massive fan base. With fan-favorite characters dropping left and right, many tuned in every Sunday night to make sure Daryl wasn't the one to go. Of course, there were many close calls, and even times when he had to be saved by the fearless survivor group. Since Dixon wasn't originally in the comics the show had to create his backstory from scratch leaving many questions.

Who Is Daryl Dixon In The Walking Dead?

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In The Walking Dead universe, Daryl is a superhero, and just like all superheroes, they are loved by all. In the beginning of the series the motorcycle drifter, was just that, roaming the apocalyptic world with his problematic brother, the two were literally thick as thieves. That is until Daryl meets Rick, and though, when they meet they were very much at odds with one another, luckily, the two settle their differences in order to help their newly formed family survive. The journey isn't easy for Daryl, he's done stuff he should have never had to do such as, kill his own brother after he's turned into Walker. Through all the ugly he still chooses to do anything to protect those he cares for, of course that also comes with internal struggles of staying close with those he loves.

Daryl is a skilled hunter and provides for his survivor group, not only does he provide in terms of food, but he is there emotionally as well. He comforted Carol when she tragically lost her daughter to the Walkers, he bottle-fed Judith and cared for Carl when Rick couldn't emotionally handle the loss of his wife Lori. Throughout the show, enemies are quick to find his love for his friends as a weakness, but for Daryl, that's his biggest strength because he and his crossbow will stop at nothing when their lives are threatened. As the series continues, Daryl's character really flourishes from the angsty drifter who would carry the ears of walkers that he killed around his neck to a leader. No one's perfect, not even superheroes, but when it's time to step up and take action, Daryl is the man for the job.

What Did Daryl Do Before The Apocalypse?

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Of course, the burning question is what did Daryl do before the apocalypse? Viewers learn though out the series that Daryl had a troubled childhood. He grew up in the mountains of Georgia, with an abusive father, a neglectful mother, and a not-so-great brother. While Merle would do anything for Daryl he was often so narrow-minded that it was mostly Merle's way or the highway, leaving Daryl to always fend for himself.

Daryl would travel from place to place, mostly without food or shelter, forcing him to figure out how to adapt and survive. Before the apocalypse Daryl really struggled to find his purpose in this tragic life, meanwhile his brother fell into a drug addiction. Even before the world turned upside down he really was on his own his entire life. Daryl was a different person, emotionally, he was closed off, angry at the world, and a loner. His own personal journey from being a loner to finding his chosen family provides a comfort for fans of the survivalist.

Will Daryl Dixon reveal more about Daryl's life before the Walking Dead?

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It's no surprise that fans adore the tough and rugged Daryl, with his own spinoff on the way, there are hopes that we will learn more about Daryl. From the looks of the official trailer, Daryl has to figure out and tell his own story of how he washed up on the shores of France. Audiences would hope that this will give more insight to the life Daryl lived before the zombie outbreak. Daryl's journey throughout The Walking Dead wasn't an easy road, but it seems as if he might make another close connection to someone that might remind him of Judith and Carl in the new series. While Daryl did soften up during the series, audiences saw a turn at the end of the show, when he thought he lost Rick, he went back to being closed off.

Daryl's likability and character development has allowed for this spinoff to happen. From the looks of it, it seems pretty action packed and there's the possibility of even more cool weapons for the zombie slayer. Since Dixon is a favorite, fans are concerned that this spinoff will be nothing but the same ol' story. However, with promises from director Greg Nicotero that this series will be different and not the same story as The Walking Dead many are hopeful that they will have something to look forward to every week. This is a chance for the series to really make fans appreciate Daryl even more, and to get to know him better.

The Walking Dead captured the hearts of many. Much like many popular series, it gained a huge fan base that consisted of fans getting together to tune in every week to see what the survivors were up to. Many saw their favorite characters get killed off but because of how fleshed out each character was, there were plenty of other stories to follow. Then again not every spinoff would be a hit but the following Daryl Dixon brings, there are hopes this will be an exciting spinoff. As people continue to wonder who Daryl Dixon is, one thing fans know for sure; Daryl Dixon is a survivor, a hero, a brother, a friend and most of all loyal to those he cares for.

The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon will premiere September 10th on AMC and AMC+.

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